Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
I really liked X-Infernus, and her in it.
But because of that I think of her as a villain mainly, so I doubt I'd vote for her here.
That's why I attacked Smart Alec early on because he was mainly a villain. As for Witchfire I liked the arc they did where Manikin helped her tell her father to F off, and plus I found the drawings of her very attractive in said arc, but outside of that I'm not that invested in her. The Beta I was most into was Goblyn, but that was more for what she could have been instead of what she was. I found it a little bit insulting that somehow PathWay learned to speak, despite her form of autism being the kind where they actually have a lifelong mental misfire that makes them unable to speak, yet Goblyn who I remind you is indeed a human being who to my knowledge is not autistic never gets beyond barking like a dog. I can understand her not when when first meet her as she has spent most of her time in dream world, so she never had someone to teach her English, but you'd think after being in Department H for a while someone who have thought to try to teach her.