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Thread: Original Alpha Flight

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  1. #11
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
    Garry/Al-Fan's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    The Washington DC area

    Default I'd rather come up with a storyline I know I'd like

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I think that was more a metaphor and a traditional super-hero splash page than a direct nod to any sanctioning.
    (me, too. G/A-F)

    They were back working for the Government in Red Hulk:Mayan Rule (which is set straight after Vol.4), and then in Amazing X-Men:World War Wendigo. Also, they were free to go to the US to attend Northstar & Kyle's wedding in between the above two storylines.

    Chances are they were exonerated.

    However... to play devil's advocate - the Government did restart Omega Flight and send them to deal with the Garden Origin Site infestation in Avengers, rather than Alpha Flight....
    FULL DISCLOSURE: I do not have Red Hulk: Mayan Rule, Amazing X-Men: World War Wendigo, or Northstar & Kyle's wedding.
    Even if I had the money, if Alpha Flight volume 4 couldn't bother to tell what happened to 1 Wendigo(, Ranark, and an adamantium terrorist), why should I think that there's going to be a resolution with a whole army of Wendigoes?

    Whenever a new AF series comes out, there's a big frenzy to buy lots and lots of copies so it will sell well and be popular and give the characters lots of exposure and show MARVEL that AF has a solid group of supporters. And then, when the readers who actually care about the group cut back from buying umpteen copies of the same thing, the powers that be claim that the readership is dwindling, that AF doesn't have devoted supports, and the team isn't viable. I'm tired of playing that game.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:30 PM.

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