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Thread: Article: The Future Of Alpha Flight?

  1. #46


    From a personal point of view, I just really want to see Anka draw some Alpha Flight!
    I loved his Puck redesign in UXF.

  2. #47


    Sounds like they may use some, but we shall see

  3. #48
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    I have a bad feeling about this. Every time they've been vague regarding AF details in the past it ended up being a disappointment. Hopefully, I'm wrong.

  4. #49
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Why isn't Hope Nicholson on this forum?

  5. 10-22-2015

  6. #50

  7. #51
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That was unhelpful.

    The response tells us nothing, except that they want us to buy their new series.
    The problem is, if we start investing money in it in the hope of seeing Alpha Flight, and don't get them, it will only cause resentment.

    It also sets a precedent for them to keep saying 'wait another couple of issues, and you'll be pleasantly surprised' and string us along until we've bought 20 issues just for Alpha Flight, and still not seen them. Again, building resentment.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."
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    Last edited by Le Messor; 10-22-2015 at 03:28 PM.

  8. #52
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Marvel isn't getting one cent of my money unless the characters I knew as Alpha Flight exist in this ANAD Universe, and are written better than in the past. I'm not shelling out cash just to see a faux Alpha Flight, or to watch my favourite characters used as punching bags again so a headline character can look good.

  9. #53
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Legerd, I don't blame you.

    Right now, I'm tempted to take Captain Marvel off my standing order until I know it's the real Alpha Flight in there.

    Marvel is getting my money for things that don't claim to be Alpha Flight, though. Squirrel Girl! The new Nova. I've got hopes for the ANAD Avengers.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Constantly choose rather to want less, than to have more."
    ~ Thomas a'Kempis

  10. #54


    The thing is, nowhere have Marvel promised us the Alpha Flight we know & they're under no obligation to.

    A lot of the issue here is that the age we're living in the information creeps out early, such as at the con panel and through twitter, and then our excitement gets built up for no reason. Which I'm probably partly to blame for here.

    Back when there were no conventions or recorded panels, twitter or advanced solicitations we'd have found out as a surprise when we opened Captain Marvel #1 and part of me misses that.

    The Previews ordering for Captain Marvel hasn't even begun yet, and the final cut-off for ordering #1 is December 21st.

    I still think they're being very mysterious on purpose and that we'll find out one way or another before then.

    Possibly even next week in this.

  11. #55
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Back when there were no conventions or recorded panels, twitter or advanced solicitations we'd have found out as a surprise when we opened Captain Marvel #1 and part of me misses that.
    Me, too. On the plus side, it means I'm not going to skip a comic only to find out years later that it had the full team in it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    The thing is, nowhere have Marvel promised us the Alpha Flight we know & they're under no obligation to.
    True, but what they have done is put something called Alpha Flight in Captain Marvel, and advertised (through the solicits) that Alpha Flight is showing up in the upcoming book, only to let it slowly leak out that it might be no more our Alpha Flight (which Marvel, and only Marvel hold the rights to) than the Alpha Flight in Babylon 5.

    It's a tease. A deliberate one aimed at getting money out of hopeful Alpha Flight fans - perhaps (we still don't know!) for no good reason. Given how we (and the team) have been treated by Marvel in the past, it's in poor taste if it isn't the real Flight.

    You're right that they're under no obligation to ever print our Alpha Flight again, solo or in somebody else's book.
    But by the same token, none of us are under any obligation to give them another cent for any other book (which I'll keep doing, but Legerd has promised not to), nor are we under obligation to have any good feelings towards them.

    All that said, it could still be our Alpha Flight in there in their full glory. I'd love it if it was and they were well-written.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training."
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  12. #56


    Naming the A-Force story in Avengers #0 'Captain Marvel & Alpha Flight in' is the bit that confused me and came out of nowhere.
    Yet, Had there not been a (non-Marvel organised) panel at a convention that would have been the first we'd have ever known of it.

    The solicits were only released 3 days ago so for no further information to have been released isn't too surprising.

    It's not despair point just yet, but I definitely agree that people's money are definitely their own priorities - the reason I try and grab news and reviews so early is to stop people from buying things that aren't what they expect.

  13. #57
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    It's not despair point just yet...
    True, and I've been trying to keep enforcing that in my posts. It just looks like despair-time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Naming the A-Force story in Avengers #0 'Captain Marvel & Alpha Flight in' is the bit that confused me and came out of nowhere. Yet, Had there not been a (non-Marvel organised) panel at a convention that would have been the first we'd have ever known of it...
    Also true - but ultimately all it means is: if Marvel had released this information on their own time, we'd have had a couple less weeks of tease / ambiguity / worry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    the reason I try and grab news and reviews so early is to stop people from buying things that aren't what they expect.
    And I thank you for it!

    (In the back of my head, I keep wondering if you know more than you're allowed to tell, and it's good news. I'll have to wait and see, obvs.)

    ~ Le Messor
    "I'm not worried... I'm concerned. That's not the same thing."
    ~ The Kid, The Princess Bride

  14. #58


    And more of a non-answer:

    Then we'll wrap for now with Legend, who asks, "Hey Axel, could you please provide some details on what Alpha Flight is going to look like in the ANAD Marvel U?" To chime in, there're a big part of the January-debuting "Captain Marvel," correct?

    You'll get your first glimpse of the Alpha Flight in "Captain Marvel" #1.

    The 'the' worries me...

  15. #59


    Interesting to see so many people asking questions about the team. I could see a few members appearing but won't be our classic team.

  16. #60


    I'm pretty sure that's our Legerd

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