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Thread: Word on the street

  1. #16


    Captain Britain & The Mighty Defenders (Alan Davis art)

    Now that we've seen a lot more than 9 additional books the chance/hope of an AF book has been reignited...

  2. #17


    Really some random books, and is the bottom character Prowler? (to lazy to read article)

  3. #18


    Anything that gives hope is good. For now.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  4. #19
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    (Alan Davis art)
    That's got me interested!

  5. #20

  6. #21


    I didn't link this one when it was announced 10 days ago, for some reason:

    1602: Witch Hunter Angela

  7. #22

  8. #23


    Honestly I don't think anyone could have predicted these titles. So random

  9. #24

  10. #25


    I doubt we will. Especially if 3 members have apparently joined "A-Force"

    we shall see, but not optimistic haha

  11. #26


    I don't think they've joined it per se; they'll just be in the female-agent pool to choose from ala the Mission: Impossible TV Series.

    I'd also settle for an alternate reality 'Flight like all these other titles.

  12. #27


    Bleeding Cool points out that Red Skull was one of a number of recently trademarked titles that included Northstar as we reported here

    Does this mean we will actually get a Northstar series?

  13. #28


    I really could see them giving him a mini, but I doubt alpha flight would appear only through flashbacks I imagine.

    I did like his alpha flight reference in the last amazing x-men, but it seems writer are trying to distance him from that era and have him solely an x-man

  14. #29


    Quite probably, but even solely as an X-Man I'd buy a Northstar series.

  15. #30


    Same here. Guess now it's the waiting game

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