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Thread: Jl - tfp

  1. #1

    Default Jl - tfp

    Anybody care to share their thoughts on the "Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox" DVD?

    I just saw it (like, finished it less than an hour ago).

    For me, stories like these are like reading those old Marvel What If comics (full disclosure; i think i only read about three issues of that series), in that everything gets completely changed, but you know at the end of everything it is all going to be back the way it was (mainly because it never WAS any different).

    I found this story (more disclosure; this was probably a comic as well, but if so, never read it. Was never much of a Flash fan) to be believable, in a comics sort of way. Powerful leaders of their own peoples become overcome by their own power and lusts. Small guy tries to make his own life right with one small change, ruins everything for everyone. One small death leads to a dark and brooding vengeful drunk hero, plus a psychotic wife villain. All, within the realm of comics, totally believable. Super powered war annihilates Earth - yup, sounds about right!

    Seriously, there were some great lines in here, and some great characters. I didn't expect to like it, and was surprised to find that instead, I loved it!

    And there were more than a few mouth open, jaw dropping moments for me, where i stared at the screen and breathed out softly, "no...way...!..."

    I would recommend it. To people like me. Because I liked it. Doesn't mean you will, just means you and i may be different.

    Considering that this was likely an old story, it was a breath of fresh air to me. Very dark at times, but tastily dark. Feel, that is, more than colours, although for some people it definitely won't have enough brightness of colour to it. But I thought it was well written, and well presented. It didn't try to over-explain itself, it treated the viewer like an adult, but still allowed you to be overcome by the amazement of it all and lap it up like a little kid.

    Best thing on straight-to-dvd by DC in a long time, IMHO. (Full disclosure - HUGE fan of Young Justice on DVD, as well as Teen Titans).

    Enjoyable, or not? What say you?
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  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I haven't seen it, but please note that Flashpoint was the crossover that launched the Nu52.
    Could be the same story you saw - it was about parallel realities.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Listen, three-eyes, don't try to out-weird me; I get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal."
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  3. #3
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    I liked it, especially the reveal about who was behind it all. I was a Flash fan when I was young, and seeing him as the central figure in the story was cool. It's nice when one of the big companies decides they can afford to take a risk, and create a story around a character other than one of their marquee ones. And yes, i know Flash is a member of the JL, but Barry Allen hasn't had a lot of love for awhile now so I think I'm safe saying that.

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