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Thread: Article: Guardian & Sasquatch Added To Marvel Super Hero Squad: Hero Up! Game

  1. #1

    Default Article: Guardian & Sasquatch Added To Marvel Super Hero Squad: Hero Up! Game

  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Awww... they are so cute!

    ~ Le Messor
    "Jake liked his women the way he liked his kiwi fruit: sweet yet tart, firm-fleshed yet yielding to the touch, and covered with short brown fuzzy hair. They said I could have any kind of woman I wanted, so I asked for brown hair, long legs, and really horny. They brought me a moose."
    ~ Steve Martin

  3. #3


    Nice, and the promotional art they are with some big name characters.

  4. #4


    That's awesome. Anybody playing the game?

  5. #5


    Let's hope they get added to the new Marvel Heroes mmo too!

  6. #6


    With the amount of people that'll want to play the game I imagine they'll need to at some point, even if not straight away.

    I'm still hoping they get added to the Facebook Avengers Alliance game too. Not that I play that, but it'll get the characters out to the general population.

  7. #7
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I know two different people who play FAA. I'll know as soon as they add an Alphan.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Jones' Motto: Friends come and go but enemies accumulate."

  8. #8


    I've just come across a nice little video of Guardian's gameplay:

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I've just come across a nice little video of Guardian's gameplay:


    Not very serious, is it. In fact, more than a little insulting.
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  10. #10


    Not seeing the insult. Seems like a kick ass character to me. I don't play the game tho. Lots of blasting! Get blasting Guardian!!

    The maple syrup offended you?

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post

    Not very serious, is it. In fact, more than a little insulting.
    The game itself is not too serious. It is geared more for kids than adults. It would have been better if he actually used Puck instead of a hockey puck for that move (I can just see a small Judd letting out an "I WANNA BE IN ALPHA FLIGHT!" as Guardian smacks him with the stick into the net).

  12. #12


    "The Guardian"

    "Alpha team"

    Yes, and the pancakes. And the puck and hockey stick.

    Sorry, but i do find stereotypes of that nature to be more than a little insulting. It's not meant to be funny, so much as meant to be funny at the expense of a nation full of people. Maybe do a little research about the peoples of Canada, instead of just relying on the two or three things you read somewhere on the internet about Canadians in some funny blog somewhere? That'd be my advise for the people who put this game together, as well as to the fellow (who clearly knows next to nothing about Alpha Flight) who did the youtube video.
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  13. #13


    Granted the youtube commentator/video maker knows nothing about AF and isn't great but I uploaded it more for the gameplay.
    All the characters are silly in the game itself, so it's not just bias against Canada.

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