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Thread: New pages?

  1. #16


    Nope they were killed

    Also yeah they worked for Department H, and were killed by Wolverine. We wont see them again

    Also yeah Depatment H run Omega Flight.

  2. #17


    |debut=Wolverine #313 (Vol.2)
    |past_affiliations=[[Department H]]
    |hair=Unknown (bald)
    Little is known of Bayonet, but many years before [[Alpha Flight]] was formed and [[Wolverine]] joined the [[Weapon X program], he along with [[Black Wolf]], [[Savage]], and [[Electrode]] formerly worked for [[Department H]] and were tasked to protect the [[Weapon X facility]]. One day, Wolverine, [[Romulus]], [[Remus]] and [[Sabretooth]] arrived at the facility hoping to join Weapon X and use Wolverine’s DNA to create an empire. They were greeted by the team ledby Black Wolf, but under Romulus’ orders Wolverine quickly killed them. The sword Wolverine used was then given to Remus in case he didn’t survive the Weapon X process. Department H deemed what happened to Bayonet and the rest of the team classified and Wolverine only recently regained the memories of slaying them during a battle many years later with Romulus.

    Little is known of Bayonet’s abilities, but he appeared to have metal blades for hands. Whether or not he could control then like [[Flex]] is unknown.

    |character_name=Black Wolf
    |debut=Wolverine #313 (Vol.2)
    |past_affiliations=[[Department H]]
    |hair=Black (fur)
    Little is known of Black Wolf, but many years before [[Alpha Flight]] was formed and [[Wolverine]] joined the [[Weapon X program], he along with[[Electrode]], [[Savage]], and [[Bayonet]] formerly worked for [[Department H]]and were tasked to protect the [[Weapon X facility]]. One day, Wolverine, [[Romulus]], [[Remus]] and [[Sabretooth]] arrived at the facility hoping to join Weapon X and use Wolverine’s DNA to create an empire. They were greeted bythe team led by Black Wolf, but under Romulus’ orders Wolverine quickly killed them. The sword Wolverine used was then given to Remus in case he didn’t survive the Weapon X process. Department H deemed what happened to Black Wolf and the rest of the team classified and Wolverine only recently regained the memories of slaying them during a battle many years later with Romulus.

    Little is known of Black Wolf’s abilities, but he appears to be a wolf/humanhybrid

    |debut=Wolverine #313 (Vol.2)
    |past_affiliations=[[Department H]]
    Little is known of Electrode, but many years before [[Alpha Flight]] was formed and [[Wolverine]] joined the [[Weapon X program], he along with [[Black Wolf]], [[Savage]], and [[Bayonet]] formerly worked for [[Department H]] and were tasked to protect the [[Weapon X facility]]. One day, Wolverine, [[Romulus]], [[Remus]] and [[Sabretooth]] arrived at the facility hoping to join Weapon Xand use Wolverine’s DNA to create an empire. They were greeted by the team ledby Black Wolf, but under Romulus’ orders Wolverine quickly killed them. The sword Wolverine used was then given to Remus in case he didn’t survive the Weapon X process. Department H deemed what happened to Electrode and the rest of the team classified and Wolverine only recently regained the memories of slaying them during a battle many years later with Romulus.

    Little is known of Electrode’s abilities, but he appeared to have a weapon thatgenerated electric bolts.

    |debut=Wolverine #313 (Vol.2)
    |past_affiliations=[[Department H]]
    Little is known of Savage, but many years before [[Alpha Flight]] was formed and [[Wolverine]] joined the [[Weapon X program], he along with [[Electrode]], [[Black Wolf]], and [[Bayonet]] formerly worked for [[Department H]] and were tasked to protect the [[Weapon X facility]]. One day, Wolverine, [[Romulus]], [[Remus]] and [[Sabretooth]] arrived at the facility hoping to join Weapon X and use Wolverine’s DNA to create an empire. They were greeted by the team led by Black Wolf and under Romulus’ command, Wolverine quickly killed them. The sword Wolverine used was then given to Remus in case he didn’t survive the Weapon X process. Department H deemed what happened to Savage and the rest of the team classified and Wolverine only recently regained the memories of slaying them during a battle many years later with Romulus.

    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-01-2013 at 12:08 AM.

  3. #18


    |real_name=Malcolm Monroe
    |debut=Secret Warriors #24 (Vol.1)
    |affiliations=[[Grey Team]]
    |relatives=[[Flashback]] (Father), unknown mother, Jenny Monroe [Sister -Deceased]
    Little is known of the Monroe siblings, but when [[Fury Nick|Nick Fury]] left his command at [[S.H.I.E.L.D.]] he went underground assembling a team of [[Secret Warriors]], which he would use to wage war which he believed that needed to be fought. Several teams were created including the [[Grey Team]] led by Nick Fury’s son, [[Fury Mikel|Mikel]]. Mikel ventured to Calgary to persuade the Monroe’s to join and were initially hesitant of the idea. However, given the opportunity to erase any past crimes the two ultimately agreed.

    The Grey Team’s mission was to neutralize the cold war soviet espionage organization, Leviathan and ultimately was tasked to take out the last remaining stronghold under Gorgon, which was located deep in the Indian Ocean. During the mission the team successfully prepped the super structure for detonation, but all escape routes were cut off. In order to ensure the parasites didn’t take control of them and stop their mission, Mikel was forced to detonate the charges while the team was still inside killing them all. Sometime later, Nick Fury visits the grave site of his fallen team and was overcome with grief.

    Malcolm has the same power as his father, which allows him to pull future versions of himself into the present. Once they have been temporally displaced, they are under his control, wearing a reversely coloured costume from his own.

    |real_name=Jenny Monroe
    |debut=Secret Warriors #24 (Vol.1)
    |affiliations=[[Grey Team]]
    |relatives=[[Flashback]] (Father), unknown mother, Malcolm Monroe [Brother -Deceased]
    Little is known of the Monroe siblings, but when [[Fury Nick|Nick Fury]] left his command at [[S.H.I.E.L.D.]] he went underground assembling a team of [[Secret Warriors]], which he would use to wage war which he believed that needed to be fought. Several teams were created including the [[Grey Team]] led by Nick Fury’s son, [[Fury Mikel|Mikel]]. Mikel ventured to Calgary to persuade the Monroe’s to join and were initially hesitant of the idea. However, given the opportunity to erase any past crimes the two ultimately agreed.

    The Grey Team’s mission was to neutralize the cold war soviet espionage organization, Leviathan and ultimately was tasked to take out the last remaining stronghold under Gorgon, which was located deep in the Indian Ocean. During the mission the team successfully prepped the super structure for detonation, but all escape routes were cut off. In order to ensure the parasites didn’t take control of them and stop their mission, Mikel was forced to detonate the charges while the team was still inside killing them all. Sometime later, Nick Fury visits the grave site of his fallen team and was overcome with grief.

    Jenny has the same power as his father, which allows her to pull future versions of herself into the present. Once they have been temporally displaced, they are under her control, wearing a reversely coloured costume from her own.
    Last edited by -K-M-; 04-30-2013 at 11:53 PM.

  4. #19


    Wild Child (House of M)

    |character_name=Wild Child
    Kyle Gibney
    |debut= Hulk - Broken Worlds #1
    |weight=135 lbs
    Wanda Maximoff, the [[Scarlet Witch]] lost control of her reality-altering powers and replaced reality with a world in which mutants ruled, a society in which normal humans – called “Sapiens” – are the oppressed minority as they were viewed as an evolutionary dead end. In this reality, the kingdom is ruled under [[Magneto (House of M)|Magneto’s]] House of M, and those who opposed his rule were removed. After gaining a level of peace, Hulk rose against Mangeto’s reach and became the leader of Australia. Humans wishing to flee from the prosecution from mutant kind arrived on the shores of Australia, which included [[Talbot Glen (House of M)|Glen Talbot]] and [[Talbot Betty (House of M)|Betty Talbot]] (Betty Ross), Hulk’s former lover. After Hulk escorted Betty away,Glen took refuge at [[PunnyVille (House of M)|PunnyVille]], where he encountered Wild Child, [[Arclight (House of M)|Arclight]] and [[Mentallo (House of M)|Mentallo]]. In Glen’s possession he had the last remaining prototype of a super-power suppressing inhibitor collar which he wished to put intoproduction. Little did he know, but the trio were undercover for Magneto’s [[Red Guard]], who in reality were ordered to take out the Talbots. However, upon seeing the collar they took the opportunity to use it in a plan to take out the Hulk. Mentallo using his abilities persuaded Glen to assist in ambushing Hulk in his home, where Wild Child placed the collar on Hulk. However, in the ensuing battle Betty was struck down by one of Arclight’s blast causing Hulk to overpower the collar in his grief and rage quickly defeating the trio. The current whereabouts of Wild Child are unknown.

    The full extent of his powers were never stated


    Diamond Lil (House of M)

    |character_name=Diamond Lil
    Lillian (Crawley) Jefferies
    |debut= House of M: Masters of Evil #4
    |affiliations=[[Red Guard]]
    Wanda Maximoff, the [[Scarlet Witch]] lost control of her reality-altering powers and replaced reality with a world in which mutants ruled, a society in which normal humans – called “Sapiens” – are the oppressed minority as they were viewed as an evolutionary dead end. In this reality, the kingdom is ruled under [[Magneto (House of M)|Magneto’s]] House of M, and those who opposed his rule were removed. In this new reality, Magneto placed the Jeffries brothers in control of Santo Rico, but the [[Hood (House of M)|Hood]] and his [[Master’s of Evil (House of M)|Master’s of Evil]] tore down the regime and established themselves as the country’s new leaders. Although they were guided by avarice rather than altruism, their actions sent out an effective message to the Sapien masses – Magneto was not invincible. However, someone as powerful as Magneto would not stand for being replaced for long. As expected Magneto sent in his forces including his [[Red Guard]], which Diamond Lil was a member of to regain control of Santo Rico. Ordered to kill, she and the rest of the team clashed with the Hood’s forces and all but [[Titantia (House of M)|Titantia]] from Hood’s army was killed. It is currently unknown what happened to Lil during thebattle

    Diamond Lil's body is shielded in a bio-aura, effectively giving her"diamond hard" skin and hair. She also possesses superhuman strength,the exact limits of which have not been explored.


    Lionel Jeffries (House of M)

    |real_name=Lionel Jeffries
    |debut= House of M: Masters of Evil #3
    |relatives=[[BOX (House of M)|Madison Jeffries]] (Brother – Deceased)
    |weight=180 lbs
    |eyes=Blue, (Red when using powers)
    Wanda Maximoff, the [[Scarlet Witch]] lost control of her reality-altering powers and replaced reality with a world in which mutants ruled, a society in which normal humans – called “Sapiens” – are the oppressed minority as they were viewed as an evolutionary dead end. In this reality, the kingdom is ruled under [[Magneto (House of M)|Magneto’s]] House of M, and those who opposed his rule were removed. In this new reality, Lionel Jeffries was taken by [[Weapon X (House of M)|Weapon X]] and turned him into their own personal Dr.Mengele. They trained him to figure out how mutants got their powers, how to shut them off, and just how to make ‘em hurt. He became mentally unstable during this time, and was eventually freed at the conclusion of the war. Magneto placed the mentally unstable brothers in Santo Rico so they could keep order, but out of the way so they don’t embarrass him.

    Before the brothers took over, the country was ruled by a local strongman called [[El Toro (House of M)|El Toro]] who the brothers defeated and manipulated him into a human/bull hybrid. They then put him out for public display as a symbol not to cross them. They continued to rule unchallenged, but sometime later, the [[Hood (House of M)|Hood]] and his [[Master’s of Evil (House of M)|Master’s of Evil]] decided to try to take down the brothers in order to take the country’s wealth for themselves. In a grueling and brutal battle the brothers were winning, killing many of the super villains and pushing the invasion force back. However, when Lionel tried to assimilate the Hood into his monstrous body an unexpected reaction occurred leaving Lionel defenseless and allowing the Hood and [[Madame Masque (House of M)|MadameMasque]] to kill him.

    Lionel was a genius, that could manipulate flesh and bone into a wide varietyof things and was only limited by his imagination.

    Madison Jeffies (House of M)

    |real_name=Madison Jeffries
    |debut= House of M: Masters of Evil #3
    |relatives=[[Scramble (House of M)|Lionel Jeffries]] (Brother – Deceased)
    6'1": (Box) Variable, usually 10'
    195 lbs: (Box) Variable, usually 1200 lbs.
    Wanda Maximoff, the [[Scarlet Witch]] lost control of her reality-altering powers and replaced reality with a world in which mutants ruled, a society in which normal humans – called “Sapiens” – are the oppressed minority as they were viewed as an evolutionary dead end. In this reality, the kingdom is ruled under [[Magneto (House of M)|Magneto’s]] House of M, and those who opposed hisrule were removed. In this new reality, Madison Jeffries during the mutant/human war was a prisoner of [[Weapon X (House of M)|Weapon X]]. They placed him in [[Neverland concentration camp]], where they forced him to create weapons to kill his fellow mutants. He became mentally unstable at this time,a nd was eventually freed at the conclusion of the war. Magneto placed the mentally unstable brothers in Santo Rico so they could keep order, but out of the way so they don’tembarrass him.

    Before the brothers took over, the country was ruled by a local strongman called [[El Toro (House of M)|El Toro]] who the brothers defeated and manipulated him into a human/bull hybrid. They then put him out for public display as a symbol not to cross them. They continued to rule unchallenged, but sometime later, the [[Hood (House of M)|Hood]] and his [[Master’s of Evil (House of M)|Master’s of Evil]] decided to try to take down the brothers in order to take the country’s wealth for themselves. In a grueling and brutal battle the brothers were winning, killing many of the super villains and pushing the invasion force back. However, when Lionel tried to assimilate the Hood into his monstrous body an unexpected reaction occurred leaving Lionel defenseless and allowing the Hood and [[Madame Masque (House of M)|Madame Masque]] to kill him. Losing his brother caused Madison an overwhelming level of grief which allowed for a distraction for the army to take out Madison. As he crawled to his brother, [[Wrecker (House of M)|Wrecker]] delivered the final strike killing him as he cried for his fallen brother

    Madison was a mechanical genius, that could manipulate glass, metal and plasticany way he wants and could build a wide variety of inventions and was only limited by his imagination.

    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-01-2013 at 07:53 PM.

  5. #20
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Nope they were killed

    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Also yeah they worked for Department H, and were killed by Wolverine. We wont see them again
    What makes you say that?

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Not sure how to make new pages anymore, but Im going to help get things going but creating the characters images and others can do the rest.
    I've given it a bash, using the "Alphanex Wiki" > "Post New Article" Link, but I'm having an issue with the images as Ben's Tutorial is obviously for the older version of the wiki.

  7. #22
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I've always had trouble with images in articles. I've never managed to get them from elsewhere on Alphawaves, and basically end up having to upload them directly to the article myself. (Or letting Ben do it for me.)

    ~ Le Messor
    "Jameson was smiling like the canary who had eaten the cat."
    ~ Sara Cavanaugh, A Woman in Space

  8. #23
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I've tried a few things, but none of them worked.

  9. #24


    |debut=Avengers #10 (Vol.5)
    |affiliations=[[Omega Flight IV|Omega Flight]]
    |eyes= N/A
    Little is known of BOXX, other than he was recruited (or possibly created) to join the newly formed [[Omega Flight IV|Omega Flight]], under the direction of [[Department H]]. He was present when the team was sent to investigate one of [[Ex Nihilo]]’s [[Origin Bombs]] that landed in Regina, Saskatchewan.

    The team discovered that entire city had drastically changed, with new organisms and a non-indigenous super structure surrounding the city. BOXX determined that the numerous pods that surrounded the city were chrysalis chambers and believed this is what happened to the civilian population. Attempting to make contact with these new organisms, the team became under attack and BOXX was overwhelmed. He was deemed to be lost under mission command, but whether or not BOXX survived the encounter is unknown.

    BOXX’s abilities are relatively unknown, but he appears to be strictly anautomation but the exact nature is unknown.

    |debut=Avengers #10 (Vol.5)
    |affiliations=[[Omega Flight]]
    Little is known of Kingdom, other than he was recruited to join the newly formed [[Omega Flight IV|Omega Flight]], under the direction of [[Department H]]. He was presentwhen the team was sent to investigate one of [[Ex Nihilo]]’s [[Origin Bombs]]that landed in Regina, Saskatchewan.

    The team discovered that entire city had drastically changed, with neworganisms and a non-indigenous super structure surrounding the city. BOXX determined that the numerous pods that surrounded the city were chrysalis chambers and believed this is what happened to the civilian population.A ttempting to make contact with these new organisms, the team became under attack and [[BOXX]] and [[Wendigo]] were both overwhelmed. Suddenly the super structure that surrounded the city closed preventing any escape for Kingdom and [[Validator]]. They continued to fight for hours until suddenly Kingdom was eventually struck down. It is believed he was killed in the battle along with his duplicates.

    Kingdom’s abilities are relatively unknown, but he demonstrated eye blasts, flight and the apparent ability to summon duplicates of himself similar to the ability of past [[Omega Flight]] member, [[Flashback]]. The exact nature of these duplicates is unknown.
    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-01-2013 at 06:20 PM.

  10. #25


    Northstar (Age of X)

    |real_name= Jean-Paul Beaubier
    |debut=X-Men_Legacy #245 (Vol.1)
    |affiliations=[[X-Men (Age of X)]]
    |weight=175 lbs
    In a world created by a malicious new personality of [[Legion]]’s, the [[X-Men]] never existed in this time and mutant kind has been hunted to near extinction. The surviving mutants took refuge at [[Fortress X (Age of X)|Fortress X]] – a small city surrounded by a telekinetic force wall, where the mutants spent each day beating back forces that would see them extinguished.

    Northstar was among the surviving mutants and was part of the task force that found [[Shadowcat (Age of X)|Kitty Pryde]] after she crossed the force wall. That began a chain of events that returned the altered reality back to normal, erasing this reality from existence.

    '''Super Speed:''' The full extent of his powers were never stated, but hedemonstrated an unknown level of super speed. In combination with his speed,Northstar had what appeared to be energy bracelets wrapped around his wriststhat he could use for combat.


    Madison Jeffies (Age of X)

    |real_name=Madison Jeffries
    |debut=New Mutants #22 (Vol.2)
    |relatives=[[Scramble (Age of X)|Lionel Jeffries]] (Brother)
    6'1" (Box) Variable, usually 10'
    195lbs (Box) Variable, usually 1200 lbs.
    In a world created by a malicious new personality of [[Legion]]’s, the [[X-Men]] never existed in this time and mutant kind has been hunted to near extinction. The surviving mutants took refuge at [[Fortress X (Age ofX )|Fortress X]] – a small city surrounded by a telekinetic force wall, where the mutants spent each day beating back forces that would see them extinguished.

    Little is known of Madison in this timeline, but 10 years before the [[Avengers (Age of X)|Avengers]] attempted to lay siege on Fortress X. Madison Jeffries and [[Scramble (Age of X)|Lionel]] clashed with [[Iron Man (Age of X)|Iron Man]] and infected him with a sort of tech-virus fusing him into the armor causing him to be slowly digested by the machine. As the years pass Tony Stark would lose more and more of his humanity and since that event prefers to be called the Steel Corpse. Madison would eventually arrive at Fortress X being their scientific advisor and during his many scientific experiments, Madison released there was something wrong with this reality. He would often be approached by various team members looking for his advice; ultimately [[Legacy (Age of X)|Legacy]] (Rogue) even borrowed his powers in order to snea kinto the bridge to talk to the captured [[Shadowcat (Age of X)|Kitty Pryde]] and eventually finds [[Professor X (Age of X)|Professor X]]. Madison would even don his BOX armor and assist in the fight to help protect their home. Eventually this timeline was fixed and returned back to normal, so this version of Madison ceased to exist and the original did not retain the knowledge of this reality.

    Madison was a mechanical genius, that could manipulate glass, metal and plastic any way he wants and could build a wide variety of inventions and was only limited by his imagination. In addition, he demonstrated technopathy the ability to communicate with technology, even including a camera


    Lionel Jeffries (Age of X)

    |real_name=Lionel Jeffries
    |debut= Age of X – Universe #1
    |relatives=[[BOX IV (Age of X)|Madison Jeffries]] (Brother)
    |weight=180 lbs
    |eyes=Blue, (Red when using powers)
    In a world created by a malicious new personality of [[Legion]]’s, the [[X-Men]] never existed in this time and mutant kind has been hunted to near extinction. The surviving mutants took refuge at [[Fortress X (Age of X)|Fortress X]] – a small city surrounded by a telekinetic force wall, where the mutants spent each day beating back forces that would see them extinguished.

    Little is known of Madison in this timeline, but 10 years before the [[Avengers (Age of X)|Avengers]] attempted to lay siege on Fortress X. [[BOX IV (Age of X)|Madison]] and Lionel clashed with [[Iron Man (Age of X)|Iron Man]] and infected him with a sort of tech-virus fusing him into the armor causing him to be slowly digested by the machine. As the years pass Tony Stark would lose more and more of his humanity and since that event prefers to be called the Steel Corpse. It is unknown what happened to Lionel since that event. Eventually this timeline was fixed and returned back to normal, so this version of Lionel ceased to exist.

    Lionel was a genius, that could manipulate flesh and bone into a wide variety of things and was only limited by his imagination.

    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-01-2013 at 07:54 PM.

  11. #26


    |real_name=Jean-Paul Beaubier
    |debut=A-Babies vs. X-Babies #1
    |affiliations=[[X-Babies (A-Babies vs. X-Babies)]]
    In Marvelous Meadows, on Xavier Way and Fury Drive lives baby versions of our Marvel heroes [[Captain America (A-Babies vs. X-Babies)|Captain America’s]] parents are putting him down for bed, when he discovers his [[Bucky Bear]] has been stolen by his rival [[Cyclops (A-Babies vs. X-Babies)|Cyclops]]. To recover his teddy bear, Captain America calls in the Avengers for help, while Cyclops brings in his X-Men. Northstar was one of the mutants recruited. After a melee ensues and the teddy changes hands several times, [[Phoenix (A-Babies vs. X-Babies)|Jean Grey]] as the Phoenix suddenly appears telling Scott to return the bear. After she unleashed a large explosion he had no choice to return it and then they all go home to bed.

    Northstar showed an unknown level of super speed and the ability of flight

    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-01-2013 at 07:54 PM.

  12. #27


    |character_name=Wild Child
    Kyle Gibney
    |debut= X-Babies #4
    |affiliations=[[Adorable X-Babies]]
    The [[X-Babies]] are Mojo-manufactured child clones of the [[X-Men]] that were the most top-rated, most watched stars of the other-dimensional Mojo TV Network. However, many years later the X-Babies discover their position as Mojo’s number one rated show was replaced by the newer, cuter, but more shallow in personality “Adorable X-Babies”. These new X-Babies were created by [[Mr.Veech]] in a quest to seize control of [[Mojoworld]] and Mojo TV’s broadcast capabilities. With these new creations he replaced Mojo and was hoping to extend his reach across universes and take control of Mojoworld and worlds beyond. He would broadcast kindness, comfort and safety with programming that would teach, inform and promote order and was willing to destroy anyone that tried to sto phim, which included the original X-Babies.

    Eventually these new X-Babies clashed with the originals and were started to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of Adorable X-Babies. In the ensuing melee, ina last ditch effort the original X-Babies Rogue stole [[Spiral]]’s powers openinga portal sending Mr.Veech, [[Nandy]] and the Adorable X-Babies to an unknown location. The current whereabouts of the Adorable X-Babies are unknown.

    The full extent of his powers were never stated, but these Adorable X-Babies appear to be other wordly and experience no pain. They also have no biological matter nothing even carbon based and outside of adamantium [[Top Dog]] mentioned never seen anything so indestructible

    |real_name= Madison Jeffries
    |debut= X-Babies #4
    |affiliations=[[Adorable X-Babies]]
    The [[X-Babies]] are Mojo-manufactured child clones of the [[X-Men]] that were the most top-rated, most watched stars of the other-dimensional Mojo TV Network. However, many years later the X-Babies discover their position as Mojo’s number one rated show was replaced by the newer, cuter, but more shallow in personality “Adorable X-Babies”. These new X-Babies were created by Mr.Veech in a quest to seize control of [[Mojoworld]] and Mojo TV’s broadcast capabilities. With these new creations he replaced Mojo and was hoping to extend his reach across universes and take control of Mojoworld and worlds beyond. He would broadcast kindness, comfort and safety with programming that would teach, inform and promote order and was willing to destroy anyone that tried to stop him, which included the original X-Babies.

    Eventually these new X-Babies clashed with the originals and were started to b eoverwhelmed by the sheer number of Adorable X-Babies. In the ensuing melee, ina last ditch effort the original X-Babies Rogue stole [[Spiral]]’s powers opening a portal sending Mr.Veech, [[Nandy]] and the Adorable X-Babies to an unknown location. The current where abouts of the Adorable X-Babies are unknown.

    The full extent of his powers were never stated, but these Adorable X-Babies appear to be other wordly and experience no pain. They also have no biological matter nothing even carbon based and outside of adamantium [[Top Dog]] mentioned never seen anything so indestructible

    |real_name=Jean-Paul Beaubier
    |debut=X-Babies #4
    |affiliations=[[Adorable X-Babies]]
    |relatives==[[Aurora (Adorable X-Babies)|Aurora]] (Sister)
    The [[X-Babies]] are Mojo-manufactured child clones of the [[X-Men]] that werethe most top-rated, most watched stars of the other-dimensional Mojo TVNetwork. However, many years later the X-Babies discover their position asMojo’s number one rated show was replaced by the newer, cuter, but more shallowin personality “Adorable X-Babies”. These new X-Babies were created by Mr.Veechin a quest to seize control of [[Mojoworld]] and Mojo TV’s broadcastcapabilities. With these new creations he replaced Mojo and was hoping toextend his reach across universes and take control of Mojoworld and worldsbeyond. He would broadcast kindness, comfort and safety with programming thatwould teach, inform and promote order and was willing to destroy anyone thattried to stop him, which included the original X-Babies.

    Eventually these new X-Babies clashed with the originals and were started to beoverwhelmed by the sheer number of Adorable X-Babies. In the ensuing melee, ina last ditch effort the original X-Babies Rogue stole [[Spiral]]’s powersopening a portal sending Mr.Veech, [[Nandy]] and the Adorable X-Babies to anunknown location. The current whereabouts of the Adorable X-Babies are unknown.

    The full extent of his powers were never stated, but these Adorable X-Babiesappear to be otherwordly and experience no pain. They also have no biologicalmatter nothing even carbon based and outside of adamantium [[Top Dog]]mentioned never seen anything so indestructible

    Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
    |debut=X-Babies #4
    |affiliations=[[Adorable X-Babies]]
    |relatives=[[Northstar (Adorable X-Babies)|Northstar]] (Brother)
    The [[X-Babies]] are Mojo-manufactured child clones of the [[X-Men]] that were the most top-rated, most watched stars of the other-dimensional Mojo TV Network. However, many years later the X-Babies discover their position as Mojo’s number one rated show was replaced by the newer, cuter, but more shallow in personality “Adorable X-Babies”. These new X-Babies were created by [[Mr.Veech]] in a quest to seize control of [[Mojoworld]] and Mojo TV’s broadcast capabilities. With these new creations he replaced Mojo and was hoping t oextend his reach across universes and take control of Mojoworld and worlds beyond. He would broadcast kindness, comfort and safety with programming that would teach, inform and promote order and was willing to destroy anyone that tried to stop him, which included the original X-Babies.

    Eventually these new X-Babies clashed with the originals and were started to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of Adorable X-Babies. In the ensuing melee, in a last ditch effort the original X-Babies Rogue stole [[Spiral]]’s powers opening a portal sending Mr.Veech, [[Nandy]] and the Adorable X-Babies to an unknown location. The current whereabouts of the Adorable X-Babies are unknown.

    The full extent of his powers were never stated, but these Adorable X-Babies appear to be other worldly and experience no pain. They also have no biological matter nothing even carbon based and outside of adamantium [[Top Dog]] mentioned never seen anything so indestructible
    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-01-2013 at 06:44 PM.

  13. #28


    Sasquatch (Marvel Universe vs.)

    Dr.Walter Langkowski
    |debut=Marvel Universe vs. Avengers #4 (Vol.1)
    |affiliations=[[Resistance (Marvel Universe vs.)|The Resistance]]
    6'4",(as Sasquatch) 10'0
    245lbs, (as Sasquatch) 2000lbs
    |eyes=Blue, (as Sasquatch) Red
    Blonde,(as Sasquatch) Orange
    The world has been ravagedby a virulent pathogen that reduces its victims to their baser nature. Cunning,violent, and cannibalistic, these predators have swept the globe, consuming andinfecting everything in their path. The super heroes of the world did theirbest to stem the tide, but in the end, all fell to the onslaught or joined itsranks. Little is known about this version of Sasquatch, but he is one of the very few unaffected surviving heroes. He and [[Northstar (Marvel Universe vs.)|Northstar]] stand guard at the Resistance Science Lab in Fairbanks, Alaska while [[Mister Fantastic (Marvel Universe vs.)|Mister Fantastic]] and [[Black Panther (Marvel Universe vs.)|Black Panther]] work inside desperately trying to find a cure. Sasquatch’s current where abouts is unknown

    It’s unknown if this reality’s Sasquatch has the same connection to [[Tanaraq]]


    Northstar (Marvel Universe vs.)

    |real_name=Jean-Paul Beaubier
    |debut=Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine #3 (Vol.1)
    |affiliations=[[Resistance (Marvel Universe vs.)|The Resistance]]
    |past_affiliations=[[X-Men (Marvel Universe vs.)|X-Men]]
    The world has been ravaged by a virulent pathogen that reduces its victims to their baser nature. Cunning, violent, and cannibalistic, these predators have swept the globe, consuming and infecting everything in their path. The superheroes of the world did their best to stem the tide, but in the end, all fell to the onslaught or joined its ranks. Little is known about this version of Northstar, but he originally was one of the many infected heroes.

    Northstar was present in the battle of New York fighting with the [[Hulk (Marvel Universe vs.)|Hulk]] against the [[Resistance (Marvel Universe vs.)|The Resistance]] lead at the time by [[Captain America (Marvel Universe vs.)|Captain America]] and was present at the battle on the Golden Gate Bridge against the Resistance led by [[Wolverine (Marvel Universe vs.)|Wolverine]].

    He survived both encounters and later appears with [[Sasquatch (Marvel Universe vs.)|Sasquatch]] standing guard at the Resistance Science Lab in Fairbanks, Alaska while [[Mister Fantastic (Marvel Universe vs.)|Mister Fantastic]] and [[Black Panther (Marvel Universe vs.)|Black Panther]] work inside desperately trying to find a cure. Thisis very likely an error, as at the time there was no known cure and earlier stories showed he was one of the infected. Northstar’s current where abouts isunknown

    Little is known of this version of Northstar, but he demonstrated an unknown level of super speed.

    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-02-2013 at 06:39 PM.

  14. #29


    Omega Flight IV

    |current_members=[[BOXX]], [[Kingdom]], [[Validator]], [[Wendigo]]
    |debut=Avengers #10 (Vol.5)
    |associates=[[Department H]]
    |status=Possibly deceased
    <<<Coming soon>>>

    Alpha Strike

    |former_members=[[Citadel]], [[Persuasion|Purple Woman]], [[Ranark]], [[Vindicator II|Vindicator]], [[Wendigo]]
    |debut=Alpha Flight #4 (Vol.4)
    |base=[[Parliament Hill]]
    |associates=[[Master|Master of the World]]
    <<<Coming soon>>>
    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-01-2013 at 07:11 PM.

  15. #30
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    That's a lot of work, K-M. Thanks!

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