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Thread: AF Appearance Chronology

  1. #31
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Part 3: post volume 1 - volume 3.

    Wolverine #83 - 84
    - Heather, Mac, and Logan fight, well, let's face it, a werewolf
    Wolverine #91 - 92 - Mac is little more than a cameo in 91, but in 92 he and Heather conduct a medical exam of Logan
    X-Factor #112-123 - Wild Child is part of X-Factor; the whole team comes to discuss it with him in 116
    Wolverine #95 - the Hudsons help Logan fight something
    Over The Edge #2 - Michael fights a snow creature with the power of The Mullet! - he's on about three pages, but it's his own fight
    Marvel Fanfare v2 #2 - Heather's around when Logan and Hulk fight Wendigo. Again.
    Domino #1 - Puck has an extended cameo discussing things with Domino (followed up in a minor appearance in #3).
    Sabretooth: Back To Nature - Wildchild talks to Sabretooth before the latter goes off for a fight
    Generation X #19 - Walt appears (but doesn't fight) in a story written by sometimes Alpha scribe Scott Lobdell. This is designed to make Alpha look like a bunch of incompetent idiots. Thanks for that
    Wolverine #110 - Michael helps Logan defend a family whose parents look exactly like the Hudsons
    X-Men Unlimited v2 #12 - story 2 is an extended talk scene between Logan and a very drunk Judd
    X-Factor #124-138 - Wildchild is still part of the team
    X-Man #27 - 28 - JM gets kidnapped, so Nathan tries to save her
    Deadpool #1 - Deadpool fights Walt in the frozen South
    Alpha Flight v2 #1-2
    Maverick #3 - dunno
    Alpha Flight v2 #3-8
    Alpha Flight v2 #9 / Uncanny X-Men #355 - the same story, told from the X-Men's pov and the Canadians'; the Canadians try to get Logan back
    X-Factor #141-143 - in the last of these, JM begins to recover from the kidnapping and manipulation (see X-Man 27-28, above)
    Alpha Flight v2 #10-16
    Alpha Flight v2 ann '98
    Alpha Flight v2 #17-20 - Alpha Flight appear in the final two issues to fight the gubmint team
    Wolverine #142 - 143 - Wolverine and Alpha Flight fight AIM; Snowbird gets brought back from the dead, presumably as a clone since Walt's currently using her body (not like that!); but they say this is her original body
    Generation X #58 - the team fight a sasquatch; then Alpha Flight comes to take it home
    Uncanny X-Men #359 & 365 - dunno. Something about Michael
    Thunderbolts #43 - dunno
    Uncanny X-Men #392, X-Men #112, Uncanny X-Men #393, X-Men #113 - Eve of Destruction, where Northstar joins the X-Men; Barry McGuire does not make an appearance
    Black Panther #2 #42 - 44 - Alpha make an appearance in 44; I can't see them by flipping through the rest
    Citizen V and the V Patrol #2 - I don't have this one
    Wolverine #171 - 174 - Wolvie fights Wendy. Quietly. Then AF appear on the last page; in 172 they all fight Wendy. Mickey and (briefly) the Hudsons discuss it all in 173; 174 isn't an appearance, exactly, but Wolvie wears Mac's costume the whole time
    Wolverine #179 - 181 - the team and Logan fight a big fat ugly guy; Pathfinder is intro'd. In 180, Wolvie helps Pathfinder to be trained; 181 is not to hand right now.
    Deadpool III #57, 60-61 - dunno
    Weapon X#1/2 - members get recruited to Weapon X
    Weapon X: Sauron + WC + Agent Zero- members get recruited to Weapon X
    Weapon X II#1-13 - contain Jeffries, Wildchild, and JM
    Uncanny X-Men #414-421 - In 414, JP is recruited as a teacher by Charlie X, has a character moment involving a mutant kid
    X-Men Unlimited #45 - this is an Alpha Flight issue, and shouldn't be called X-Men. Ends in Claire's birth, though she won't be named 'til v4.
    Uncanny X-Men #422 - 434 - in 422, AF fight the X-Men so they can take a kid back to Canada. In 432-434, they show up in anti-Juggernaut armour for pretty much the same reason.
    New Mutants 2 #2-7 - Northstar's around.
    Weapon X #18 - dunno
    Wolverine III #25-26
    New X-Men: Academy X#13
    Wolverine 27-31
    Nick Fury's Howling Commandos #2 - Sasquatch is on the team; or a sasquatch. Nobody's sure.
    Alpha Flight #3 #1 - 12
    Last edited by Le Messor; 03-31-2012 at 06:52 PM.

  2. #32


    Right; my extremely rough version I had is:

    NORTH 1-4
    Hulk 418
    Over the Edge 2
    Wolverine 83-95
    Uncanny X-Men Annual 1996,
    Marvel Fanfare II#6,
    Sabretooth Back To Nature #1

    My reasoning for having this so high out of publishing order is that Puck's still with Dept. H during it, as with X-factor #116.

    DOMINO 1-3
    Generation X#19,
    M/FAN2 2
    Wolv #110

    With Domino & Gen X #19 Puck & Walt are quite clearly doing their own things, signalling the end of their time with Dept. H, which leads Puck to be an alcoholic in

    X-Men Unlimited II#12/2
    Alpha Flight II#1-5,
    MAV2 3
    AF2 6-8
    AF2 9/UX 355
    XFAC141,142, 143
    Deadpool III#1,

    My placement of the X-Man & X-Factors with Aurora would be around here rather than at publishing to explain why JP couldn't find her and her extremely fragile mental state in Volume 2.
    Same with Deadpool #1 leading to Walt still being in the Arctic to find Mac.

    AF II#10-16
    AF '98
    AFII 17-20,

    UXM #359
    UX 365

    These were REALLY hard to place, as although published a lot earlier if the X-Men were in contact with Shaman surely they'd mention the Alpha Flight they faced in #355, same with Puck & Logan being all pally again.

    TB 43
    UX 392
    X 112
    UX 393
    X 113
    BP3 42-44
    CitV #2

    I can't remember off the top of my head why I had the Black Panther's before Wolverine 171+ possibly because of Heather being in the field which would indicate it was before her pregnancy.

    Deadpool III#57, 60, 61,
    Weapon X#1/2,
    Weapon X: Sauron + WC + Agent Zero,
    Weapon X II#1-13,
    UX 414-421
    X-Men Unlimited #45
    UXM 422-434
    NM2 2-7
    Weapon X 18
    X-Men 157-164
    Weapon X 22,
    Wolverine III#25-26
    New X-Men: Academy X#13,
    Wolverine 27-31,

    For me, these would explain why Northstar & Aurora weren't a) with Mac + co when they investigated the Plodex or b) recruited by Walt.

    Nick Fury's Howling Commandos#2, 6,

    This being before Vol.3 would explain why Walt wasn't with Mac + co

    Alpha Flight III1-12,

  3. #33
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Hulk 418
    Wolverine 83-95
    Are all those Wolverines appearances?
    Isn't Hulk just a cameo (which would explain why it's not in my AF section)?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Sabretooth Back To Nature #1
    My reasoning for having this so high out of publishing order is that Puck's still with Dept. H during it, as with X-factor #116.
    DOMINO 1-3
    My interpretation of Domino #1 is that Puck is (or could be) still working for H. (His only reference is poking into files he shouldn't have.) iirc, he's not in #2.
    My interpretation of #3 is 'I don't have it'. It might confirm there's no H by then.
    So, I'm moving Gen X 19 down a bit, and Back to Nature up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Generation X#19,
    M/FAN2 2
    Heather is working for the Canadian government in this one. Maybe not H, but definitely the government.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Wolv #110
    With Domino & Gen X #19 Puck & Walt are quite clearly doing their own things, signalling the end of their time with Dept. H, which leads Puck to be an alcoholic in:
    X-Men Unlimited II#12/2
    I had kept this one after v3. Moved now.
    Does Domino #3 make it clearer that he's doing his own thing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Alpha Flight II#1-5,
    MAV2 3
    Why then, as opposed to after #2?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    AF2 6-8
    ... XMan27,28,
    I've always thought of this one as a prologue to v2?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    XFAC141,142, 143
    Deadpool III#1,
    My placement of the X-Man & X-Factors with Aurora would be around here rather than at publishing to explain why JP couldn't find her and her extremely fragile mental state in Volume 2.
    Which is why I think of them as prologuey.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    AFII 17-20,
    UXM #359
    UX 365
    These were REALLY hard to place, as although published a lot earlier if the X-Men were in contact with Shaman surely they'd mention the Alpha Flight they faced in #355, same with Puck & Logan being all pally again.
    I cheated, and keep them with X-Men, not Alpha Flight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    BP3 42-44
    CitV #2
    I can't remember off the top of my head why I had the Black Panther's before Wolverine 171+ possibly because of Heather being in the field which would indicate it was before her pregnancy.
    Good enough.

    Okay, I've incorporated a bunch of changes based off your list. Not everything you suggested, but most of it. A lot of stuff in there I have, but not as part of my AF collection. (eg: Weapon X has its own section in my collection, which is why I haven't remixed it properly.)
    A few of them I simply don't have. (Mostly stuff like the X-Men where JP was no longer an Alphan; but I do plan to fix this eventually.)

    - Le Messor
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    Last edited by Le Messor; 03-22-2012 at 03:58 PM.

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Are all those Wolverines appearances?
    The Wolverine ones are just listed first AF appearance to last, with the non AF issues for timescale, and cos I couldn't be bothered breaking them up.

    Isn't Hulk just a cameo (which would explain why it's not in my AF section)?
    Yeah, just JP for a panel.

    iirc, he's not in #2.
    Yeah, as with the Wolverine issues I just put 1-3 rather than 1,3.

    Heather is working for the Canadian government in this one. Maybe not H, but definitely the government.
    True, it could pretty much slot in a lot of places. I just needed to have it before #6 which slots in to Kyle's X-Factor timeline.

    Does Domino #3 make it clearer that he's doing his own thing?
    Not really, there's less of him than in #1.

    Why then, as opposed to after #2?
    I honestly can't remember... possibly because that's where the storyline in Vol.2 was less static, or possibly just taken from another chrono-site.

    I've always thought of this one as a prologue to v2?
    Which is why I think of them as prologuey.
    Prologuey to JP & JM's part in Vol.2 yeah definitely, but to the timeframe of JP waking up on the boat so they'd probably run simulataneously with the start of Vol.2... or something.

    I cheated, and keep them with X-Men, not Alpha Flight.
    I like the cut of your jib squire.

    Okay, I've incorporated a bunch of changes based off your list. Not everything you suggested, but most of it.
    Oh, I'm not saying I'm right, you're wrong.
    I like the debate and conversation, that's why I tried to kickstart all this.
    Any excuse to let my anal geeky collector side run riot with likeminded souls.

    A lot of stuff in there I have, but not as part of my AF collection. (eg: Weapon X has its own section in my collection, which is why I haven't remixed it properly.)
    Ditto, which is why it's always useful to have lists like this.
    Well, not useful in real-world sense, but y'know...

  5. #35


    As a person who basically only collects stuff that has "Alpha Flight" in the title and on the cover, my list would be much shorter (and much easier).

    That being said (or at least written - some people sound the words out when they read them, though), I find the subject of this all-inclusive list a fascinating read. It must be the geek in me.
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  6. #36
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    The Wolverine ones are just listed first AF appearance to last, with the non AF issues for timescale, and cos I couldn't be bothered breaking them up.
    Okay. *Whew*, not something I need to add to my 'Need this' list.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    (Domino #3) :Not really, there's less of him than in #1.
    I think I knew that at the time, and that's why I never got it.
    Or maybe I just got lazy, who knows?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Oh, I'm not saying I'm right, you're wrong.
    I like the debate and conversation, that's why I tried to kickstart all this.
    You've made several good points, and picked up on clues I've glossed over. So, where you have a point, I'm changing to match. Where I think you don't...
    La la la la la!!! I'm not listening! La la la la!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Ditto, which is why it's always useful to have lists like this.
    Well, not useful in real-world sense, but y'know...
    The real world is for people who can't handle Star Trek.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    That being said (or at least written - some people sound the words out when they read them, though), I find the subject of this all-inclusive list a fascinating read. It must be the geek in me.
    Glad to help. I like to let my inner geek out to play from time to time. Then again, he keeps getting in trouble.

    The next stage will be to redo the list with a brief overview of what happens in each issues (maybe enough of one to say why they go when they go).

    - Le Messor
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  7. #37
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Part 4: post vol. 3 - the time of this writing:

    There have been continuous appearances mostly by Northstar and Jeffries in X-Men titles for quite some time at this stage. I keep them under X-Men or X-Misc, and as such have never even tried to fit them into AF continuity. Phil, if you've done that, I'll see about working them in.

    Sabretooth: Open Season #1 - 4 - Frankly, this should be called Sasquatch: Open Season
    New Avengers #16 - 17 (AGH!) - Alpha Flight die. Off-panel. In the snow.
    Now let us never speak of it again.
    X-Men #189 - 190 - The twins go into a VR journey to the centre of the mind. Steppenwolf don't appear.
    X-Men ann #1 (I don't pretend to know what volume or anything this is, but it's got a distinctive painting of the twins on the cover.) - the twins are still in VR, but end with a real-life fight. I think. Really, apart from this one's cover, these stories are completely unmemorable.
    She-Hulk #16 - Logan fights Wendigo, but this time with She-Hulk. Talisman helps out - our Talisman, this time.
    Wolverine v3 #54 - Every furry mutant in the world is now part of a dog species. Including the cat ones. Including Walter, though he's neither dog-based nor a mutant.
    Jeph Loeb is considered a comics superstar.
    Civil War: The Initiative - US Agent goes to Canada, to prep for:
    Ωmega Flight #1 - 5
    Incredible Hercules #117 - 120 - Snowbird helps the fight against the Skrull gods. Gets it on with Hercules.
    Chaos War: Alpha Flight oneshot
    Chaos War #4 - 5 - after the oneshot, the original team helps out against the Chaos stuff. A little more than a cameo; but they're not dead anymore.
    Wolverine v3 #2 - 5 - Logan goes to Hell. Judd is waiting for him.
    Alpha Flight v4 #0.1
    Alpha Flight v4 #1-8
    Hulk #53 - 54 - Alpha help fight the Mayan gods.

    Come to think of it, there's not that much there. I could've just made it pre-v1, v1, and post-v1... Oh, well.

    - Le Messor
    Last edited by Le Messor; 05-11-2012 at 04:47 PM.

  8. #38
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I've just added 9.5 to the pre-volume 1 bit on page 1 - after First Flight, before X-Men: First Class. I only just realised it wasn't in there (I didn't even have issue 9 listed in my catalogue, for some reason).

    - Le Messor
    "The true consolation in life is to say what one thinks."
    ~ Voltaire
    Last edited by Le Messor; 03-22-2012 at 03:53 PM.

  9. #39


    This may be douchy of me to request, but is there any way once this is figured out that we could have a list of the type of cameo they are. Maybe just a type of system:

    (Main Crossover) - Includes the entire team (At The Time) in a team up fashion and are a huge part of the story
    (Semi-Crossover) - Entire team (ATT) crossover on a couple pages
    (Team Cameo) - Team just seen in the issue a little but overall having no real point in the story
    (*Character*) - Name the character that crosses over. To make it easy a code could be done S Sb M P G V Ns A T Rb Mj Pg Wc Ws (Should be self explanatory what means who.)
    (Cameo) - Simply on seen in the issue but not heard and not the full team.

    I'm mostly asking because I own UXM #120-121 AF v1 (Missing some key issues in the 100s) v2 and v3 but I don't own any of the other tie-ins and I'd really not like to purchase one if its just North Star waving in a small mid-fight panel right by an advertisement for cologne.

    Again, if this is too much to ask, ignore me.

  10. #40


    That's the long term plan, we just need to find/create a script/program that covers all the bases.

    In the meantime, try Rob's site ( ) for current guest appearances.

  11. #41


    I used to organize the appearances into Cameo, Minor, Medium and Major, covering the categories you mention above. Here is an "almost complete" listing of the Alpha Flight appearances listed into the four categories, a little badly formatted, and a little incomplete but a good starting point. The list ends around 2009 when I started up a different format. All rankings are completely subjective so please no flames about misplaced issues

    Alter Ego 71
    Amazing Spiderman Ann 15(1981)
    Amazing X-Men 1
    Astonishing Tales 3
    Astonishing X-Men 1
    Avengers 249 320
    Avengers III 1 10 47
    Avengers Forever 11 12
    Avengers/JLA 3
    Back Issue 32
    Beyond! 4 5
    Bill Mantlo: A Life in Comics No issue #
    Black Panther II 42 44
    Blackwulf 5
    Bullet Points 5
    Citizen V: The Everlasting 3
    Civil War 7 Chronicles 5 10 Files Opening Shot Sketchbook Poster Book
    Classic X-Men 44
    Contest of Champions 2
    Damage Control III 4
    Deadpool and Death Ann 1998
    Death Metal 1
    Death Metal vs. Genetix 2
    Dr. Strange III 1 2 55 56
    Encyclopędia Deadpoolica 1
    Fantastic Four 266 267 268 367 369 370 405
    Fantastic Four Roast 1
    Fred Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe 1
    Gambit and the X-Ternals 1
    Generation X 58
    G.L.A. 2
    House of M 6
    Incredible Hercules 126
    Incredible Hulk 277 278 279 312 418
    Infinity Gauntlet 2
    Marvel Age 33
    Marvel Atlas 2
    Marvel Comics Presents II 8 11
    Marvel Fanfare 29
    Marvel Holiday Special 1 (1991)
    Marvel Knights: Spider-Man 2
    Marvel Masterpieces 2
    Marvel Masterpieces II 1
    Marvel Riot 1
    Marvel's Greatest Collections 2009 1
    Marvel Spotlight Steve McNiven/Mark Millar 6 Uncanny X-Men 500 Issues 31 Wolverine
    Marvel TV: Galactus - The Real Story 1
    Marvel Two-In-One 96
    Marvel Universe: The End 1 5 6
    Marvel: Your Universe 1
    Marvel: Your Universe Saga 1
    Marvel Zombies - The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities no issue #
    Mephisto vs... 3
    Mighty Avengers 21 23
    Moon Knight III 43 57
    Ms. Marvel II 1
    Mutant X 12 28
    Namor 1 36 49
    New Avengers 17 18 20 37 45 47
    New Excalibur 9
    New Mutants II 4
    New Warriors 27
    New X-Men: Academy X 10 16
    Nick Fury's Howling Commandos 6
    OHOTMU A-Z Hardcover 2
    Marvel Legacy The 1990s
    Alternate Universes
    Ultimate Universe
    Official Index to the Marvel Universe 3
    Official Marvel Index to the X-Men II 2 3
    Paradise X 0 78 9 11 Special Edition
    Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe 1
    Quasar 23 24 25 38 50
    Ruins 1
    One-Shot 1
    Sabretooth III 1
    Secret Invasion Poster Book No issue #
    Secret Invasion: X-Men 2
    Secrets of the House of M One Shot
    Silver Sable & The Wild Pack 4 5
    Silver Surfer Ann 2(1989)
    Speed Demon 1
    Spider-Man 12
    Stan Lee Meets Doctor Strange 1
    Strange Tales II 14
    Sunfire & Big Hero 6 1
    Thor 390 464
    Top Ten 8
    Ultimate Fantastic Four 23
    Ultimate X-Men 70 71 81 88
    Uncanny X-Men 138 236 365 379 401 425 437 500 Issues Poster Book
    Universe X 2 4 11 X
    Warlock Chronicles 2
    Warlock & the Infinity Watch 8 18 19
    Weapon X II The Draft - Agent Zero 16 19 25
    First Class 1
    Web of Spider-Man 104
    West Coast Avengers 1
    What If... II 1 7 23 30 47 101 111
    What If? Secret Wars
    Wolverine: Enemy of the State
    X-Men: Deadly Genesis
    What The-?! 1 2 5 6 9
    Wolverine II 50 129 145 171 174 176
    Wolverine III 31
    Wolverine: Days of Future Past 2
    Wolverine Saga II No issue #
    Wolverine Ultimate Sticker Book No issue #
    Wonder Man 13 14 15
    X-51 0 12
    X-Factor 137 138
    X-Man 40
    X-Men II
    (formerly "New X-Men") 112 140 157 183 188 200
    X-Men Alpha No issue #
    X-Men Chronicles 1
    X-Men Millennial Visions 2001
    X-Men Noir 3 4
    X-Men Omega No issue #
    X-Men Poster Book No issue # (2006)
    X-Men: The 198 4
    X-Men The End - Book Three:
    Men & X-Men 6
    X-Men Universe 4
    X-Men Unlimited 11 25
    Young Avengers 12
    Young Guns '09 Sketchbook no issue #

    Age of Apocalypse:
    The Chosen 1
    Adventures of the X-Men 1
    Amazing Spiderman Ann 26(1992)
    Amazing X-Men 2 4
    Astonishing X-Men 2
    Avengers 282 285 288 290
    Avengers/JLA 4
    Black Panther II 43
    Civil War Battle Damage Report
    Civil Wardrobe 1
    Contest of Champions 1
    Darkhawk 31
    Deadpool 25
    Deadpool: Agent of Weapon X 1
    Deadpool: Funeral for a Freak 1
    Death Metal vs. Genetix 1
    Dr. Strange III 47
    Domino 3
    Factor X 2
    Fantastic Four 220 261 368
    Generation X 19
    Incredible Hulk 273
    Infinity Crusade 1 4 6
    Infinity War 1 2 3 4 5 6
    Iron Man 195 196
    Marvel Comics Presents II 9 12
    Marvel Fanfare II 2 6
    Marvel Portraits of a Universe 3
    Marvel Spotlight Civil War: Aftermath 15
    Marvel Vision 19
    Marvel Zombies: Dead Days 1
    Modern Masters 7
    Moon Knight III 41
    Mutant X 30 31
    New Mutants II 2 7 8
    New Thunderbolts 11
    Nick Fury's Howling Commandos 2
    OHOTMU 1 4 7 8 9 10
    A-Z 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 12
    A-Z Update 1 2 3 4
    A-Z Hardcover 1 3
    Deluxe Edition 1 2 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 19
    Marvel Legacy The 1980s
    Master Edition 1 13 17 19 22 26 27
    Update '89 1 2 3 4 5 7
    Age of Apocalypse
    Mystic Arcana
    Women of Marvel
    Paradise X 2 4 6
    Power Pack 9
    ROM: Spaceknight 58
    Secret Wars II 9
    Tales from the AOA: Sinister Bloodlines No issue #
    Thunderbolts 43
    Ultimate X-Men 62 63 65 69 79 80 97
    Uncanny X-Men 147 359 403 416 420 421 431 432 434
    Universe X 6 9
    Warlock & the Infinity Watch 20
    Weapon X 2
    Weapon X II The Draft - Sauron 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 17
    Days of Future Now 1 2 4 5
    Web of Spider-Man 105 Ann 8(1992)
    What If... 31 34
    What If... II 6 60 79
    Wolverine II -1 91
    Wolverine III 30 56
    Wolverine/Cable: Guts 'n' Glory 1
    Wolverine Encyclopedia 1 2
    Wolverine: Killing Made Simple 1
    Wolverine Origins 33
    Wolverine Saga 1 2 3
    X-Factor -1 115 117 121 127 130 133 136 141 143
    X-Man 27
    X-Men: The 198 Files No issue #
    X-Men The End - Book Two:
    Heroes & Martyrs 1
    X-Men: The Manga 13 14
    X-Men Unlimited 15

    Astonishing X-Men 3 4
    Avengers 286 287 289 291 292
    Civil War Initiative 1
    Contest of Champions 3
    Deadpool: Agent of Weapon X 4
    Dr. Strange III 46
    Domino 1
    Factor X 1
    Incredible Hercules 117 118 119 120
    Infinity Crusade 2 3 5
    Marvel Adventures: Iron Man 11
    Marvel Comics Presents II 3
    Marvel Saga 1
    Marvel Two-In-One Ann 7(1982)
    Mutant X 3 29
    OHOTMU Wolverine
    Over The Edge 2
    Peter Porker: The Spectacular Spider-Ham 6
    ROM: Spaceknight 56
    Saga of the Sub-Mariner 12
    She Hulk II 16
    Ultimate X-Men 46 47 61 64 94 95 98 99
    Uncanny X-Men 392 393 417 418 419 433 505 506 507 Ann1996
    Weapon X II 1/2 1 2 3 4 12 13 18
    Days of Future Now 3
    Web of Spider-Man 106
    What If... II 62
    What The-?! 7
    Wolverine II 36 76 77 83 84 144
    Wolverine III 26 27 53 54 55
    Wolverine Origins 15
    X-Factor 112 113 114 120 122 123 124 125 126 128 129 132 134 135
    X-Infernus 1 2 3 4
    X-Man 28
    X-Men II
    (formerly "New X-Men") 113 163 164
    X-Men: Age of Apocalypse One-shot 2
    X-Men: Divided We Stand 1
    X-Men The End - Book One:
    Dreamers & Demons 6

    Avengers 272 293 321 322 323 324
    Classic X-Men 16 26 27 45
    Crystar 11
    Deadpool 1
    Death Metal 2
    Incredible Hulk 272 313 Ann 8(1979)
    Iron Man 195
    Machine Man 18
    Marvel Age 2
    Marvel Comics Presents 51 52 53 92 99
    Marvel Fanfare 28
    Marvel Team-Up Ann 7(1984)
    Marvel Two-In-One 83 84
    Maverick 3
    Namor 61
    New Avengers 16
    New X-Men: Academy X 13
    Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. 32
    Northstar 1 2 3 4
    Omega Flight 1 2 3 4 5
    Power Pack 10
    ROM: Spaceknight 57
    Sabretooth III 2 3 4
    Sabretooth: Back to Nature 1
    Secret Defenders 11
    Secret Wars II 4
    Uncanny X-Men 109 120 121 139 140 355 405 414 415 422
    Weapon X II The Draft - Wild Child 22
    What If... II 59
    Wolverine II 35 37 92 95 110 142 143 172 173 179 180
    Wolverine III 25 28
    Wolverine: First Class 5
    X-Factor 116 119 142
    X-Men II 189 190 Ann (2007)
    X-Men/Alpha Flight I 1 2
    X-Men/Alpha Flight II 1 2
    X-Men Classic 46
    X-Men Unlimited 45
    X-Men Unlimited II 12
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  12. #42


    So Rob, what was the 1979 appearance you teased me with at NYCC?

  13. #43
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmurfInABlender View Post
    This may be douchy of me to request, but is there any way once this is figured out that we could have a list of the type of cameo they are. Maybe just a type of system:
    (Main Crossover) - Includes the entire team (At The Time) in a team up fashion and are a huge part of the story
    (Semi-Crossover) - Entire team (ATT) crossover on a couple pages
    (Team Cameo) - Team just seen in the issue a little but overall having no real point in the story
    (*Character*) - Name the character that crosses over. To make it easy a code could be done S Sb M P G V Ns A T Rb Mj Pg Wc Ws (Should be self explanatory what means who.)
    (Cameo) - Simply on seen in the issue but not heard and not the full team.

    I'm mostly asking because I own UXM #120-121 AF v1 (Missing some key issues in the 100s) v2 and v3 but I don't own any of the other tie-ins and I'd really not like to purchase one if its just North Star waving in a small mid-fight panel right by an advertisement for cologne.

    Again, if this is too much to ask, ignore me.
    Smurf, given the amount of time that's passed (nearly a year!) I doubt this'll help, but...
    1) I want that kind of listing, too. So not douchy at all.
    From a certain point of view.
    2) None of the ones I've listed are just single panel Northstar floating by type cameos. The Appearances list, which is far more comprehensive, has those, but not the Chronology.
    3) I may get to work soon on your request. (I'd also like to see it, as mentioned.) I can probably get pretty far just on memory. Then be corrected because my memory's faulty. What do you mean, that wasn't Alpha Flight in Detective Comics #27?

    - Le Messor
    "If one does not fail at times, then one has not challenged himself."
    ~ Dr. Porsche

  14. #44


    I am working on something that'll encorporate all of the above, but it'll take a while. Having the site as it is now, rather than not at all is more of a priority.

  15. #45
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Definitely... but I was thinking of me just editing the chronology. You wouldn't have to do anything... though your editing so far has been invaluable.
    Yes, I could probably better use the time de-catting my shoulders, but what can ya do?

    - Le Messor
    "If Mohammed can't go to the mountain, then that's his problem."

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