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Thread: What was your first comic book and what got you started reading Alpha Flight

  1. #16


    Man do I feel old! I think my first comic was Star Wars #12. Or maybe it was Spidey Super Stories (which was put out in conjunction with The Electric Company)...perfect reading for a 7 year old. I caught the Flight bug with issue #1 (bought two copies). And have had a love/hate relationship with the writers and artists from the series ever since.


  2. #17


    I don't exactly recall my first comic, but my dad used to bring Tomb of Dracula and Werewolf By Night comics home (after he finished work for the day) to me back in the early 70's, because he knew I liked monsters.


  3. #18


    First comics I read were all MARVEL.

    I think my VERY first comic was a gift from my sister, which was AVENGERS #66. First appearance of adamantium, and my favorite version - to this very day - of Ultron. Ultron-6! My friend whom I met in the 4th grade would later give me two comics - Avengers #159 (like the second appearance of Graviton) and Uncanny X-Men #121 (first full Alpha Flight). My friend had given me both issues. I fell in love with Avengers because there's a scene where Graviton has all the Avengers against the wall; and it looked so amazing. Fell in love with X-Men because the dynamic outfits - especially from Alpha Flight! However, by this time, these comics were already a few years old, so the first one I bought for myself a few months later and actually BEGAN collecting was UNCANNY X-MEN #149 and THOR #320. I began collecting these two titles religiously. Had found them both in a used book store my father had gone to (The Book Rack) in San Diego, where things were just in a disheveled order (I had no idea what was new or wasn't - I'd just have to dig through boxes of comics)... I later found AVENGERS #211, and began collecting that religiously. The Book Rack eventually realized comics were a lucrative business and organized their comics. By then, I had however, found a close comic book store, where I had a "pull list" already created and had become a full fledged Marvel fan.

    My love from ALPHA FLIGHT came from Uncanny X-Men #121. I wanted to know more about them. I think the characters were defined more in that single issue than some comics take years to define.

  4. #19


    Alpha Flight 28. My friend was a fan of the New Mutants. Unlike the Uncanny X-Men or Spiderman, both AF and NM were relatively "young" books at the time. I did not want to copy my friend, but I did want to own every copy of my team's book. As a teen then, I purchased all the back issues of AF as quickly as my meager funds allowed, probably several months. And then purchased every copy of AF Volume 1! I got into the "X" titles, too, but Alpha was always my favorite.

  5. #20


    Wolverine #81. I didn't much care about Wolverine, but I fell hard for Nightcrawler, so I started collecting X-Men and Excalibur, eventually read Alpha Flight/X-Men: The Gift, shipped Northstar/Rogue like wow, found out some pertinent information that caused that OTP to crash and burn (but still liked Northstar), and then started reading Alpha Flight. I guess it's telling that I didn't really care when Nightcrawler died, but I will still defend Northstar against all comers.

  6. #21
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I didn't care when Nightcrawler died, but not because I don't care about the character. I'm just waiting for his next appearance. Should be, what, a couple of months away?

    - Le Messor
    "I danced before Napoleon. No, Napoleon danced before me - in fact, he danced two hundred years before me."
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  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I didn't care when Nightcrawler died, but not because I don't care about the character. I'm just waiting for his next appearance. Should be, what, a couple of months away?

    - Le Messor
    "I danced before Napoleon. No, Napoleon danced before me - in fact, he danced two hundred years before me."
    ~ Groucho in Duck Soup
    If they can save Wolverine from Hell, who wants to place bets that someone will write a "controversial" storyline where Nightcrawler is brought back (or "rescued"?) from Heaven?

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Ahab View Post
    If they can save Wolverine from Hell, who wants to place bets that someone will write a "controversial" storyline where Nightcrawler is brought back (or "rescued"?) from Heaven?
    Given how Nightcrawler died, and the lameness of the story - I would welcome his resurrection. An interesting possibility (though I hated it on the show I am about to mention) - is perhaps do what they did with BUFFY where they brought her back from "Heaven" - and she wasn't happy. It'd be interesting if a religious character like Nightcrawler was somehow brought back (certainly the after shocks of Chaos War is leaving this door open for Marvel, sort of like what they did in DC, I believe not too long ago with dead coming back?) - and see how Nightcrawler would be like...

    Admittedly, I don't want an angsty Nightcrawler. I actually want my fun loving, flirty, swash buckling, fun Nightcrawler back.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    is perhaps do what they did with BUFFY where they brought her back from "Heaven" - and she wasn't happy.
    Careful... last time that came up we went all OT and had to start a new thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Admittedly, I don't want an angsty Nightcrawler. I actually want my fun loving, flirty, swash buckling, fun Nightcrawler back.
    I suggest investing in a time machine.

    - Le Messor
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  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I suggest investing in a time machine.
    Online RPGs are less expensive.

  11. #26
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    ... but have less potential for profit.

  12. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
    Online RPGs are less expensive.
    Are there even any left?

  13. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Are there even any left?
    Online X-Men/Marvel RPGs? Tons on Livejournal, Dreamwidth, and even on Tumblr.

  14. #29
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    I hear WOW has recently upgraded...

  15. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I hear WOW has recently upgraded...
    You guys are SO seriously off topic!

    The first comic I remember getting was Fantastic Four something or other where they fought the Salem Seven for the first time. That was such a great comic at the time. It got me really becoming a fan of the FF - which got me hooked on AF when I saw the add for #12 in the back of the FF issue. I had no idea who these people were but that had was so eyecatching, I HAD to buy the comic to see who would die! My older brother and I even bet on who it would be - and we both got it wrong!

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