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Thread: The Return of Alpha Flight!

  1. #226


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Yes. Its the Burn Ward for me, as well. You tend to get all numb-like, when you have no nerves left.
    That's what healing factors are for.

  2. #227


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    I dunno about being jaded, Ahab...For me, it's more like having been burned a few times.

    Actually, I think the problem is we were all Byrned the first time and now nothing is quite good enough.

  3. #228


    LOL! Good one, Ahab...I still love Byrne's Alpha stories the best.


  4. #229
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    The last three relaunches seemed to follow a pattern - the new creator gets the book, then starts talking about how they've always loved Alpha Flight, and how they're really excited to be on the book. Then they'd come to this forum to chat with us and tell us how happy they are to be on the series.

    Then we'd learn that this particular series is the last, best hope for Alpha Flight. Once it fails, no more chances.

    At some point, we'd learn the new team lineup - and it'd have little in common with Alpha Flight as we know it.

    To my knowledge, none of that has happened on this particular run. In fact, the team lineup is Alpha Flight as I think of it.

    Should we get excited just for that?
    Or is it just a bunch of stuff I thought I'd mention?

    - Le Messor
    "Hope is what keeps all suffering in place."

  5. #230


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Or is it just a bunch of stuff I thought I'd mention?

    - Le Messor
    No, "it"...Stands for "Information Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay. *

    * As described by ( from whom i receive no money ).
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  6. #231


    Le Messor, you bring up good points.

    Unfortunately, we will only know if THIS Alpha Flight succeeds where the others have failed, in hindsight.

    As i think you may be getting at...although it appears that perhaps Marvel just may have possibly learned a lesson from their many many myriad and totally brutally well-earned previous mistakes...just because it smells like Alpha Flight, looks like Alpha Flight, and says it is Alpha Flight, doesn't mean that there isn't even more possibility of a larger and much more catastrophic failure than what has been seen before.

    As i said, we will only know, in hindsight. Such is the curse of humanity. Such is the curse of Alpha Flight.

    In the meantime, prehensile toes crossed!
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  7. #232


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    The last three relaunches seemed to follow a pattern - the new creator gets the book, then starts talking about how they've always loved Alpha Flight, and how they're really excited to be on the book. Then they'd come to this forum to chat with us and tell us how happy they are to be on the series.

    Then we'd learn that this particular series is the last, best hope for Alpha Flight. Once it fails, no more chances.

    At some point, we'd learn the new team lineup - and it'd have little in common with Alpha Flight as we know it.

    To my knowledge, none of that has happened on this particular run. In fact, the team lineup is Alpha Flight as I think of it.

    Should we get excited just for that?
    Or is it just a bunch of stuff I thought I'd mention?

    - Le Messor
    "Hope is what keeps all suffering in place."
    If you look at Joe Quesada's (or Tom Brevoort's, Marvel execs in general) pattern also, then you'd notice he (or they) seems to constantly talk in absolutes ("Dead means dead", Alpha Flight's "last chance", "Nothing will be the same" after House of M, M Day, Civil War, Secret invasion, etc, etc...)...It's a sad way to do business, because nearly everything they promise to be permanent turns out to be false.


  8. #233


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    If you look at Joe Quesada's (or Tom Brevoort's, Marvel execs in general) pattern also, then you'd notice he (or they) seems to constantly talk in absolutes ("Dead means dead", Alpha Flight's "last chance", "Nothing will be the same" after House of M, M Day, Civil War, Secret invasion, etc, etc...)...It's a sad way to do business, because nearly everything they promise to be permanent turns out to be false.

    It's the nature of comics.
    "How do you know that my dimwitted inexperience isnt merely a subtle form of manipulation used to lower peoples expectations, enhancing my ability to effectively maneuver within any given situation."

  9. #234
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    No, "it"...Stands for "Information Technology,"...
    Thanks. Turns out, I knew that. Dumb question.

    Also, the one word we cannot bear to hear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Unfortunately, we will only know if THIS Alpha Flight succeeds where the others have failed, in hindsight.
    One of our measures of success has been 'lasted a long time'. As a one shot, this can't do that.
    Of course, some of our other measures have been:
    Is Alpha Flight.
    Is any good.
    We'll have to wait and see on that one. Of course, your mileage may vary, whatever happens.
    Sells well.
    Again, wait and see. A little less subjective than the above though.
    That could lead, though, to the first one... and would be really cool, combined with the next two. (Though I really don't want to encourage wild mass guessing, not this early. This is just a possibility I'm outlining, not a 'This is what's gonna happen' thing.)

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    If you look at Joe Quesada's (or Tom Brevoort's, Marvel execs in general) pattern also, then you'd notice he (or they) seems to constantly talk in absolutes ("Dead means dead", Alpha Flight's "last chance", "Nothing will be the same" after House of M, M Day, Civil War, Secret invasion, etc, etc...)...It's a sad way to do business, because nearly everything they promise to be permanent turns out to be false.
    Yeah, I notice patterns. That is my blessing. That is my curse.

    I call it a blurse!
    On the other hand, things they threaten also turn out false. Maybe Peter & MJ will get married again?

    - Le Messor
    "Only the Sith talk in absolutes."
    - Sith Lord Obi-Wan Kenobi

  10. #235


    Blurse...I love it (Gotta love Buffy references!). That made me smile, thanks, Mik!...I needed it.


  11. #236


    LOL, I'm a bit lost here.
    "Relaunch" what?
    If AF truly comes back from the dead world, we get the same team we learnt to love in AF #1.
    Hopefully no John Byrne in sight to kill'em all in a big zapping slaughter or Mantlo turning them into transexuals. LOL.
    NARYA EASTON just saved the world, even if nobody knows.

  12. #237
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    Blurse...I love it (Gotta love Buffy references!). That made me smile, thanks, Mik!...I needed it.
    Is that where I picked that word up? I've been wondering for years. (Started to think I'd made it up, via Simpsons.)
    Also, glad to give a smile.

    Quote Originally Posted by SNOWCHILD View Post
    LOL, I'm a bit lost here.
    "Relaunch" what?
    If AF truly comes back from the dead world, we get the same team we learnt to love in AF #1.
    The same team would still be a relaunch, as the series would be started (launched) anew... I think that's what you're lost about?

    - Le Messor
    "How come when I call Information they can’t tell me where my keys are?"

  13. #238


    The same team would still be a relaunch, as the series would be started (launched) anew... I think that's what you're lost about?
    Lost...sigh...another television epic that should never have ended...
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