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Thread: Resurrections : How would you ...

  1. #1

    Default Resurrections : How would you ...

    So, I'm curious how YOU, as a writer/idea-man, would bring Mac back if a new AF was launched and he was part of the mixture?

    I personally just don't thik it could be done convincingly at this point. But I'm open to being proven wrong!
    "You just decided *all by yourselves* that you are the Earth's protectors. And that you, and *only* you, not your teammates or family, are trustworthy enough to include in the process..."

    T'Challa, The New Avengers: Illuminati 1

  2. #2


    All of the "classic" Flight members who died that day were the dopplegangers from Alpha Flight v. 3. Too bad, so sad, hey look who's back from space! Narya, Liz, Walter and the twins spend an hour telling them all in explicit detail how much pain they will be in if they ever, EVER put them through that kind of crap again, then it's off for celebratory beers.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Powersurge View Post
    So, I'm curious how YOU, as a writer/idea-man, would bring Mac back if a new AF was launched and he was part of the mixture?

    I personally just don't thik it could be done convincingly at this point. But I'm open to being proven wrong!
    I'm with you. I'm not sure it would stick. They've pretty much done it every which way throughout Alpha's history, haven't they? It would almost have to be "eXiles"-style, IMO. Lost heroes from an alternate timeline finding a home on Earth-616 (as long as Walt's not in a woman's body again ).

  4. #4


    I'm rusty on my Alpha Flight history, was Black Razaar still being held by Puck? I can't remember how that all worked out. In any case, I'd maybe have Razaar's Spirit become free/dislodged when the Collective killed Puck, and then out of revenge, grab the souls of Mac, Heather, Eugene, Michael, Zha Zha and Major then and there in the snowy wilderness. Liz and Narya can discover this and assemble the team to go rescue them. Then Walt and Jeffries can build them android bodies until "real" ones can be found. Alpha Flight sort of has the PATENT on that type of "resurrection", with the aforementioned "Woman-Walt / Box-Robot" storyline.

    I liked Razaar as a villain. Even if he wasn't still being trapped inside Puck's body by the time of the Collective incident... ah, hell, I'd just retcon that he was.

  5. #5


    Razaar actually was freed before the collective. Razaar actually is the one that hacked Crimson Commando when he went over to Saudi Arabia. Puck became dimunitive again after the Master messed with his DNA

    How to bring back Mac? Hmm? I guess I would have to bring it back to their death. Shaman could have cast a spell with the Northern Gods and are in their Limbo. Get Snowbirds son to come back from Paradise and warn of the release of a Great Beast attack.

    Or, have the Master somehow take samples or replace the dead ALphas with dead clones. Then have an ancient sect of the Plodex show up, I would call them the Plodi, and really thrash the Master. He knows he needs help and releases Alpha Flight.

  6. #6


    Beta Project, or as mos-def says, a Shaman spell.
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  7. #7
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    I actually wouldn't even try. I'm pretty tired of the constant cycle of death and resurrection in comics. Death has lost all meaning. And as a result, life has become cheap. It would be nice if, even just once, a character could be allowed to die with dignity and not be brought back as a plot device.

    Now, I don't hate all resurrections. When done properly and sparingly they can be very powerful events. Especially in cases like Hal Jordan or Barry Allen. But those two had been dead for years. Decades even. An entire generation had grown up (myself included) knowing only their successors. When they were brought back, it was done in such a way that allowed newer readers to become acquainted, while at the same time shining a new light on them for older readers. And in both cases, bringing them back didn't simply revert things to the previous status quo. In fact, bringing them back added to the continuity, moving the characters forward, as opposed to backward.

    Sadly, such resurrections are rare (as they should be) and are drowned out by other, lesser resurrections, such as what I like to call the "One Year Later" resurrection, where a character is killed off purely as a gimick, with the intention of bringing them back soon afterward. Examples would include Captain America and Batman. It was cool when it happened to Superman, but now it's become overused and lost any emotional value. This would be even more true for Guardian, since he has already gone through the death/resurrection process.

    The bottom line is that, as much as I love Mac and miss him, I would much rather see things move forward, with at least a little sense of permanence. I think ultimately it is far more respectful to a character to let them die than to constantly bring them back, especially if it is only to appease fans and ultimately serves no overall purpose beyond that.
    Last edited by DancingDevil; 05-06-2010 at 11:20 PM.

  8. #8



    I didnt know what Beta project was so I did some research. That was a good idea of yours. Im actually PMing you with other stuff

  9. #9


    I wouldn't resurrect him as I would have it that he and Heather didn't die as we all were led to believe.

    I would have them, both, retired living on a farm somewhere out of hero life, acknowledge how close they came to death at the hands of the Collective and given up hero life as they are now parents. Then you could have something bring either one, or both out of retirement but it had better be a good reason. This way they are still alive and us hardcore fans wouldn't worry about their child being an orphan.
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  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    Beta Project, or as mos-def says, a Shaman spell.
    I like the Beta-Project idea. Good stuff!

    The Shaman spell idea is decent too, as well as the Plodi concept, and mreeez's twist.

    If Black Raazer had anything to do with it, an oracle from whatever faction he's with could tell him about Puck's impending death, and he could glean the Where and When, setting a trap on the spiritual plane to capture their fleeting souls in his blade. He left Sasquatch alone because in order to finish him off he would've had to become physical, and the SHIELD monitors would spot him.

    In any case, i'm more open to them all coming back than I was two days ago, that's for sure.

  11. #11
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default A terrible deal

    Deal with Mephisto. If Mac, Michael, Heather, Puck, Zusha, and Louis are truly dead, one way for them to come back would be to make a deal with Mephisto. I don't think that Michael would do it, because his knowledge of mystism would give him more avenues to return [and (plausible) resurrection] than the others, but a pseudo-scientific/magical way through A.I.M. would do it, too.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  12. #12


    Those who were supposed to be off in space who the Collective killed were Skrulls. The characters we know are still all fine. Snowbird did not go into space with them at the last minute because her place is defending earth. Maple Leaf and Puck 2 are truly dead.

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  13. #13
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    I already stated in at least one other thread the way I want the team to be resurrected. Talisman leads the remaining Alphans on a mission to bring the dead members back through one of three ways: making a cosmic cube; casting a powerful spell or invading the afterworld. I would like to see the last one myself. Every step of the journey, from gathering scattered Alphans to the moment they go in to get their friends and family, we get stories from the survivors about the dead members so new readers can learn about them and older readers can relive some classic moments.
    In the end, they succeed, but the dead must choose to leave. All but Shaman (who is reunited with his wife), and Puck II and MML (who are happy together forever) choose to come back. Cue tearful moment between Talisman and her father and scene. Of course the invasion and resurrection is going to have consequences with the higher powers in the MU which leads to future stories.

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    ... the afterworld. I would like to see the last one myself.
    That can be arranged.

  15. #15
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    That can be arranged.
    Is that a threat LM?

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