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Thread: It's time for a new Flight

  1. #1

    Default It's time for a new Flight

    Well, it has been painful trying to get on this site lately due to bad server service (?) or whatever, so I REALLY hope this works (and that y'all get to view it at some point).

    I am going to try to be positive about a new Alpha Flight series. I am positive it can be done. I am so sure that it CAN be done (and that the reason we do not have one is not the CAN part at all), that I have come up with an idea for how to launch one effectively.

    My idea is somewhat long-winded, and too lengthy to try to re-post here, so you can check out my grand hypothesis at http://canadas-own-the-flight.blogsp...ight-book.html .

    Thanks all! See you in the comic pages!
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  2. #2



    Nope...I don't like it (I kid).

    I hate you (I kid about the hating too) for leaving Heather dead, Mac I don't care about (he has died and resurrected too many flipping times for me to care anymore)...But Heather should be a survivor (maybe she wakes from a several months-long coma?). I think it would be interesting to see Heather lead the team from home with her baby (keeping in contact with the team via comm-link, satellite, A new Alphanex computer?)...That's a hook, right?

    I also think the team needs a Guardian...A Canadian (perhaps as some have suggested, a former soldier?), Just not Pointer...He has done nothing to honor the uniform (He's a whining, self-serving leech...Pure and simple...Gawd, what a horrible character!)

    I'm feel Puck is just a continuity nightmare for writers now...I love the character as Byrne wrote him...I'd just want there to be some way to retcon the whole demon thing out of his history, if he was to be used.

    I like your inclusion of Aurora (Northstar may not be available...he's too busy being squandered in the X-Books)...I also like the idea of Aurora and Walter getting back together, not fond of the marriage idea, though. However...Aurora is messed-up mentally again (thanks to Norman Osborne)...I'd want work with/use it....It could be very interesting.

    I don't think the Execs at Marvel will allow Arachne to become Canadian...I really don't...There will inevitably be a writer who will want to use her (probably back in the States, once the whole 50 State Initiative thing goes away...And it will too)...Besides, I'd much rather see Single mom, Heather than Julia...Sorry.

    BTW...The Shroud isn't connected to the criminal underground anymore (unless they've retconned that back)...He gave it up after the criminal members of the Night Shift discovered he wasn't really one of them and that he was using them...They spread the word). I am a big fan of the Shroud, but I don't want to see him in an Alpha Flight relaunch...he doesn't fit. The Shroud always seemed to fit best into a weird sort of setting...Like a supernatural-hunting, night-patrolling team.

    I'd like to see Snowbird and Talisman be members of the team, but I'm okay with them being reserve members (only when needed or if they should run into something they couldn't handle alone and had to call in the rest of the team). I'd like to see Shaman as a spirit guiding his daughter.

    Other things I'd like to see...Walter's son (and maybe his ex-wife again)...He could search out his father with a real mad on for him...Maybe he's even "gifted", due to Walter's years of working with radiation (I'm including his years experimenting in College...We have no idea what the man did there, besides get to know Bruce Banner)?

    I'd also like to see characters who are already in Canada used...WWII hero Jack Frost, The Living Totem, The character introduced in the original Marvel Comics Presents series, Lynx (Wolverine set her loose to live in the wilds of Canada), Albert and Elsie Dee (both in Canada when we last saw them)...

    I'd also like to see Madison Jeffries and Diamond Lil return to Canada...Not necessarily members of the Flight, though (maybe reserve members?). It would just be nice to see more superhuman Canadians from time-to-time (living their lives, fighting when they have to).

    I'd like to see Nemesis or a Nemesis character still avenging the innocent...Also not necessarily a member of the team...Maybe in an adversarial role?

    I'd really only want to see characters like Persuasion (I do like her Purple Girl name better too), Manikin (too much of a Deus Ex Machina as a powered character IMHO), Feedback and Volume 2 characters (who've all lost their powers now) as guest-stars.

    I too would like to see Colin Ashworth Hume return to Canada (he's actually Canadian, FP...he just grew up in England...Kind of the opposite of John Byrne)...I'd like to see him re-powered, though...I always thought he was a great character. Please tell me you're kidding with "Black Fly" as a name.

    Weapon P.R.I.M.E. is lame, but I'd like to see them in an issue or two as adversaries to Alpha (being jerks or getting in the way, etc...)...I'd even like to see them get the butts handed to them...LOL.

    I may be in the minority here, but I'd love to see Delphine Courtney/Robot MX39147 come back to form a new Omega Flight (maybe from more left out, disgruntled or depowered former Alphans and some of their villains?).

    Yukon Jack might be an option.

    Sorry FP, but I cringed at Walter's orange costume. :P

    You have some good ideas there, though.


  3. #3
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Just not Pointer...He has done nothing to honor the uniform (He's a whining, self-serving leech...)
    Actually, in the pages of Dark X-Men, (or Uncanny), he was more of a power-thirsty villain. Complete, unexplained 180 from his mini-series.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Walter's years of working with radiation (I'm including his years experimenting in College...We have no idea what the man did there, besides get to know Bruce Banner)?
    Hmm... technically not, but I've always presumed he got his degree in bioradiation there.

    fp, you describe Omega Flight as eagerly anticipated... Is that something that needs updating, perhaps?

    - Le Messor
    "Okay, technically, I'm a serial killer."
    - Sylar

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Just not Pointer...He has done nothing to honor the uniform (He's a whining, self-serving leech...)
    Actually, in the pages of Dark X-Men, (or Uncanny), he was more of a power-thirsty villain. Complete, unexplained 180 from his mini-series.
    Mik, isn't that what I said? Whiney self-serving leech? Hello...I think he's a creep.

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Walter's years of working with radiation (I'm including his years experimenting in College...We have no idea what the man did there, besides get to know Bruce Banner)?
    Hmm... technically not, but I've always presumed he got his degree in bioradiation there.

    fp, you describe Omega Flight as eagerly anticipated... Is that something that needs updating, perhaps?
    Surely Walter did some experimenting in college, Reed Richards and Doctor Doom certainly did. I'm also sure he must have done some research and experimenting after colleg (probably before his marriage).

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    - Le Messor
    "Okay, technically, I'm a serial killer."
    - Sylar

  5. #5


    Well, thanks for the replies. It was my first real hand at trying to find the time to put "pen to paper" and give voice to my thoughts about what the new AF comic could possibly look like (if I ruled the world ).

    Also, nice to know is back up and running! Yay! I was going through some serious withdrawals there...
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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  6. #6


    Well, if I truly must add my two cents.

    Deadpool is in Canada. He then should, at a random gas station (Preferably 7-11 since Marvel is getting sponserd by them and they have better Nachos than most other gas stations) meet Sasquatch, who has the apperance of a hobo. Now Deadpool comes up and is about to get in his car, and then this hobo asks for a dollar. Deadpool says "HA! BEAT ME IN A FIGHT AND I WILL!" The Hobo gets up and starts choking Deadpool, in which Deadpool gives up. Deadpool then runs away not wanting to give him a dollar. Sasquatch chases him until BAM! They fall off a cliff and onto some type of abandoned warehouse. They go inside, and see something an Alphanex (Which Deadpool then insults for it sounding so dumb and corny). Then Sasquatch press's the button and all of a sudden, THE CIVIL WAR ERUPTS (The one that happened in Marvel Comics i think in 2007?) And Sasquatch realizes he has to find Alpha Flight (Which Deadpool makes refernces to and how crazy and werid the posters there are and how nobody likes Canada and how Alphaflight hasnt been around for awhile, and then some more insults and jokes aimed at Alphaflight and the fanbase)

    Now, the 2nd phase begins with them finding Puck, who now works at a gas station (Again, 7-11 to satisfy the sponsor). Sasqautch walks in and says "PUCK COME ON BRO WE HAVE GOTTA HELP OMFG OMG ROFL"

    Then, they find Mac working at Bank, IN AMERICA! (Haha, Deadpool then says *Insert insult, jokes and more insults aimed at Alphaflights fanbase and the comic) Mac quickly comes since he knows of the Civil War and whats happening and what COULD happen in Canada.

    Now, time has passed and the Civil War is over. Deadpool, Sasquatch, Mac and Puck are looking for Heather. But they are occupied with the Skrulls in Canada (Thus starting the Skrull Invasion event) Canada is burnt to the Ground and its people killed or sent to Alaska where they are treated as second class citizens. (Deadpool says *Insurt joke and insult and refernce to Alphaflight fanbase)

    Finally, they Find Heather. Now, Im not going to say what has happened to her and where she works because the comic book has to remain readable for kids of all ages.

    Well thats just a rough draft of what i Believe you could add or merge into your story.

    ((( Very good btw, I like the Ideas although I believe Marvel would have a totally different take on introducing Alpha Flight back into a series )))

  7. #7



    Sad to say, but I missed you, buddy.

    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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  8. #8


    Do we have a face-palm emoticon?
    (the closest I could find)

    Dana :P

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07


    Sad to say, but I missed you, buddy.

    Aww man you miss pelt my name. Can there be any higher form of insult?

    Sad to say? Really?

    And Cmdrkoenig67, face palm, really? That hurt, it hurt me real deep.

    This cut me really deep you know guys.


  10. #10


    This cut me really deep you know guys.
    Uh huh. I bet.

    Oh, and sorry about the "miss pelting"...
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  11. #11


    Have you thought about putting this suggestion into the Marvel Forums or other big Comic forums?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Trewqp
    Have you thought about putting this suggestion into the Marvel Forums or other big Comic forums?, not at this point. Maybe after Alzheimers sets in?
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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  13. #13
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    Actually, in the pages of Dark X-Men, (or Uncanny), he was more of a power-thirsty villain. Complete, unexplained 180 from his mini-series.
    Mik, isn't that what I said? Whiney self-serving leech? Hello...I think he's a creep.
    Sorry, I was using those terms differently... I thought of a "Whiney self-serving leech" as more emo than villainous...

    - LM
    "That bird is way too black to be a pelican. It must be a swan."
    - me

  14. #14


    "Whiney self-serving leech"

    So... pointer went into politics??
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  15. #15


    Just read through your write up and its clear you've spent a lot of time cultivating the idea. Just my .02 here.

    I agree we do not need a Guardian. Yes probably the most marketable hero on past teams is no longer around. Heather and Mac are dead, RIP. Can the suit be put on someone else? Sure but if I was writing a new series I wouldn't think about it for a long time.

    Puck is dead, again RIP. I love Judd but there is so much water under the bridge with him that it would be tough for a writer to put together a reason why he somehow is back breathing. I've tried to come up with something myself and just decided it's not worth it.

    Walter is a given. Not just because he's my favorite character of all time but because he's as much an icon for this team as the Guardian suit.

    Arachne, Shroud, Purple Girl, etc... I like the ideas but the integration needs to be seemless. Keeping magic out of this book is near impossible and I think the Shroud could go a long way to changing it up.

    Aurora and Shroud on the same team? I like it if for nothing more than the light vs dark contrast.

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