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Thread: Alpha Flight weekly Reading Club on the Byrne Forum

  1. #91

  2. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by S. Michael Simms
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Maxwell
    If you think he has enough flaws to make a list, why would you want to join his board?
    I don't think it is "cool" or on some kind of moral high ground for Mr. Byrne to dis Wikipedia the way he does simply because he doesn't agree with some of the opinions expressed in his specific entry, and the only other time I've encountered the "non-anonymous" email issue is with government and business oriented websites. It's a discussion forum, Ryan; he ought to do what every other halfway decent discussion board admin does and implement some monitors to take care of trolls rather than exclude people with valid, long-standing "anonymous" email addresses who do not wish to have to pay for their email services.
    Byrne's complaints about Wikipedia are valid. He's found errors and flat out lies about himself in his entry on multiple occasions. The fact that literally anybody can go in and edit the site at any time makes it fairly worthless. Yes, it might be 99% truth and fact showing up in each listing, but if I can go over there and type that Tom Cruise eats the flesh of newborn puppies, why would you want to defend that as my opinion?

    Like most/all discussion boards, there are moderators (and Byrne himself) to keep things in line. How would you suggest they figure out an anonymous email address is valid and long-standing, and not a troll? I have a work issued email that I used to sign up with and don't pay for. That probably holds true for the majority of the members over there. Just one way to follow the rules.

  3. #93


    this issue was the beginning of my heart literally being torn from my chest, i was beyond happy that mac was back as i loved the character and loved him in the guardian costume, then to have probably the best explained reserection ever, be a ruse.................

    it hurts even talking about it.

  4. #94
    Heather Hudson Fan First Flight

    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Indianapolis, Indiana


    Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
    I hope this helps you out some while on this board. We - at least I - do enjoy your posts, and would like to see more input from you in the future.
    Water under the bridge. Thanks.

    - SMS
    Jolson did it all first,
    Crosby jazzed it up,
    Sinatra perfected it.

  5. #95
    Heather Hudson Fan First Flight

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    Feb 2008
    Indianapolis, Indiana


    I'm not going to get into a debate over the merits of Wikipedia. I think he went overboard with his comments and reaction, that's all; my opinion, nothing more.

    On the second issue, the one which I was initially complaining about:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Maxwell
    I have a work issued email that I used to sign up with and don't pay for. That probably holds true for the majority of the members over there. Just one way to follow the rules.
    Some of us only have a home computer (or don't screw around at work ) Either way, he's excluding an entire group of people from access to his discussion board. That's fine. It's his board. I just think it sucks. I also think that if his mods are worth their mettle, they could moderate the board just fine without resorting to forcing every new member to have a "non-anonymous" email address. I've moderated at some forums where we could give two shih tzus about someone's identity as long as they played by the rules; I don't see why it should be any different anywhere else— it's not like he's running a business out of there or protecting top secret government documents.

    Seriously, what difference does it make if you "are who you say you are" at a discussion forum? Smacks of paranoia to me, but like I said, it's his board, he can do whatever he wants. I'll go on thinking it sucks, and if you want to rebut you can PM me. This thread's done being hijacked; such was not my intent. Thanks for all your input, and to echo Mr. Happy, thanks for posting the issues as well. I do appreciate at least being able to take part in the discussions here.

    Live, love, laugh & be happy,
    Jolson did it all first,
    Crosby jazzed it up,
    Sinatra perfected it.

  6. #96

  7. #97


    Good adaptation, Ryan. I was also intrigued to read JB's remarks about how things turned out disappointingly after he left the book. "For me, or for Alpha." I won't debate that!

  8. #98


    Next to last, 27. I was and still am completely bitter about the announcement at the end.

  9. #99


    I completely agree about the announcement at the end. Although I had known JB was leaving the book months ahead of when it was announced, I was still devastated.

  10. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by S. Michael Simms
    The Byrne board won't let me in because my email (which I have been using for about fifteen years now without any problems) is "anonymous" - and I'm not about to go pay for a "non-anonymous" email address just so I can post on a discussion board— it's friggin' ridiculous. I guess I can add "paranoid" to Byrne's list of character flaws. Too bad, I think I would have been a pretty good contributor.

    - SMS
    I've had this problem on Newsarama because I use a hotmail account. And they would not let me on even after contacting administration.

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  11. #101
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by S. Michael Simms
    The Byrne board won't let me in because my email (which I have been using for about fifteen years now without any problems) is "anonymous".
    That makes about three reasons I won't join his board.
    The other two are:
    I tend to read by character, not creator, so it wouldn't make sense anyway... Although, Byrne is one of the few creators I've bought a book for.

    I love Alpha Flight and am Christian. John Byrne has made his feelings about both Very Clear. (I admire honesty, but also tact.)

    - Le Messor
    "Fame or self: which matters more? Self or wealth: which is more precious? Gain or loss: which is more painful?"
    - Lao Tsu

  12. #102


    Le Messor, you've just named the two reasons why I've balked at joining JB's message board. In light of Alpha's 25th anniversary, I wanted to come on board and share some of my memories of the day I bought AF #1, (April 29, 1983). But, like you, I also love Alpha, and I'm a Christian. I was very put off by JB's (and some of his fans') opinions about Christianity; and for those reasons, I would feel uncomfortable there.

    And is it just me, or does anyone else here feel that JB has not really had a good, solid, memorable book since he left Alpha and "Fantastic Four"? Even his revamp of "Superman" did nothing for me. And "Next Men" started out interestingly, but then, went downhill and ended in a mess, IMO. Just my two cents or possibly sour grapes on my part.

  13. #103


    maybe it's just my love for the book, but i agree, byrne has not done anything good since alpha. even his hulk run was a mess.

  14. #104


    Varo, I agree that JB's run in "The Hulk" was disappointing. I just remembered a recent series that he did that was decent: "X-Men: The Hidden Years". This was pretty good, but unfortunately, it didn't last long.

    Some of JB's fans would like him to do an "Alpha Flight: The Hidden Years" series. I think it would be great if he did do it. Not only would we get to see the classic team together again, but we'd get to know more about Alpha's early history. (Anyone remember "The Blooding"? The announced sequel to the 1992 Alpha Flight Special? I looked forward to it, but it never happened. Wonder what the storyline would have been?)

  15. #105


    Regarding the 'Blooding'. Phil and I asked about this years ago at 'The Bristol Comic Con'. The person supposedly associated with it had no recollection of it

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

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