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Thread: What was the first comic book you ever bought?

  1. #16


    Well, the only thing I seem to remember was that the issue dealt a lot with Proteus jumping from host to host, and burning out their bodies quickly. I almost want to say (and could almost swear) it was Adams' art, but honestly it could have been Byrne. It's been so long since I held the comic in my hands.

    I was seven at the time (I'm thirty now) and I don't know how I got the comic. I only can seem to remember that the first page was a picture of a woman that Proteus had posessed.

    If you could help me that would be great...since it was my first comic, it would be cool to get my hands on it again.
    Where are we going, and why are we in this hand-basket??

  2. #17


    That sounds like the original Proteus saga that ran from something like UXM 125 - 128.

    That one is also one of my earliest memories, as I had just recently started collecting comics, the UXM in specific, and I found an old crumbled issue of UXM 125 in a stack o' comics that belonged to my friend's friend... and then bought it off him for, like, a dollar... which was fair given the condition of the comic.

    So that was the first back issue of the UXM that I ever really looked at, and the old danger room, the old costumes, et al. just blew me away. It wasn't long after that I picked up the rest of the saga, at considerably greater of an expense. But it was worth it. It was perhaps one of the single BEST X-Men stories EVER... with a truly terrifying enemy and some awesome X-Moments.... like Wolvie's first encounter with Proteus, and then Cyke trying to shake him out of it by picking at him and trying to stir him into a berserker rage.... and then procreeding to manhandle the Wolfman when he did attack!!!

    And of course Colossus... every villains punching bag up until that point, finally got to enjoy a moment of glory.

    As for the artist... well, between my memory and the consideration that AF's first appearance was just a couple of issues earlier, I'd have to say it was Byrne.
    "You just decided *all by yourselves* that you are the Earth's protectors. And that you, and *only* you, not your teammates or family, are trustworthy enough to include in the process..."

    T'Challa, The New Avengers: Illuminati 1

  3. #18


    This one is easy...

    The X-Men
    The Fantastic Four
    and the Badoon...

    What kid could resist?

  4. #19


    If we are talking Marvel heroes book then my first bought with my own money would be Uncanny X-Men/Teen Titans, which I picked up around 1984. A few weeks after that I went back and picked up the first ten issues of Alpha Flight.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  5. #20
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mystic
    Well, the only thing I seem to remember was that the issue dealt a lot with Proteus jumping from host to host, and burning out their bodies quickly. I only can seem to remember that the first page was a picture of a woman that Proteus had posessed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Powersurge
    That sounds like the original Proteus saga that ran from something like UXM 125 - 128.
    None of those issues exactly match what you describe, but according to this, there's not much chance of it being something else. I'd vote for #126, which has him possess several people, including a woman. (It is Byrned.)

    - Le Messor
    "Extreme good--naturedness borders on weakness of character. Avoid it."

  6. #21


    Thor Vol 1. #391
    It's still my favourite Thor issue, features Spidey & i'm pretty sure it's the first issue with Eric Masterson
    Fight For The Flight

  7. #22
    Heather Hudson Fan First Flight

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    I noticed a lot of people brought up the first comic they ever READ. Not the same thing...that one's a little tougher for me, since it was several years before I actually bought one that I was picking them up and reading them whenever I could get my hands on them. The earliest recollection I have of reading a comic book is Captain America when I was five or six. I remember that in the story he changed his name to Roger Stevens (instead of Steve Rogers) and was disguising himself for some reason. I believe Bucky was in it, and I think Jack Kirby (or someone who very much imitated his style) did the artwork. I also remember a lot of Green Goblin oriented Spidey comics from those days and good old Thor when he was still disguised as a wimp with a walking stick part of the time...ah, lots of fond childhood memories...

    live, love, laugh & be happy,
    Jolson did it all first,
    Crosby jazzed it up,
    Sinatra perfected it.

  8. #23


    I always read the comics my big Brother Yves was buying. What is the first one I bought myself? I have no clue. When he was in England and he could not bought everthing he liked, so I helped him.
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by S. Michael Simms
    I noticed a lot of people brought up the first comic they ever READ. Not the same thing...that one's a little tougher for me, since it was several years before I actually bought one that I was picking them up and reading them whenever I could get my hands on them.
    If I remember correctly, the uncanny issue I had read way back when was bought with money my dad had been putting aside for me as my 'allowance' so it would be the first one I bought.

    And I believe you are right, that it was the cover looks awfully familiar. Thanks, now I can save up the money to buy it again.
    Where are we going, and why are we in this hand-basket??

  10. #25


    I don't remember back that far...Sorry.


  11. #26


    Well other than the cartoon ones I got as a kid the firstone I bought was AF #28. My friend had a double of #27 and gave me one to read because I used to bug him about having comics. Now I sit with 20 boxes beside me and another 13 under the bed.

    As for the first book i read also other than cartoon books I had as a kid I somehow had aquired a copy of Superman and a copy of What If..Shang-Chi something someting Fu Man Chu. Yeah helpful ain't I. Anyway that what if was the first one I remember reading.


  12. #27


    Alpha Flight 28. Cloak and Dagger, Aquaman miniseries 1985 (That I picked instead of Watchmen#1).


  13. #28


    My first comic book was Cabel #1

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