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Thread: Alpha Flight weekly Reading Club on the Byrne Forum

  1. #31


    i love your idea of a reboot.

    not sure which issue, it may be 13, but it seems like jb's art changes a little, maybe a new inker?

    and as much as i hated (loved) this issue, issue #25 and 26 are by far my favorites of jb's run because i was so happy mac was back, and know.

  2. #32


    Bob Wiacek joins up as inker on issue 15. Not an improvement, in my opinion. His lines were very thin and didn't add a lot of life to the art.

  3. #33

  4. #34

  5. #35


    Fascinating to see, Ryan! And someone, (Gentleman Jim Warden), actually owns the pencils to the entire AF #14? How marvelous that he let you use them here for our pleasure. Please thank him for me. Good job, from both of you!

    PS: That opening shot of Birdie is one of my all-time favorite pictures of her.

  6. #36


    Jim is Byrne's art dealer and a friend of mine. He's held on to all the original pages except the cover all these years. Someday, I'll hit the lottery and make him an offer he can't refuse for them!

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Maxwell
    Jim is Byrne's art dealer and a friend of mine. He's held on to all the original pages except the cover all these years. Someday, I'll hit the lottery and make him an offer he can't refuse for them!
    Just for sheep and giggles just how much would an original piece go for from him? I've looked for links on the web but can't find anything.

    [*edited by a moderator for language. Sorry, PWalk, but you didn't disguise your profanity well enough.]

  8. #38


    Jim's Byrne art site is at

    You can email Jim directly to request a price list based on size, character count, with or without backgrounds, etc at

  9. #39
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    There's also Byrne's stunning revelation that Kodos killed Heather's parents (I didn't know they were dead?)...

    Come to think of it, he does look like a Qwrlln.

    - Le Messor
    "Everything put together falls apart, sooner or later."

  10. #40

  11. #41


    Hello, Jeffries!

    I REALLY wish JB had stuck around and used Madison more. What a great character and a perfect fit alongside Box/Bochs.

  12. #42


    I find the review of those stories very interesting, particulary, I must admit, Byrne comments. The insider,/creator view really make you see some aspect never suspected.

    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  13. #43


    Well, I did not read all these forums, except for the one on Issue # 12.

    I almost wish that i had not bothered to read it. Byrne's revelations were...disturbing.

    I have nothing against John Byrne. I just think that he and I have very different visions for Alpha Flight. Even though he created them, I am the one who loves them passionately, and he...well, read for yourself, and you might start thinking like i do, that to him, they were just fodder, something to do so that nobody else would write them, but nothing he was really that interested in.

    Sad, really.

    Listening to his comments, somehow...hurts. Makes me feel like i have been punched in the gut by my bestest friend.

    As much as I love John for creating Alpha Flight, and as much as I think the first year and a bit writing them was massively and immensely intense and ground-breaking...
    ...I really do not wish to hear anything from him.

    I know, i know, i am complaining about hearing from JB, when i myself am the one who went and read his forum about Issue 12! Well, lesson learned; I won't do it again.

    I am not mad. I have no strength to be mad, he sucked it all out of me with his words and his lack of caring...

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    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  14. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07
    Well, I did not read all these forums, except for the one on Issue # 12.

    I almost wish that i had not bothered to read it. Byrne's revelations were...disturbing.
    Do you mean his revelation about Heather, concerning Mac's death? I thought that was obvious....Nothing new there. I guess him just saying it makes you actually think about it. It was an accident...And I never gave it much thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07
    I have nothing against John Byrne. I just think that he and I have very different visions for Alpha Flight. Even though he created them, I am the one who loves them passionately, and he...well, read for yourself, and you might start thinking like i do, that to him, they were just fodder, something to do so that nobody else would write them, but nothing he was really that interested in.

    Sad, really.

    Listening to his comments, somehow...hurts. Makes me feel like i have been punched in the gut by my bestest friend.

    As much as I love John for creating Alpha Flight, and as much as I think the first year and a bit writing them was massively and immensely intense and ground-breaking...
    ...I really do not wish to hear anything from him.

    I know, i know, i am complaining about hearing from JB, when i myself am the one who went and read his forum about Issue 12! Well, lesson learned; I won't do it again.

    I am not mad. I have no strength to be mad, he sucked it all out of me with his words and his lack of caring...

    I hear you...I'm always disappointed when John voices his feelings about Alpha Flight. He always belittles his work on the book, but it was some of his best. He tosses them away as one-shot characters that should only have been used as adversaries and not as a real team of heroes (let alone, getting their own book). What he doesn't seem to get is that they've become comic legends and granted they're not anywhere as big as Wolverine, but he started exactly the same way...An adversary created to survive a fight with the Hulk. What I don't really get is that JoeQ doesn't see them as the comic greatness they once were...He apparently only sees them as cannon-fodder.

  15. #45


    Do you mean his revelation about Heather, concerning Mac's death? I thought that was obvious....Nothing new there. I guess him just saying it makes you actually think about it. It was an accident...And I never gave it much thought.
    Yes, and No. No, I admit that I had never before blamed Heather for Mac's death. I, too, thought that Mac would never have survived the encounter anyways, regardless of whether she showed up at that moment or not.
    To know that Byrne planned this whole thing, before the series ever began...that's just too much. To know that he thought so little of these characters, that he only took on the project so that nobody else would use his characters...To see Alpha's creator as nothing more than a petulant child, saying "Fine, you want a comic with these characters, then I will do it, nobody else! But you have forced me to use them, so now I am gonna screw with 'em, I am gonna kill their leader in the first year, and leave his widow to hang cruelly in the wind after having not only witnessed his death but accidentally caused it." Man, to me that is just...nasty. See, unlike to JB, these are PEOPLE to me! Like family. And I do not like the casual and flippant way he plays God with them. To me, JB seems to be taking on more of the characteristics of Loki - brilliant, but totally evil, a petulant and sulking child who hates everyone. And I say this, having just recently read, for the first time, Thor Dissamsembled, with the whole Ragnarok thing and the death of the norse gods...

    Beyond that, there were many disturbing little comments that he made. But the most visually horrific was the discussion of Mac's burning skull. To see JB draw it in on that panel...shudder...again, something I did not want to see, but something that I had to watch anyways, like driving by a horrific car accident and slowing down so you can stare. That was too much.

    It is ALL too much.

    Goodbye, John Byrne. Thanks for creating something that was so much bigger than your temper tantrum and childishness. Something that will outlive you.

    But I do not want to hear any of your words, ever again.

    Long live the Flight!
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

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