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Thread: Thank you!

  1. #16


    Thank you, Michael Avon Oeming, Scott Kollins, Reber, and evryone else who worked on this series. I was glad to see Alpha (and Omega) Flight handled by a team that really cared. It showed in your excellent product. I hope if our favorite Canadian super-team returns in the future, it will be under a creative team as fine as yourselves. Good work!

  2. #17


    The book looked great guys, though I have one complaint. Perhaps its part of the art style, or part of the printing process, but I often felt as if the pages were slightly out of focus. Its not my eyes, as I didn't notice the problem in other current books.

    That one quibble aside, the book looked great, especially the last splash page.

  3. #18


    Yah, great job to the artists on this project, you guys told the story fantastically. Reber you're officially my favorite colourist after this and your amazing X-Factor stuff.

  4. #19
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Thank you for an excellent run. I'm sad now that it's not ongoing. I can begin to see the stories that would have been.

    Speaking of Seagle and Rouleau:

    - Le Messor
    "The songs, lad, the songs would just melt your face."
    - Bernard Black

  5. #20

    Default Thanks Omega team!

    Thank you, Oeming, Kollins and Reber for having respect. You respected the fans. You respected Alpha Flight (as fan-geeky as that may sound). You handled the situation of Marvel turning an ongoing to a mini with respect as well, despite what you truly may have felt and the outcry that it initiated. You guys did a fantastic job and I'm glad that I was along for the ride. Despite what may or may not happen with Omega Flight/Alpha Flight in the future, your work proved that there is enough of a fan base out there that is interested in reading a Canadian team book with at least some of Alpha Flight in it. I hope that this has helped turn a corner at Marvel regarding their opinion of the Flight being a lucrative product. In any case, you did your parts extremely well. I really enjoyed reading this series. Good luck with your future projects.
    Thanks again.

  6. #21

    Default Re: Thanks Omega team!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ahab
    Thank you, Oeming, Kollins and Reber for having respect. You respected the fans. You respected Alpha Flight (as fan-geeky as that may sound). You handled the situation of Marvel turning an ongoing to a mini with respect as well, despite what you truly may have felt and the outcry that it initiated. You guys did a fantastic job and I'm glad that I was along for the ride. Despite what may or may not happen with Omega Flight/Alpha Flight in the future, your work proved that there is enough of a fan base out there that is interested in reading a Canadian team book with at least some of Alpha Flight in it. I hope that this has helped turn a corner at Marvel regarding their opinion of the Flight being a lucrative product. In any case, you did your parts extremely well. I really enjoyed reading this series. Good luck with your future projects.
    Thanks again.
    Very very well said!
    You may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one.

    Venom: I want to bite their heads off and shove my tongue down their neck holes.
    Songbird: Why?
    Venom: So I can lick out their hearts.

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by varo
    the best i have seen these characters look since byrne.
    And I second that.

    As other's have said -- you did this Sasquatch fan proud -- it was especially exciting for me to see the big guy looking great and so like himself throughout this series.

    Thanks for your great work all around guys.

  8. #23


    Got it over the weekend, read it and was sad to see it end. Storywise, I felt that the events could have been better contained in 6 issues instead of 5, but all in all, I found it a very satisfactory read, with an ending that leaves it open for the ongoing, which I hope will become reality sooner rather than later.

    Thanks to Mike O, Scott K and Brian R and their crew for a job well done and the respect paid to AF -- I hope they'll dip in here to read these messages and perhaps leave one or two comments for us.

  9. #24


    Thanks to Michael, Scott & the rest of the people who made it happen (I do wonder how much influence Joe Q had in making it happen - he obviously had to OK it for the mini but did he push it too? - & how differently your stories would've turned out if the series had gone ahead as an ongoing).

    I was very excited at first in the initial stages upon hearing it was an ongoing, very disappointed when it turned into a mini (like everyone here) & when OF #1 got near to release, I wondered how good it'll be... whether the tone of the mini would be close to the original AF (i.e., different from other Marvel team books), or not. Or just another team book but based in Canada.

    Glad to say it was somewhere in between - a very good read that captured some of the original magic. I do miss the original members though (that appeared in X-Men #120 & 121) like Shaman & Snowbird. Liked what you all did with the new Guardian but I still miss the original - James Hudson is like what Steve Rogers is to Captain America & Peter Parker to Spider-Man... you really can't replace them with another character w/o losing a lot of the magic.


    I'm getting excited again to hear something's brewing for this team but out of curiosity, what were the sales figures like on average (roughly) for the issues after #1? In the 20-30Ks? 40Ks? I get the impression it sold out quite fast but then again, it could just be a low print run. I ask just to get an idea of Marvel's commitment to do something about the team/s & the characters here.

    To all Alphans out there (Alpha Flighters? heh),

    When I think of it, the Alpha Flight story can actually make a very good movie don't you think, based somewhat on the original team & Byrne's stories with all the Canadian & native American/Canadian theme, maybe cross over with X-Men or have Wolverine show up. That would be bloody coo-uhl... I'd wet my pants with excitement just seeing Sasquatch show up! Not that it'd happen. I can dream, can't I? Anyway...

    Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Omega (& whatever Greek alphabet you want to throw in) FOREVER! I still very much prefer ALPHA FLIGHT - what a name! It immediately conjurs the image of the supreme team.


  10. #25


    There was one man I forgot to thank before, so I apologize. John Byrne was the main inventor of the Alpha Flight characters and then the AF series (I know others had some involvement) , so I wanted to thank him for putting this together and giving his awesome talents starting one of my favorite books of all time. His AF stories will always be an inspiration to me.



  11. #26


    True enough, sir. Good luck, and if we're all lucky, we'll get to see your Alpha Flight stories in the near future! Good luck again to all of the people who gave us Flight!
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  12. #27


    No, Scott, thank you! You, Reber, and Oeming are all awesome. I have a real problem thinking about a possible ongoing without you guys spearheading it.

    Great job making a great comic that had a lot of unexpected popularity. Good luck with your future projects!

  13. #28


    I believe what Mike O, Scot K, Brian R and Andy S have done is set the scene for a revivified Flight team with a fresh start, a history (without the baggage) and a tone to carry into an ongoing (should it be within sight soon). I can think of many other creators who can take their legacy and make it work very well, and will look forward to the opportunity to see OF once more.

    Once again, kudos gentlemen!

  14. #29


    Besides the great joy I have recieved from sharing thoughts and opinions with other Alpha/Omega fans on this sight. Having the creators of Omega showing up here to interact with us has made this an amazing expierience for me. A great job was done by all of them. When this series was downgraded from ongoing to mini. It would have been very easy to do their 5 issues and move on. But they where here from issue #1 till the end and made it a great expierence for me. I have great hope for an ongoing and only hope that the Marvel Comics Presents "Interlude" is the necessary break to getting the same creative team on board for a very long and historic run. They where nothing short of magic and hope from the bottom of my heart that they return as the creative team for the ongoing I so look foward to.
    You may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one.

    Venom: I want to bite their heads off and shove my tongue down their neck holes.
    Songbird: Why?
    Venom: So I can lick out their hearts.

  15. #30


    Thanks to the entire creative team, sincerely.

    You guys had me buying a monthly again- and I never would have seen THAT coming.

    Here's hoping you all collaborate again at some point, 'cause I'll be there.
    "You cannot win, mailman Mike. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

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