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Thread: Quotes from this week's Joe Fridays

  1. #1

    Default Quotes from this week's Joe Fridays

    NRAMA: Got to ask Joe - Omega Flight, Avengers: The Initiative, Mighty Avengers, New Warriors, The Champions, The Loners … that's six new team books you're introducing in the span of a few months. Now a couple of those are finite minis, and at least one is a mini with a hope for more, but is this a case where you expect all to succeed, or you know going in there will a couple of market hits and a couple of misses…?

    JQ: You can't go into an endeavor like this not hoping that they all succeed, but you also have to be realistic that some will do better than others and that maybe one or two wont stick right away. But then I have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that this is a much healthier industry than when I started six years ago and more and more books are finding their legs out there and sustaining considerably longer runs than we had originally assumed with much healthier numbers than originally predicted. That's why I'm very optimistic. I think comic fans are much more open to new stuff and even certain older concepts returning.

    For example, I think the Alpha Flight fans are going to kick major butt and come out in legion to support their title. I think that New Warrior fans are going to come out to support their title even if they don't know a lot about it yet. I don't know, could be wrong, we'll see.
    The nerve of him!

  2. #2


    Yeah, honestly on a side note I'm actually interested in the Mighty Avengers title.. never really read any avengers stuff but the team jsut looks alot more promising then the new avengers.. I dunno why just more edgy... but I'm also basing this on the loosk of the team havign not really known much abotu any of the characters it just all aroudn looks solid

    hopefully some people will think the same thoughts about omega flight and pick it up

  3. #3
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I believe Del's on the New Warrior's board; I'm not. But I'm a fan.
    I'm speaking for myself, not their board.
    I acted on my own, without the knowledge or permission of the group. (blinks morse code: they're torturing me!)
    So, I'll say this:

    The New New Warriors isn't 'my' book. I've said it about Omega ad nauseum (emphasis on the nausea), but it's nothing like the title I love.
    However, this one does sound like a good premise for a series on its own. I might have picked it up even if it didn't have the name attached to it. (Probably not, but only because I'm trying to cut down on my comics spending at the mo'.)

    - Le Messor
    "Dawn, I get that you're scared, but I'm your sitter, so mind me. I'm not about to let any of those buggers lay so much as a warty digit on you."
    - Spike

  4. #4

    Default Re: Quotes from this week's Joe Fridays

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam
    For example, I think the Alpha Flight fans are going to kick major butt and come out in legion to support their title. I don't know, could be wrong, we'll see.
    Mr Quesada,

    We might be more inclined to support "our" title, if we were actually given a book entitled Alpha Flight, containing the actual Alpha Flight.

    Comments like this make me want kick butt, alright...His.


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