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Thread: marvel legend toys have changed!!

  1. #1

    Default marvel legend toys have changed!!

    the mavel legends series is no longer done by toy biz. hasbro has taking the wheels. it may be for the better. the new series has white queen, X3 beast, banshee, planet hulk, ultimate ironman, and hercules. with characters like banshee, planet hulk, and hercules. there maybe a chance of alpha flight members.

    Pain knows no boundries, but Puck knows pain!!!!

  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    :LOL: Who put those comments in there? Were they on the original solicit?

    Love Hercules going Marxist...

    Not sure I get the 'Russel Crowe' reference.

    Ooh, also, most of them look as good as the 'riginals; maybe not Banshee. Annihulus looks great!

    (Another Iron Man?)

    Do I see Ghost Rider under there?

    - Le Messor
    "There ain't no cure for the summertime blues."
    - Blue Cheer

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Can't say I'm impressed with any of the figures in that lineup. And seriously another Stark?

  5. #5


    I know, he gets way to many Marvel Legend toys and we have had only one member of Alpha Flight? I'm shocked not even Guardian has got one yet.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    :LOL: Who put those comments in there? Were they on the original solicit?

    Not sure I get the 'Russel Crowe' reference.

    Do I see Ghost Rider under there?

    - Le Messor
    "There ain't no cure for the summertime blues."
    - Blue Cheer
    1. The comments were on the original solicitation.

    2. Because of the armor, they're referring to his movie called Gladiator. Great movie by the way.

    3. Yes, that Ghost Rider is one of many from the GR movie line.

  7. #7


    I bought the whole wave recently and they're definetly not as good as the original MLs. Hopefully they're get better as the line evolves.

  8. #8


    What's with it being Movie Beast? They're trying to broaden appeal or something? I bet we get a black spiderman next!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by SephirothsKiller
    What's with it being Movie Beast? They're trying to broaden appeal or something? I bet we get a black spiderman next!
    Actually I think there is one already

    edit: Nevermind the movie black costume toy is still a prototype not released yet.

  10. #10


    Yeah the Hasbro lineup is definitely inferior to the more recent Toy Biz lineups. Annihilus looks OK, but I'm not really that excited about any of the figures. I definitely don't need another Iron Man! Banshee I'd like if the figure didn't suck. White Queen...OK I don't have her yet. Herc...not that wild about. X3 Beast...Nope! I sure hope they improve. Considering they are about $2 more per figure they should be better than the Toy Biz versions. Methinks we're paying for packaging on Hasbro's line. I'd love to see a lineup that had only B-listers. I doubt it ever happens, but it would be cool. I'm extremely tired of seeing Wolverine, Spider-man, Iron Man, Cap, and Hulk in every assortment. Give ma a Speedball, Darkhawk, Guardian, Talisman, or what I really want...Shaman!

    As for the Black Spidey, he is in the Spider-man Origins lineup. They also have Spider-man 2099 in that line. Only two I'm at all interested in there though.
    "Well, the only person talking about love today is the preacher. And it seems noboday gets just all the learning but the teacher."

    The Temptations "Ball of Confusion"

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    I agree....I've seen the figure at Newbury Comics (where I bought my X3 Beast and some Doctor Who figs)....She looks like poop.

    My critique: Her neck is frightenly Giraffe-like, her face appears to have been smashed in a door, not to mention, she really looks very little like her comic counterpart (besides being blond and wearing white)....Ick.

    The X3 Beast figure is quite nice. A pretty good "Kelsey Beast" likeness, good articulation and his uniform looks very accurate too.

    Banshee looked fairly good in the store, as did the Hulk figure, but I don't have any interest in getting those figures.


  12. #12


    i agree with alot of the post. i miss toy biz already. you don't even get a comic with the hasbro ones. i bought some of the toy biz figures for the comic more then the toy. the hulk looks alright, the best on is the X3 beast, and the other look like crap. if they do make a flight memeber i hope it don't look like crap.
    Pain knows no boundries, but Puck knows pain!!!!

  13. #13


    Good Lord!! I look like a character from 'La cage aux folles'! Mon Dieu!

  14. #14


    Another stinkin' Stark!?
    I say we start a boycott! Or a petition! Yeah! NO MORE IRON MAN!

    Banshee looks terrible to me...and Emma does have an awfully long neck...

    Lady Deathstrike is still the only "Legends" figure I own, and I like the figure and the comic...Others probably disagree of course, she does look unnaturally stooped over, almost hunchbacked (sorry, I don't know the medical term). ( I don't know if the big "Man-Spider" was a Marvel Legends figure or not, but I have him too, he's cool)

    You don't get a comic with 'em either?
    "I can't believe this. I actually have a crush on a hologram! I don't know whether I should talk to a psychologist or an electrician!" Kyle, referring to Shard

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