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Thread: Wolverine #31... Northstar?

  1. #1
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Default Wolverine #31... Northstar?













    Just finished Wolverine #30 and it looks like (to me at least) that Northstar is about to end up in Limbo. He was rescued by Logan and dropped off to SHIELD for deprogramming but it seems it isn't working. At the end of the book Nick Fury is writing a letter to Kitty Pryde in which he lies, saying:

    "What else? Oh, yeah. I got your email about Jean-Paul Baurbier (nice, they spell his name wrong ), AKA Northstar, and I'm sorry to say we never recovered his body after he got snatched by the Hand. My sympathies to you and Northstar's friends, but at least they never made a monster outta him like they did with all them other poor saps, right?"

    This is overtop a panel showing NS being held in some machine, I assume meant to deprogram him, quite alive and still under the Hand's control. IMO this will mean NS is going to disappear until someone decides they want to use him again. On the positive side it does leave him open to return to AF!

  2. #2


    At first I thought my issue was missing pages or something, but I'm guessing you mean #31, right?

  3. #3
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MistressMerr
    At first I thought my issue was missing pages or something, but I'm guessing you mean #31, right?

    (One quick edit later.)

    There, all fixed.

  4. #4


    suki jo nai!!. I just really can't be digging on UXM or X-men lately. Without AF or NS I just don't know what will keep me reading. At least he got to go limbo-rific with some reasonable fanfare. not just walking of panel one day never to return for oh....5 years or so.

  5. #5


    I have to say(IMO)...That most of Northstar's time with the X-men was just wasted potential....all the regular X-Men(the "oldies") continued to get the spotlight, he very rarely shined(no pun intended). Austen never tapped the potential with Jean Paul, the writer(s) of New X-Men(Vol 2, with him as a teacher) basically ignored him(didn't he apear in like two panels or something?). He's got Cameo spots(along with Aurora) in the recent
    House of M books, but they serve little more than panel-filler.

    He should only(IMHO) appear next in an Alpha Flight series(whether it be a limited one or an on-going)...never in the X-books again(except as a guest star, with AF).


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    He should only(IMHO) appear next in an Alpha Flight series(whether it be a limited one or an on-going)...never in the X-books again(except as a guest star, with AF).

    I disagree. Who knows (unless it was announced and I missed it) when the next Alpha Flight series will be?

    In my opinion, as the resident Magik fanatic, I can say this without a doubt; once a character you're a fan of has been gone long enough, you want them back no matter how often they'd be used.

    What's scarier is that if you're a true fan, you begin to grasp at the tiniest little straw... for instance, I about died with just the appearance of Magik's statue in a (semi) recent issue of New X-Men.

    My heart pounded, and all breath left my body... I felt a slight dizziness, followed by my vision being obscured by tiny, bright lights. Quite suddenly (or rather, it seemed sudden from my perspective), I awoke in a hospital bed, whispering, "Yana... Yana... my queen... my queen..."

    Personally, I wouldn't wish that on any fan... especially the Northstar fans, as they tend to be some friendly folk.
    Do you believe in -- Magik?

  7. #7


    Good for you...You can disagree all you like....However, It's my opinion, it's how I feel. I don't feel the same as you, as far as my favorite characters go....I want them to reappear(of course), but never in the sort of tripe(IMO) that Vol. 3 of AF was. I'd rather they remain in limbo for eternity, than be written as jokes...claimed by a writer, but neglected...or messed up and killed off(not necessarilly in that order), used as cannon-fodder...thanks.

    I feel the same way about all of my faves...Werewolf By Night, The Doom Patrol(the latest series was a disappointment), Alpha Flight(all of the characters...not just Jean Paul), Spider-Woman(the original, who's being treated very well in New Avengers), etc...


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Good for you...You can disagree all you like....However, It's my opinion, it's how I feel. I don't feel the same as you,
    I get the impression here that you believe I think you should think the same way as I do (wow, what a mouthful)... my apologies if you got that impression from my post (if you didn't, my apologies for making that assumption), it was not intended in any way, hun.

    Differing opinions is what makes the world interesting. If everyone agreed with me, this forum would be post after post of, "I totally agree," instead of actual conversation... and that's just no fun at all. There would be no point in coming to this forum if the only words anyone ever typed in response were, "I totally agree."

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    as far as my favorite characters go....I want them to reappear(of course), but never in the sort of tripe(IMO) that Vol. 3 of AF was. I'd rather they remain in limbo for eternity, than be written as jokes...
    Though saying (or rather, typing, I suppose) these words goes against everything I said above... I totally agree. I don't want a pale imitation of a character back, I had that in Exiles, thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    claimed by a writer, but neglected...
    Just so there's no misunderstanding, let me start off with... though I disagree here, you're entitled to your opinion, it's yours, please keep it, don't change it (unless you want to), it's pretty, it's shiny, it's valuable, and though I may disagree, I still love your opinion!

    To me, as long as a character is claimed by a writer (and used from time to time), there is always a chance for that character to be used... and even if they don't get a front burner storyline (I've been watching soaps for far too many years, oy), they're at least still there... they at least still appear occasionally.

    Right now, no one can touch Magik because she hasn't been around in so many years (616 universe). After inquiries with a few writers, I've learned that many have tried to bring her back, but Marvel hasn't let them for mainly that reason...

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    or messed up and killed off(not necessarilly in that order), used as cannon-fodder...thanks.
    (Crap... I'm gonna have to say it again...) I totally agree.

    People are already under the mistaken impression that my favorite character is dead. Having her come back, only to be used as cannon-fodder, would suck beyond all imagination - and I have quite the imagination.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    I feel the same way about all of my faves...Werewolf By Night, The Doom Patrol(the latest series was a disappointment), Alpha Flight(all of the characters...not just Jean Paul), Spider-Woman(the original, who's being treated very well in New Avengers), etc...
    Honestly, I don't really have a favorite character that's even remotely on par with Magik. I wish I did, as it would make her absence a bit easier to bear.

    Though this is a horribly off-topic question for me to ask (sorry, Ben! ... I was going to say, "please don't spank me..." but I think I might have changed my mind... I've been baaaaaad and deserve punishment )... is the New Avengers worth reading? I'm glad to hear Jessica is being used, as she's a great character. Sadly, I gave up comics (again) during the Disassembled arc, and I had no idea she was being used again! I might have to start picking it up now...

    Just when you begin to think you've kicked the habit, it sucks you right back in!

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    ~ Magik
    Do you believe in -- Magik?

  9. #9


    Me being basically an AF fan and not much else, I don't glom onto one character anyway. Outside of AF I like Rogue (especially before 1998 or so) and Shinobi Shaw (as we was early on before an editor wanted the caharcter to be a dead lush).

    Shinobi Shaw is pretty much gone. Rogue is a regular. But my REAL favorites are pretty hit and miss. Box, Feedback, and Windshear usually gain my attention, so does Nemesis and Ghost Girl. But outside of brainwashed Box none will ever get much air time.

    Would I rather see Box in Weapon X, Feedback in Runaways, and Ghost Girl in New X-Men, or an Alpha Flight book without any of my favorites? Tough call, except that Alpha Flight would pretty much have to contain a character I like!!
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Magik
    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Good for you...You can disagree all you like....However, It's my opinion, it's how I feel. I don't feel the same as you,
    I get the impression here that you believe I think you should think the same way as I do (wow, what a mouthful)... my apologies if you got that impression from my post (if you didn't, my apologies for making that assumption), it was not intended in any way, hun.

    I don't know How you're getting that impression, M. That isn't what my post above says, it's not even implied...I simply stated I don't feel the same. I don't believe your opinion or anyone else's should be the same as mine(some may feel the same way, many, maybe even most don't feel the same way). I would rather see my favorites treated with respect or not see them at all....that's it, babe.

    Your quote below(from your post above) implied that I'm not a true fan if I don't feel the same as you.
    Magik wrote:"What's scarier is that if you're a true fan, you begin to grasp at the tiniest little straw... for instance, I about died with just the appearance of Magik's statue in a (semi) recent issue of New X-Men."

    ....That may be why I was put on the defensive.

    Differing opinions is what makes the world interesting. If everyone agreed with me, this forum would be post after post of, "I totally agree," instead of actual conversation... and that's just no fun at all. There would be no point in coming to this forum if the only words anyone ever typed in response were, "I totally agree."

    I hear ya there....guess what?...I totally agree with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    as far as my favorite characters go....I want them to reappear(of course), but never in the sort of tripe(IMO) that Vol. 3 of AF was. I'd rather they remain in limbo for eternity, than be written as jokes...
    Though saying (or rather, typing, I suppose) these words goes against everything I said above... I totally agree. I don't want a pale imitation of a character back, I had that in Exiles, thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    claimed by a writer, but neglected...
    Just so there's no misunderstanding, let me start off with... though I disagree here, you're entitled to your opinion, it's yours, please keep it, don't change it (unless you want to), it's pretty, it's shiny, it's valuable, and though I may disagree, I still love your opinion!

    To me, as long as a character is claimed by a writer (and used from time to time), there is always a chance for that character to be used... and even if they don't get a front burner storyline (I've been watching soaps for far too many years, oy), they're at least still there... they at least still appear occasionally.

    Right now, no one can touch Magik because she hasn't been around in so many years (616 universe). After inquiries with a few writers, I've learned that many have tried to bring her back, but Marvel hasn't let them for mainly that reason...

    BTW...Magik just appeared in one of the House of M books(I think it was New X-Men(Mutant Academy....or whatever it's called now).

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    or messed up and killed off(not necessarilly in that order), used as cannon-fodder...thanks.
    (Crap... I'm gonna have to say it again...) I totally agree.

    People are already under the mistaken impression that my favorite character is dead. Having her come back, only to be used as cannon-fodder, would suck beyond all imagination - and I have quite the imagination.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    I feel the same way about all of my faves...Werewolf By Night, The Doom Patrol(the latest series was a disappointment), Alpha Flight(all of the characters...not just Jean Paul), Spider-Woman(the original, who's being treated very well in New Avengers), etc...
    Honestly, I don't really have a favorite character that's even remotely on par with Magik. I wish I did, as it would make her absence a bit easier to bear.

    Though this is a horribly off-topic question for me to ask (sorry, Ben! ... I was going to say, "please don't spank me..." but I think I might have changed my mind... I've been baaaaaad and deserve punishment )... is the New Avengers worth reading? I'm glad to hear Jessica is being used, as she's a great character. Sadly, I gave up comics (again) during the Disassembled arc, and I had no idea she was being used again! I might have to start picking it up now...

    Hey....I think Jessica is being treated very well by the writer(she's one of his favorite Marvel characters)....I'm only collecting it because of her, but I have to say....the recent storyline focusing on the Sentry is getting really good.

    Just when you begin to think you've kicked the habit, it sucks you right back in!

    ~ Magik
    Nice talking with you,


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    I would rather see my favorites treated with respect or not see them at all....that's it, babe.
    I totally agr... uh, I mean... I concur with your viewpoint. Even with Magik, I would not want her back unless she were treated with respect. However, I would still want her back even if she were only given cameos here and there after her initial return. It's been sixteen long years since Inferno, and quite frankly, I'm getting tired of waiting.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    I hear ya there....guess what?...I totally agree with you. Wink
    I about fell out of my seat laughing when I read this!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    BTW...Magik just appeared in one of the House of M books(I think it was New X-Men(Mutant Academy....or whatever it's called now).

    Excuse me a moment.


    Okay... sorry... just had to let that out. Before I get myself too anxious, I don't suppose you know if she's going to be around post House of M?

    Oh, and by the way... THANK YOU!

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Hey....I think Jessica is being treated very well by the writer(she's one of his favorite Marvel characters)....I'm only collecting it because of her, but I have to say....the recent storyline focusing on the Sentry is getting really good.
    Glad to hear it! You know, throughout the course of this discussion, I've come to trust your opinion (probably more so than mine ). Because of that, I think I'll give New Avengers a shot.

    As for the whole my impression/your impression bit, commenting any further could cause a magical (and furrily orange) gnome to come along with the scary words, "Split!" or "Use PMs!" (not that either one of us were hostile, just a bit off-topic) And to be honest... gnomes frighten me; especially the giant, orange, furry ones that have fists the size of small countries... so I'm shutting my mouth now.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Nice talking with you,
    And to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    ~ Magik
    Do you believe in -- Magik?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    BTW...Magik just appeared in one of the House of M books(I think it was New X-Men(Mutant Academy....or whatever it's called now).

    Excuse me a moment.


    Okay... sorry... just had to let that out. Before I get myself too anxious, I don't suppose you know if she's going to be around post House of M?

    Oh, and by the way... THANK YOU!

    No problem....I don't have any idea if she'll continue to be around after HOM, though...sorry. I won't spoil her appearance for you, but I recall the scene she appears in is a short one.


    As for the whole my impression/your impression bit, commenting any further could cause a magical (and furrily orange) gnome to come along with the scary words, "Split!" or "Use PMs!" (not that either one of us were hostile, just a bit off-topic) And to be honest... gnomes frighten me; especially the giant, orange, furry ones that have fists the size of small countries... so I'm shutting my mouth now.

    That gnome is pretty cute, though...shhhhhh...don't tell him I said that.

    Take care,


  13. #13


    Yeah, finish yer date elsewears! Crazy kids.

    I hope they'll actually give him something to do, instead of being in "Visual Limbo" like in X-Men, where he was out of the books but we all knew where he was, stuck in a dead end job as a high school teacher, poor Jean.

    I think there is a lot of potencial for the character after the whole "X-Slump". He used to be a self-serving, pompous playboy, but now he's realized his calling, to teach kids, be a mentor.

    Maybe if he is brainwashed into joining S.H.I.E.L.D, he can become part of some crazy junior agent training program, like House of M's version. I like the new Northstar, before he got knifed.


  14. #14


    Everybody needs to check out this review of Wolverine #31 at, it touches on some of the stuff that has happened to Northstar...


  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Default Re: Wolverine #31... Northstar?

    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd

    [b]"What else? Oh, yeah. I got your email about Jean-Paul Baurbier (nice, they spell his name wrong ),
    This is overtop a panel showing NS being held in some machine, I assume meant to deprogram him, quite alive and still under the Hand's control.
    The letter begins with "Sorry for any spelling mistakes, dollface, but the voice recognition's" frazzled, or something. I think they put that in there to make that point.

    Also, we saw NS in that machine in a earlier issue. It's the same deneuralyser they used on Wolvie.

    Magik's appearance was the same issue of New X-Men Academy X (16) that had the one-panel image of Da Twinz.

    - Le Messor
    "Do not allow the dog to eat at the matter how good his manners are."

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