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Thread: What to do with the Originals?

  1. #1

    Default What to do with the Originals?

    I assume at the end of the first arc the Original Alpha Flight so to speak will be saved, what would you do with them if you were writing the book?

    I would have James and Heather go home to take care of their kids and have them give their suits to someone new, Could Major Mapleleaf or Centenel benefit from having the suits? Maybe somebody completely new

    I would keep Puck around as a mentor to his daughter, and have Earth mover join the team with Shaman as a mentor

    Was Snowbird part of the team that was captured in #1? I have no affinity for her so stay on or mentor either is cool with me
    "Adjust is bland evil"

  2. #2


    Assuming Scott does not get to launch his "Uncanny Alpha Flight" series, all these suggestions would be a great way to use the older members. I don't think there would be any need for the suits to be given to MM or Centennial, they seem to have lots of powers on thier own. The best use would be to keep them in the wings for backup, or auxilery purposes.

    Both Judd and Shaman would make good mentors in general, thier combined experiences would be a huge training asset.

    Snowbird was indeed part of the team that was captured.
    Since Clayton Henry has created a redesigned Snowbird outfit, we can almost assume she will be joining the All New Alpha Flight.


  3. #3


    I think it would be interesting to see the old and new teams fighting side by side. However as there would be way too many members, perhaps Heather and Mac should take a back seat and have a more administrative role with the team?

    I'm more interested to see if Aurora and Northstar crop up in the new series...

  4. #4


    I would also like to see the veterans relegated to support roles, with the possible exception of Earthmover, who might make an interesting addition to the new team. Mac and Heather seriously need to leave Alpha Flight and raise their daughter... it should be their #1 priority. Puck, Sasquatch, and Shaman all have other things to do. And as for Narya... she needs to find her way again, now that she has returned to us. She needs to rediscover her purpose.

  5. #5


    well, Scott said he liked the flexability of the team, so I suspect that some of the new team may get replaced by the old team. Just as long as we keep Nemesis, Centennial and Major Mapleleaf, as far as I'm concerned, they are new core Alphans.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by beetleblack
    I think it would be interesting to see the old and new teams fighting side by side. However as there would be way too many members, perhaps Heather and Mac should take a back seat and have a more administrative role with the team?

    I'm more interested to see if Aurora and Northstar crop up in the new series...
    Honestly, I can't think of anywhere else for Aurora to go! I mean, Northstar has something of a life outside of the superhero gig, but I'm sure Jeanne-Marie has long since lost her job and Madame Dupont's and a team of superpowers who give half a damn about her is about the only crew that could handle the beautiful headcase.


  7. #7


    I'd like to see Heather on the team and Mac the househusband raising the babe.

  8. #8


    I think that has some potential, plus I was never really a fan of Mac's anyway - IMO he should have stayed dead TWICE (or thrice or how many other times they bought him back alive!).

    Btw, I still think that idea of having the baby join the team as the Pacifier in a techno-gadgety nappy (or diaper - depending on which side of the ocean you're on) which allows him/her to fly around and cause all sorts of mayhem and mischief would be a good idea!!! Go on Scott make it happen

  9. #9


    I say let Michael Twoyoungman retire finally. I'm as big a shaman fan as anyone else but I think he would rock as support figure. THe wise guiding hand from afar y'know.

    As for Mac and Heather I'd fully be behind them settling down and playing house. Let Puck or Walt run the team from here on out. The 2 of them can come and go when the team needs someone to sub.

  10. #10


    I would be curious as to how Shaman and Centennial would get along.

  11. #11


    Yeah Michael wouldn't be the oldest member of the team any more. But yeah I think Eugene and Michael should be support with Snowbird and Walt leading the new team in the field. With occasionally heading to Mac and Heather's house for occasional planning.

  12. #12


    If any of the originals were to return, it has to be Eugene. Puck's been the heart and soul of Alpha. He needs to join the new team IMO!

  13. #13


    I would tend to agree, however with Zuzha getting his codename...I'd say the chances might not be so good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Weapon Omega
    If any of the originals were to return, it has to be Eugene. Puck's been the heart and soul of Alpha. He needs to join the new team IMO!

  14. #14


    I think Puck, Mac and Shaman should form a RUSH tribute band. Shaman as Geddy Lee That appeals to me.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs
    I think Puck, Mac and Shaman should form a RUSH tribute band. Shaman as Geddy Lee That appeals to me.
    ...with Bubbles as their guitar tech.

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