Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
Hey Gingr,

Welcome, and thank you for posting this. I'm glad your NDA is lifted - I was worried.

That's awesome that they've added Northstar, especially in the classic costume. Having a snarky attitude sounds like him.
Is he too French, though, as opposed to French Canadian?

~ Le Messor
"Journalism largely consists in saying "Lord Jones Dead" to people who never knew Lord Jones was alive."
~ G. K. Chesterson
He's a pretty boy, right? Good looking, cheek bones, softer features in all of the right places and yet his voice doesn't match up with that. It's.. coarse? The accent is too forced. At least it's not the one from the X-Men animated series haha. I think I actually recorded it at one point.

CONFIRMED! Yes, I did record it. Lucky you guys, eh?
