Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
Pull out all the stops in a well-executed double-sized premiere issue, and if it doesn't get a following after that...well, then people can say Alpha Flight won't ever sell.
As others have been saying, add to that an absolute guarantee that it'll go a certain number of issues (say, 24-25; 50?) and then you could say that.
Hmm... maybe that'd be a better relaunch; instead of 'We're taking all our books off the market, and releasing a bunch of Avengers and X-Men... okay, some Spidey and FF, too...' how 'bout 'We're launching a variety of titles, old favourites and new series, each guaranteed* to last 25 issues! If you keep reading, even longer! Our writers have plotted out 25-issue arcs!'

(That may be one of the reasons for DC's success - they at least did a variety of titles.)
Oh, but make it a manageable number... maybe about 26, not 52!

* except in Minnesota

- Le Messor
"In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with more than one small child ... pick your favorite."