1. How long have you been collecting Alpha Flight?

I believe I picked up in Ish #1 in 1984, or whatever year it came out.

2. What was your first memory of Alpha Flight? If recent, what was your first reaction?

Their X-Men debut. Thought they were enigmatic, the names seemed a bit different than Marvel's general heroes. There was a mystique that was very appealing.

3. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight character?

Madison Jeffries. Always loved the powers & the personality, since Byrne first introduced him.

4. Who is you least favorite Alpha Flight character?

I never cared much for Marinna. Manikin was a really poorly designed hero too, thought the powers were goofy. Probably him.

5. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight villain?


6. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight villain?

Llan. Another generic evil sorceror/demi-god type. Ho hum.

7. What do you think is the best issue / story-arch from Alpha Flight?

The events following Hudson's death. (first death) Very emotional.

8. What do you consider the Alpha Flight "Dream Team"?

Vindicator (Heather), Sasquatch, Box (Jeffries), Puck, Northstar, Aurora and Snowbird.

9. If you were to be stuck on a desert island with one member of Alpha Flight, Who would it be (powers can not get you off the island)

I'm sorry, really, I'd have to go with Aurora just cuz she's such a friggin' hotty!

10. Who was/is/could be the best leader of Alpha Flight?

Heather, all the way!

11. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight writer?

Byrne. I will also give honorable mention to Mantlo. (don't throw veggies!!!) I have to as a Jeffries fan. I do like the character development he did with Jeffries and Heather, whatever else he loused up.

12. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight writer?

Who ever came after Mantlo. Don't recall name, but he bored the pants off me and I stopped following the series.

13. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight artist?

Nobody has ever drawn Alpha like Byrne. Regal looking, but still somewhat more realistic than many artists.

14. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight artist?

That guy that came in with Mantlo from the Hulk. (Mike Mignola?) Jeez, his art was ugly & crude!! After Byrne's aesthetics, that was a -real- system shock!!

15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be?

All of Mac's resurrections. His death was so well written, & it's consequences, bringing him back was really lame. Sasquatch's death (excessive on top of Guardian!) and turning Puck into the vessal for a demon spirit also get honorable mention.