Is the entire line-up that bad?
Keep in mind here that I am one who doesn't like it as much when the team is comprised mostly of the founfing members and Cap. I like seeing B characters in the Avengers.
I am not crazy about this line-up because it is writer-driven, with a "whole new" bit rather than a gradual change of members.
Spider-Man has been a member before. I don't mind seeing him short term, but I'm wondering if the Avengers are still paid. Pete and MJ could use the extra bucks, and it would be interesting to see how Peter Parker would feel about being paid for being a hero.
Wolverine is just inappropriate. If they're going to be smart about it, he will be a short term member and used themeatically to show that his style is not Avengers material.
Spider-Woman 1 is needless fanboy stuff in my opinion. She lost most of her powers and gave up the identity. I didn't care for Byrne's SW 3 and did not follow the series, but I was a big fan of Julia Carpernter and would like to see this character restored.
Luke Cage is precisely the type of B character who has done well with the Avengers, so I do have an "about time" attitude for his membership.
Cap kind of IS the Avengers. I've always liked it when he was not the chair, but a field leader by natural deference when on active missions.
Iron Man can be either interesting or trite. I am very give or take on his membership at any given point, but I'm biased because I do not particularly care for Tony Stark as a "person". Where Cap leads naturally, Stark forced himself on people with a "my way or highway" attitude.
I am most eager to see the Sentry. The limited series and the specials were quite good in my opinion, and the character was built with a lot of things I find interesting. If done well, he could be the breakout character of the book.