Hey Everyone,

I know everyone is aware that I am running an Alpha Flight Play By E-Mail game. So far there are 5 (of slots full. If you'd like to check out the game, follow the link in my signature (and be sure to check out Marvel Apocalyptika as well ).


It's been six months since AF (Vol.2) #20. Heather has moved up into the upper management of Department H. Gentry, as director, is trying to make amends for the horrors Clarke and his lackies did. 'Mac' has traveled down to Antarctica along with Sasquatch to train the Canadian scientists in the use of new scientific equipment. Shaman has returned to his people, and the three new recruits have been placed into Beta Flight.

Now, with no available Alphans, and Beta Flight on a rescue and relief mission, Gentry must form a new team of Alpha Flight to prevent the resurrection of Alpha Flight's first true villain, Tundra! Meanwhile, Heather must defend Department H and the future of Alpha Flight before a Board of Inquiry.

((I know, I know....I'm not really good at writing premises, but the story has been really good so far. Just ask any of the players))

I will try and post what we've done so far within the next couple of days, if y'all like.

Let me know.

This is the end of my shameless self-promotion
