Welcome suzene!

About nine months. I've only got the back-issues up to #50, as that seems to be where the series hit the "OK, this is no longer entertaining enough to be worth actual money" point.
True enough, though there certainly is some good stuff later on. I woule recomend you still get your hands on the Fuman run.

4. Who is you least favorite Alpha Flight character?

Sasquatch. My first impression of him in the comics was the dumb smart jock, and I'm afraid it's stuck.
GASP! Say it aint so!

12. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight writer?

Can I say Chuck Austen just for writing a horrible, horrible Northstar? No? Lobdell, then.
Though I haven't read much of the stuff Austin did "to" Alpha Flight, just the though of him putting them in battle armour offends me. As for Lobell, here's hoping you opinion changes. I'm keeping an open mind. I've enjoyed the book so far, and I have faith with the previes. But then again, I am an optimist
