Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
I picked up issue #17 of ElfQuest out of the 25 cent box last week.
I read it and liked it. I am going to get it in trade in August when it comes out.
I am looking forward to the trade also, despite owning the original B&W magazine, Marvel reprints, and the graphic novel versions...

I will always support any format of the Original Quest.

Quote Originally Posted by Mekko Hotvle View Post
Also, I did by chance found some elfquest in the bargain bin recently. Haven't read them yet but also found Jinx. Only got them because of the suggestion and because the creators were going to be at Phoenix comic con.
I ask one thing of you. If you ever read JINX, do not base it on ElfQuest, if you dislike it. It's so far removed from ElfQuest, it's not even funny. Wendy & Richard created ElfQuest, they did the Original Quest (linked in the original thread), which ran 20 issues (or 21 if you count the bonus, but it had nothing to do with the story - just art and notes). Then they did Siege and Broken Wheel (also both linked above), all under the WaRP Graphics banner (their company). A few years later, they opened ElfQuest to a bunch of other writers and artists - and it went EVERYWHERE. JINX is in the far, far, far, future. As in REBELS. Neither of which I cared for. They did some series that focused on specific characters, KAHVI and TWO-SPEAR, which were all right. But without focus - it seems like these writers just ran everywhere with these characters, and it didn't FEEL like ElfQuest, for the most part (which is why I specifically linked the three original series by the creators). THAT is what you should just ElfQuest on.

Although they recently did ELFQUEST: DISCOVERY through DC Comics a few years ago; which was good, but very confusing if you didn't read the other stuff. And now they're doing ELFQUEST: FINAL QUEST, which so far has been good (but again, a little confusing if you didn't read the previous stuff, to understand why some characters are where they are) - I think, because it feels like in part, not only are they supposedly closing the door on ElfQuest - but it feels like they're also cleaning up what other writers may have done to some of the characters. Nothing is going to beat the original three series.

Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
As I watched Thundercats and He-Man, they sat next to me on my indoor trampoline.
Own all of them on DVD. Well worth it, I might add. He-Man I can still watch. Thundercats is a little more difficult, because Snarf is EXTREMELY annoying now that I am older. His voice...