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Thread: Article: Astonishing X-Men #49 Preview *UPDATED*

  1. #1

  2. #2


    Duh, his name is Jean-Claude, not Jean-Paul! They screwed up!

    And we know the BLAM! isn't real otherwise the whole 'Save the Date' thing would be kind of silly with Kyle's head all blasted off, eh?

    But between the magic green dragon jaw thing on the cover and this nightmare, Northstar's not having much of a good time.

  3. #3


    It still hasn't been confirmed that it's JP & Kyle marrying, remember...

    (But yeah, halucination of some kind.)

  4. #4


    I love that Northstar is being used in X-men, but I have a hard time getting over how ugly he looks in this serie! The Sears catologue offers cuter guys now... ;(

  5. #5


    Oh looks like the tunnel sequence is all in his head, now that makes sense.

  6. #6


    The "thing" from Northstar's past that is looking for revenge... could it be Deadly Earnest? Hopefully not Pink Pearl.


  7. #7
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Given that it starts with an attack on him in the Dream realm, and he's being chased down in a Dream, and he he's being affected in his Dreams, it can be none other than... Jerry Jaxom!

    - Le Messor
    "It is not possible to shake hands properly with a clenched fist."
    ~ W.G.P.

  8. #8


    The building behind flying tiny JP and Kyle is the Chrysler building (I'm a huge fan of this building), the long forgotten other awesome tall building in Midtown Manhattan. Because it has no observation deck nor gift shop, it's tough to be a collector of Chrysler building stuff. Precious few celebrate its iconic Art Deco imagery in fictional works, and that one is a doozy. Awesome.

  9. #9


    I like Mike's work - people look like people, bodies look like bodies (in motion/action), and it gives this title a kind of "street gritty" realism about it. I also like the fact that they have J-P featuring large in the opening arc. No complaints so far!

  10. #10


    Upon review of these new pages maybe it is Pestilence that is coming back (the page with the worms/maggots) and the bit way back in Alpha when Pestilence and Northstar had that moment in issue 44 where he kissed Northstar on the forehead and fed on the decay in him. Maybe he has come back to spoil the wedding (you know, always a mystically reanimated corpse, never a bride)... oh wait, they did that story later on in Alpha when they were on "world tour" and met up with X-Factor.


  11. #11
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by DIGGER View Post
    (always a mystically reanimated corpse, never a bride)... oh wait, they did that story later on in Alpha when they were on "world tour" and met up with X-Factor.
    Doesn't mean they won't do it again... but Tim Burton did it better.

    - Le Messor
    "If you bought every ma and pa grocery store, you'd corner the corner market market."

  12. #12


    When is this coming out?

  13. #13


    Was out today.

  14. #14


    Just read it. No Jean-Claude typos in this issue thankfully.

  15. #15


    Mike's pages with the Chrysler building are up for sale now.
    I wanted to grab one of them but the site's only selling all 4 together for $800 and I can't justify that at this particular moment in time

    Anyone wanna split some pages? )
    Last edited by Phil; 04-26-2012 at 09:05 AM.

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