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Thread: A Reason For Alpha Flight

  1. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by kinghorsey View Post
    I believe there has to be some degree of reinvention, as well. Some of the new characters that were introduced in and for Alpha Flight were just awful.

    The key will be a decisive direction and good writing. Unfortunately, without disrespecting any writer that's been on board with the book, we haven't really had that in a long time. Problem is I don't know if anyone really knows what to do with Alpha Flight.

    I think for starters you can pretty much forget about having either one of the McKenzies in any kind of active role in the team - other than mentor, maybe.

    I have to say, though, I liked the design/concept behind the Ultimate X-Men Snowbird over Byrne's original. Somehow the idea of an Inuit demi-goddess that looks like a poster child for Norwegian repopulation campaigns never sat right with me (i.e. white and very very blonde).
    I both agree and disagree.

    Some of the characters introduced into Alpha Flight were just not rigth for the book - as characters, they were fine, just not for Alpha Flight, or that version of Alpha Flight. There are no bad characters, just bad writers.

    Decisive direction and good writing - agreed. Somebody who understands comics in general, somebody who understands how to write intriguing and 'real' characters, and somebody who is a bit of a visionary (no, not somebody who bringsa back Vision and Scarlet Witch either, lol); that is what AF needs.

    As has already been said here, i think the most imprtant thing for a re-launch would have to be guest appearances. The team has to be imposing, mysterious, heroic, and leave people wanting more. Thta, IMHO, is far more important than whether the team members are original members or not. When Byrnbe first started this crazy trip we call Alpha Flight, how many of the members were established heroes with back stories?

    Right - none.

    He introduced them in X-men appearances, and the people loved them. They didn't know who they were, but they desperately wanted to. And that is the sort fo writing we need again. Not Byrne, but somebody who can do that in the modern age.
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  2. #77
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    So, as somebody who has been out of the loop for a bit - how is this new Age stacking up so far?
    I don't think we've discussed it much.
    Personally? Disappointed.
    I was hoping to going back to hopeful, heroic stories with bright colours (I know those aren't the look now, but they really help me to enjoy a comic, it turns out, whatever Scott McCloud says)m focus on character (notably, people with secret identies - lives outside of being superheroes, so I have something to identify with); but I haven't seen much that isn't more of the same hard sci-fi 'tude that's been leaving me cold for a while now. One of the new relaunches was Secret Avengers, which is dark stuff again; as was Avengers Academy.
    Not saying that stuff doesn't exist. Spider-Man springs to a wall, sticks there for a while, then springs to mind.

    Been enjoying all one issues so far of Young Allies, but it needs to get its head out of 00s' fashion.

    BTW... I didn't read the lyrics you posted. Why? Alice is my second-favourite artist (after Queen), and I know that song well. Love it.
    But it's disturbing that you'd post it...

    - Mik
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  3. #78


    Mik, it would have been disturbing if I had SANG it...
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  4. #79
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    How do I know you didn't?
    Come to think of it, how do I know you're not Mel Torm

    - Le Messor
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  5. #80


    Previous evidence suggests that if I had sang it, my mutant power to butcher good songs would have materialized and Professor X would have shown up on my door and had Wolverine gut me. As my guts are currently still intact, I didn't sing it.
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  6. #81
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Re-read those lyrics - wouldn't have happened this time.

    - LM
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  7. #82

    Default Bring Back Alpha Flight's best artist/writer

    Quote Originally Posted by Raja View Post
    That is an extremely sensible approach. One that would work....but the problem comes down to this; Who would buy a superhero book about Canadians? Who would care about it? In the mind of Marvel as a company, they likely assume Alpha Flight has no market. People have to be encouraged to care about these characters, as you said, by exposure to them, but IMO it needs to be about the individual characters first, so people don't go "Oh that Canadian team, who cares?" The nationality in most cases should come later. It shouldn't matter at all, but it does.

    People bought John Byrne's version. I say, bring him back. He knows the characters intimately, he's known for (ahem) retro - fitting Classic characters from both Marvel and DC, and he'd do a great job, simply because he loves the Marvel Universe. I know for a fact that the problem isn't the characters, it's a simple matter of uninspired writing. The writer needs to love the characters as much as the fans at this website. That should be the Only pre requisite for handling the characters..

  8. #83


    If loving the characters is a prerequisite for doing the book, then there's the first problem....John Byrne does not love Alpha Flight.

  9. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    If loving the characters is a prerequisite for doing the book, then there's the first problem....John Byrne does not love Alpha Flight.
    But we love him.

    Does this mean he is cheating on us?
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  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    But we love him.
    Does this mean he is cheating on us?
    I knew it! I saw him with a blue hair on his shoulder!

    - Le Messor
    "He who dies with the most toys is still dead."

  11. #86


    I think Byrne would jump at the chance to handle some Marvel characters again. He wasn't happy about his X-Men series being cancelled. He was instrumental in the creation of Alpha Flight; I think he'd like to retool the series. Marvel would have to want to put up with his Ego, though...I will always be a Byrne Victim. I just can't help it. He and George Perez will always be my favorite artists. It's been a while since Brne has had a chance to write Marvel characters. I'd bet he's got some good ideas.

  12. #87


    John Byrne recently answered a query by one of the folks over at his message board...The person asked (paraphrased)..."If you had the chance to work at Marvel and continue the X-Men: Hidden Years series (and the current regime was no longer an issue), would you do it?" He answered (also paraphrased) "In a heartbeat."

    So Mr Byrne isn't totally adverse to working at Marvel, but he may never work there as long as people like Joe Quesada are running the place.

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 08-16-2010 at 12:29 AM.

  13. #88


    I'd really love to see John do another Alpha Flight series, but I highly doubt it will ever happen (he just doesn't think they are/were good enough to stand beside the likes of the Avengers, the FF, Thor, Captain America, etc...Since Alpha wasn't created by Lee and Kirby).

    wasn't created by Lee and Kirby either, yet look how big of a star he is....John Byrne is one of the people who helped to make him the success he is today (he saved Logan from being booted from the X-Men, when Claremont and Cockrum wanted to be rid of him)...The same could be said of Deadpool, who was created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld (a man who for the most part, is reviled because of his questionable art talent), yet Deadpool (another Canadian character, who'd a thunk it?) is a big star at Marvel, as well.

    It's really unfortunate that John doesn't see the value in his own work (that we do) and that his creations have stood right there, shoulder to shoulder with some of the greats...Alpha Flight are worthy heroes and wonderfully faceted characters (mostly thanks to him)....It's also unfortunate...No, actually...It's a disgrace that Marvel execs don't care about them either.

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 08-15-2010 at 05:01 AM.

  14. #89


    Well put, Dana, as per usual.
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  15. #90


    I Definitely agree with Dana. Quesada should extend an olive branch to Byrne. I haven't heard anything indicating a major rift between Byrne and the current Marvel staff. I mean other than the fact that his X - title was cancelled. Just read an interview with Byrne where he said part of his desire to make the characters more interesting was his decision to make Northstar gay after the fact. Aurora's multiple personalities make her interesting, alot could be done with that, plus Narya's (wasn't she named after one of Gandalf's three rings?)link to mythic Canadian lore..There's alot here to work with, but of course we think so or we wouldn't be here...

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