Hi gang,

What started as a fascination with a creepy and unnerving blond foe of Wolverine and then an appreciation for Alpha Flight, relatively early in my life, became something that's always stayed with me.

Wild Child came first. I was about 13 or 14, It was so long ago I only remember the place. I saw a rack of comics. Marvel Comics Presents caught my eye. I remember reading about Wolverine and a strange, compelling villain. Wild Child.

I recognized him as Sabretooth's son immediately. One of those things you just know the moment you see it, with little explaination needed. I knew who Wolverine was, but I had no idea who Heather Hudson was at that point, or the Flights. What a way to get introduced to the series.

Wild Child has so many incarnations, and I didn't understand at the time, but he's never had consistancy and it shouldn't be expected. It's actually fun trying to reconcile this, and I'm convinced he's almost like Aurora/Jeanne-Marie, but with a physical manifestation of his various personae. The "version" of Kyle that comes closest to my favorite is his original first appearance, an eloquent and twisted savage, and the too-brief reappearance of the eloquent and twisted version by Jeph Loeb. My least favorite by quite a margin is Wildheart and nearly everything associated with him. The codename is stupid, Simon Furman messed up and missed the fact Kyle is a mutant, not an enhanced human, and I have more intense Wyre and Secret Empire hate than probably everybody here combined. Furman was trying too hard and did not have all his facts straight. Actually his whole run wasn't that great, IMO, except for Persuasion misusing her powers. I forget the issue but it made me laugh out loud. Used to hate X-Factor Kyle too, but he really grew on me after awhile, and it's the version most people tend to like.

I hope Wild Child's fate isn't sealed. We all know what I'm talking about..... Kyle is obviously meant to be dead, not injured grievously but actually dead. I keep on hoping some writer with more interest than cannon fodder comes along, but it never happens.