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Thread: Some Alpha Flight appearances

  1. #181


    Yeah, I'd have loved to have seen Flex & Ghost Girl appear.

  2. #182


    Appears Kindt is a John Byrne fan.
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  3. #183


    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    No, I doubt he is Alpha related. Their just from the same school which wasn't well received. I guess due to Avengers Arena, but they were brunt of jokes.
    Have not read Avengers Arena. So this Braddock Academy is not taken seriously, kinda like Alpha Flight?

    I still find it weird that Alpha Flight has disappeared since the Mayan Rule and Northstar's wedding stories. Well actually I've come to expect this from Marvel. Alpha Flight needs to show up in Infinity and be a force to be reckoned with so people will start taking them seriously.

  4. #184


    Basically all the elite students from Braddock Academy are in Avengers Arena, these two are the leftovers pretty much. Queintin Quire mocks them, but says they would make a good 1980's detective team

  5. #185


    Alpha Flight needs to show up in Infinity and be a force to be reckoned with so people will start taking them seriously.
    Chris, I was hoping that Validator would be the big hero in Infinity and save the day.

    Heck, why not? Marvel once had Norman Osborne appear to save the world from the Skrull Invasion...
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  6. #186


    Validator kind of just vanished, she has had one panel since her big appearance. Hopefully she appears again soon

  7. #187


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post

    Just like to say, that I came up with this idea about a year or more ago. Somewhere, either posted on here, or on my blog, or on my website (or a website that i used to have, but may have now deleted...d'oh!), I had this basic idea for the character in question.

    Not saying my idea was stolen, or even seen; maybe more like "great minds think alike"? The similarities are amazing, tho.

    Not to me, as this character has been living in my head for quite some time...
    I stand corrected. My notes, dated Feb 12th 2010, had Box as the daughter of Roger Bochs, and not crippled; she built the new Box robot from her father's designs, with Mac's help.
    Last edited by Phil; 09-12-2013 at 08:06 PM.
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  8. #188


    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Validator kind of just vanished, she has had one panel since her big appearance. Hopefully she appears again soon

  9. #189


    So Axel Alonso is promising more Validator in the future. Good to hear!

  10. #190


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Or just nobody cares.

    I think this new character is an interesting choice.
    I was quite perturbed by the fact that there was no Canadian Academy/Flight Program involved in the issue when I saw the solicits/announcement of the series as the rest of the world was featured, and while this doesn't make up for it per se it's a nice touch and bit of research.
    Odd that they're at the Braddock Academy though, but between Windshear and Wild Child's retcon it kinda fits in with AF lore.
    Funny. I cared. I liked Mar and the idea that he was Marrina's child. Of course I cared more that Marrina was brought back. I've always loved the character.
    This new character is definitely a surprise and a welcomed one. I always liked the character of Box (before Mantlo turned him into a psychotic mess) because he was so different and not your typical fully-toned superhero. I had hoped that when we saw Box in the latest AF series, that the real Bochs was back, but no such luck. I hope that they do this character justice and as others have mentioned, he is not just treated as a red-shirt.
    Stop the Goblyn hate!

  11. #191


    Ahab you get the "post of the week" award. I just made up the award of course but I liked your post so much that I decided to give it to you.

    I'm pretty sure the Box Jr. character will do well in the contest ,hoping it will spin out into an ongoing Beta Flight title.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  12. #192


    Quote Originally Posted by Ahab View Post
    Funny. I cared.

    Likewise, but 99% of the general comic-reading public didn't.

  13. #193
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    I have a theory that the Marrina in volume 4 is Mar!

  14. #194


    Really? I think that the Mar in Volume 2 is really just a clone of Mac gone wrong.
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  15. #195
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    Oooh... and they got the last letter of the name wrong.

    Wait... Mar wasn't in v2!

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