Does it make me less of an Alpha Fan that I stopped my subscription of captain marvel? I cut my subscription for two reasons: first in the 6 issues I read the the three former Alpha members (puck, sasquatch, and Aurora) are imho nothing but background characters and cardboard ones at that. I understand it's captain marvels book, but a supporting cast needs focus and character development as well, things they really do not get in this series. Like if this was my first introduction to Alpha Flight, I wouldn't even know Aurora had superpowers as she doesn't show them in the book once! Second, I know this may sound weird but I generally subscribe to comic series in which the title character shares (more or less) my morality on today's issues. Captain Marvel, both in alpha flight, and civil war, does not on so many levels it really devalues the reading experience for me in the former series to where I don't want to read it anymore.