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Thread: Omega Flight #1 solicit: Downgraded to 5-issue mini

  1. #31


    Wow, there goes that idea. Sasquatch beter be in there somewhere.

  2. #32


    Yeah, Talisman looks kinda masculine. Oh well, it's an interesting costume redesign. EDIT: oh YES! She's got Shaman's medicine pouch! Awesome.

    I'm not worried about the 5 issue thing. If this sells, Marvel will keep making them. They're not gonna leave money on the table. Get your friends to buy it.

    Guardian's aura looks pretty "fire-y." Makes me think of Northstar and Aurora's new powers.

  3. #33


    Urrrrrk. Disheartening news about this being a measly five issue mini series. That seriously blows, and I have to wonder why they bothered to promote it so much if this was what they were going to do.

    And Talisman looks like some kind of East German "female" athlete. You know what I'm saying here.

  4. #34


    I have to say, while trying to be calm and collected during all of this, I am quite disappointed in Marvel. The last AF was so atrocious, I have yet to (and probably never will) finish my collection of it. With the line up of OF, it looked like it was -finally- in the right hands. Reading interviews where he talks about it, it appeared that he actually cared. Mr Oeming wasn't blowing smoke up our behinds like the last writer.

    Yes, this series is getting the shaft while others are getting greenlit (ie. Heroes for Hire, Wolverine: Origins (who needs -another- Wolvie title), Punisher War Journal, etc.) I know I've said it before, but Marvel might actually push me away for good this time. They've dangled the carrot one too many times.

    I'm still going to get this book...heck, I've even told my shop I want two copies of each issue (so one can be sent to poor deprived HappyCanuck). But this is honestly ridiculous.

    Anyhoo, here's hoping for a silver lining...

    Where are we going, and why are we in this hand-basket??

  5. #35
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    But as for staying calm, panicking won't do any good. Regardless of the situation, more will be spelled out tomorrow.
    Might not do any good, but it's fun!

    Ooh, you can tell me. I'm in Australia.
    It is tomorrow!

    - Le Messor
    "I'm going to be a day ahead!"
    "Okay, but don't tell us what happens. I don't wanna spoil the surprise."
    - Chandler, Friends

  6. #36


    I just hope they don't appear in another series as they will job to the main characters of the book and then no one will take them serious.

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Effexxor
    Also... Am I the only one who thinks that Talisman looks like has abnormally large pecs instead of boobs? I'm not sure why, but they look incredibly... muscley for being boobs.
    I just thought it was not really a good outfit for doing some superhero job. I'm sure a boob will get out of there. I never had the impression Elizabeth was a Jennifer Lopez fan.
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by SephirothsKiller
    The cover has a really nice composition but the face of Arachne is a bit odd...
    Hasn't been mentioned, but it looks like she's involved in Ms Marvel's issue that month too...

    I had been planning on getting all the build up but now i'm not so sure. If there's a goo dchance that this team will only live in the backgroun, I don't know how badly I want to get their entire background. As of this announcement, it almost feels like a guest appearance.

    marvel is so dumb. If they'd announce this as a 5-parter fromt he beginning, we'd still be speculating and hoping tha tthe buzz is good enough to extend it. instead, by giving every indication that this was an ongoing series then reducing it, they make us feel like something was taken away from us. That's a great way of doing business there, Q.

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    can it be a serie made of mini-series? Maybe not.
    It happens. Protectors from Malibu was meant to go 5 or 6 issues but made its way into the late teens/early 20's. I'd thnk that Marvel would be more likely to to wait a few months and launch it again though.

    Oeming can't catch a break. Wasn't there talk of another series he thought he was going to write then someone esle got he gig? Now this? Don't know if it's just part of the business, but after a point I'd be awful tempted of extending my middle finger to Marvel and walking in the other direction. But probably it's just not that easy.

  10. #40


    I do feel bad for Oeming and Kolins, their great guys. However, I'm pissed at the executives at Marvel but it's nice to see on various other boards such as newsarama are not to pleased with the switch

  11. #41


    A pre-emptive cancellation? Even given Alpha Flight's track record that seems awfully harsh. Bummer.

  12. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Ottawa Renegade

    marvel is so dumb. If they'd announce this as a 5-parter fromt he beginning, we'd still be speculating and hoping tha tthe buzz is good enough to extend it. instead, by giving every indication that this was an ongoing series then reducing it, they make us feel like something was taken away from us. That's a great way of doing business there, Q.
    EXACTLY! I feel the same way. I'm sorry for Oeming and Kollins as well. Hopefully they're be a silver lining.

  13. #43
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Hey, what if the reason for all these 5-issue minis is because Joe Q only has one hand, and can't count to anything else?

  14. #44


    We'll see what Oeming says about this, but I have a feeling we're going to start seeing more minis-as-events rather than ongoings from Marvel.

    Sort of like what they're doing to Nextwave now, it isn't a regular series anymore but will return as a series of minis. Maybe for lower-selling series it's just more profitable to market them that way.

    In that case, if this is the first in a periodic series of Omega Flight minis to be released based on interest and creative team availability... well that would be better than nothing.

  15. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    Quote Originally Posted by Effexxor
    Also... Am I the only one who thinks that Talisman looks like has abnormally large pecs instead of boobs? I'm not sure why, but they look incredibly... muscley for being boobs.
    I just thought it was not really a good outfit for doing some superhero job. I'm sure a boob will get out of there. I never had the impression Elizabeth was a Jennifer Lopez fan.
    I think ya mean Janet Jackson. J Lo just has a great butt, but Janet's the one with the wardrobe mafunction.

    But yeah, I can't quite picture her... working in that. Can you imagine what you happen if she kicked someone in that thing? The comic's rating would go from PG to MA!
    I seriously want the Walter stuffed animal from AF #106. Seriously.


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