For every type of Alphanex entery there is (or will be) a template made to lay out several important things for each entry. To view the list of templates, visit

To make use of a template, click on the template's link above. On the right-hand side of the screen you will see a copy & past snippit to go at the top of your entry.



Just put the related info after the = You can then enter the main text of the entry. Heading are fomatted as follows: ==History==

Catagorizing the entries is important. Automatically they will all catorgorize under All Charcters, more specific catagorizations such as Alpha Flight or Vilains must be done manually. To do so, use the following format at the very end of the entry: [[Category:Alpha Flight]] . All Catagores can be found on the left-hand navigation bar.

This may sound complex, but it is not, once you've done it a couple time, it's simple. Ask any questions.
