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Thread: Alpha Flight Questionnaire

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  1. #1


    1. How long have you been collecting Alpha Flight?

    Vol. 1, Issue #1. I'd only been collecting comics a few months, and it was my first #1 issue! Stopped and started a few times over the first volume, but always got the issues I missed when I started collecting again.

    2. What was your first memory of Alpha Flight? If recent, what was your first reaction?

    As I mentioned above, I had only been collecting a few months, and was devouring everything Marvel that I could. I remember seeing the cover at Fred Meyer (a local superstore chain in the Northwest), and two things stood out. The prominent yellow of the cover, and these characters I had no idea about pushing the big Marvel heroes out of the way.

    3. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight character?

    Overall, probably Puck, but currently I'm digging Guardian's invigoration by Pak and Van Lente.

    4. Who is you least favorite Alpha Flight character?

    Wyre, but admittedly I've never read Scott Lobdell's Vol. 3.

    5. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight villain?

    Gotta go with the master himself...The Master!

    6. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight villain?

    One of the Simon Furman villains...probably Carcass. The way his name is spelled just seems dirty.

    7. What do you think is the best issue / story-arch from Alpha Flight?

    Best arc was Vol. 1 #1-12 culminating with the single best issue of #12. I remember reading somewhere that Byrne originally intended for the title to end with #12, but it was doing so well sales-wise that he was convinced to continue it.

    8. What do you consider the Alpha Flight "Dream Team"?

    Pretty much the current team, with perhaps the addition of the Byrne version of Wild Child.

    9. If you were to be stuck on a desert island with one member of Alpha Flight, Who would it be (powers can not get you off the island)

    Snowbird. I'd convince her to transform into a reindeer, then...well, it'd be venison time!!

    10. Who was/is/could be the best leader of Alpha Flight?

    Was: Heather. Is: Mac. Could Be: Shaman.

    11. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight writer?

    Byrne. On that note, I noticed some here take offense to his comments about his time on AF. I always read them a little different. I don't think he ever said that he didn't like the characters, merely that it wasn't fun writing them. I enjoy writing, and there are times I write stories about a character I like and yet find it very difficult to write them. It becomes a chore and not fun. I think this is what Byrne meant by his comments.

    12. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight writer?

    Simon Furman. His direction seemed to jump all over the place and his original characters were...well, they were bad.

    13. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight artist?

    John Byrne was at his peak with this title.

    14. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight artist?

    Without a doubt, Duncan Rouleau. His characters were so distorted that I felt that if I dropped acid, his art would look normal.

    15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be?

    Add me to the list to those who would change the whole Razer/Puck connection. I could even get behind the Beaubier's being half-elven, as it would still make them mutants (possessing abilities neither parent races had), and could have opened up some crossovers with Thor and Asgard.

  2. #2


    1. How long have you been collecting Alpha Flight?
    I only collected vol. 1 religiously.
    2. What was your first memory of Alpha Flight? If recent, what was your first reaction?
    I believe the first Great Beasts story. Byrne's art was just fantastic and his gift for writing team books is a special talent.
    3. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight character?
    4. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight character?
    Maybe the Auctioneer. LOL
    5. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight villain?
    Tie between the Master and Dream Queen.
    6. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight villain?
    The Auctioneer.
    7. What do you think is the best issue / story-arch from Alpha Flight?
    Heather taking over as leader and eventually becoming Guardian.
    8. What do you consider the Alpha Flight "Dream Team"?
    Heather, Puck, Sasquatch, Northstar, Aurora, Snowbird, Shaman, Talisman, Madison Jeffries.
    Also a big fan of having a Beta Flight junior team.
    9. If you were to be stuck on a desert island with one member of Alpha Flight, Who would it be (powers can not get you off the island)
    10. Who was/is/could be the best leader of Alpha Flight?
    Heather, by far.
    11. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight writer?
    John Byrne.
    12. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight writer?
    James Hudnall.
    13. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight artist?
    John Byrne.
    14. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight artist?
    Probably Tom Morgan as I'm not a fan of cartoonish art on superhero books.
    I know most fans loathe John Calimee because of the spare unfinished look of his art (and I did, too) , but, his draftsmanship and storytelling were actually quite good. I've gone back to his run and if another artist worked from his layouts, they would've been dynamic.
    15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be?
    Oof, how do I limit this to ONE thing. Honestly...any and all returns of James Hudson. I actually believed and trusted that John Byrne made the right choice for the series.

  3. #3


    I didn't mind Wire, he didn't do too much for me, but then I've never been one for the "Big Gun" type. I would probably have like him more had he just used his powers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil
    @ all the Wyre hatred

    Now this one shocks me! I thought he was a great character! That is unless you are talking about Mantlo's crummy version of him, rather than Byrne's version...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dani_Moonstar
    4. Who is you least favorite Alpha Flight character?
    Least favorite? Roger Bochs. Eeeep.

  4. #4


    Yep, it was Mantlo's Bochs that really rankled me. Mantlo had a few gems here and there, but his writing was mostly really grating and wretched, thoroughly trashing our team!

    Also, I have to say that I don't understand the hatred people have for the 2nd series' new members. Honestly, I like them. I know that people would prefer to have the veterans come back, but I actually like Murmur a lot.

    Maybe we should be grateful if we see ANY of them used, you know? Marvel still isn't going to give Alpha Flight the chance that it deserves. Readers are already taking bets on how long the series will make it until it's cancelled, and that's sad to me... I really like it.

  5. #5


    Yay, Mantlo really buchered the character of Roger, as he did with many, or most. The John Byrne Boches was a great character!

    I also enjoyed v.2, and am enjoying v.3.


  6. #6


    Also, I have to say that I don't understand the hatred people have for the 2nd series' new members. Honestly, I like them. I know that people would prefer to have the veterans come back, but I actually like Murmur a lot.
    I actually liked Flex but hated Murmur for obvious reasons, ****!!!!! Stereotype of a french canadian with an ENORMOUS fake FRENCH accent, and when I say FRENCH, I mean FRENCH fron FRANCE and not from anywhere near FRENCH canadian and even QUEBECERS as a best accent than THAT!!!! HOW CAN THAT ***** SPEAK WITH SUCH AN ACCENT WHEN RAISED IN HULL HOUSE, WHICH WAS IN ONTARIO?

    ...euh... I think I went mad for a minute there. And don't make me start about wire ...

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    I got censured!!! Ok, I did not knew it was that bad word, I thought that S**t was worst, but waht do I know?

  8. #8


    You've been spending too much time with Del

    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    I got censured!!! Ok, I did not knew it was that bad word, I thought that S**t was worst, but waht do I know?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Dani_Moonstar
    Also, I have to say that I don't understand the hatred people have for the 2nd series' new members. Honestly, I like them. I know that people would prefer to have the veterans come back, but I actually like Murmur a lot.
    My problem with volume two was that until the original team re-appeared, no-one on the team behaved like someone on AF should. Or maybe it was the fact that it was very badly written, but it wasn't just AF, New Warriors vol 2 and Nova vol 3 definately didn't set the world alight. Definately prefer vol 3 over vol 2, but vol 1 over both.

    Bolloxs (test )

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    You've been spending too much time with Del

    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    I got censured!!! Ok, I did not knew it was that bad word, I thought that S**t was worst, but waht do I know?
    LOL. Yes, It's Del's fault! I've been corrupted by Del, he is like the devil... help me, help me. I won't talk bad again like that.

    Actually I would like to know. Dani_Moonstar, what you find interesting in Murmur? I could tell you in a calmer way (and I promise I will net yell or get censured) why I don't like her.

  11. #11


    What do I like about Murmur? I like how Murmur was a wild card in the team... you really didn't know to whom she was loyal. Her motives were mysterious... while she did carry herself as a bit of a ****, I think it was more than that. I think she has deeper layers that we just never got to see. Also, I enjoyed her power... I know Murmur seemed like a mixture of Aurora and Persuasion, but I did like her.

    See, I think AFv2 had it right when they introduced new characters. New characters are never a bad thing... I wasn't a long-time fan of the series, so I read it with no expectations or preconceived notions of what it SHOULD be. And I really, really loved it. Especially Murmur.

  12. #12


    I think Murmur could have been interesting, mostly after she was injured, she was less a **** and stereopycal, but it came too late in the serie. She should have had more development. Their was also the her fear of 'bibitte' (what is the word in english? like insects, worms???) Anyway, that could have been interesting if we had seen more. I don't think her loyalty was a mystery, she was loyal to herself and her motives where selffish, imo. I also think she could have been more than a ****, but not much had been shown to support that. She started to be more interesting, imo, when she got injured and she really feared to be put out of AF.

    Her powers where not really original, but that's not the most important thing for me in a characters, it's the personality. For me, she was insulting. I know, I'm asking too much in the detail, but that accent was so fake, I could not stand it. Everything in her said French and not French Canadian or Quebecer. We have only 2 french canadian characters in Marvel, and both are ****s, come on!!! Aurora at least is the first and she had 2 personalities. Plus, I liked the 1st Aurora, the one before the power changed, she was sexy but not dumb or vulgar and Byrne had kept the fragile balance and avoid the stereotype of the easy french girl. Murmur's accent was one from a french girl and not one coming from Quebec and very far form a girl that grew up in Ontario.

    I always thought she was mixed up in the head and that she acted the way she thought people expected of her (see the stereotype) but see absolutely wonted to be loved and accepted by everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dani_Moonstar
    What do I like about Murmur? I like how Murmur was a wild card in the team... you really didn't know to whom she was loyal. Her motives were mysterious... while she did carry herself as a bit of a ****, I think it was more than that. I think she has deeper layers that we just never got to see. Also, I enjoyed her power... I know Murmur seemed like a mixture of Aurora and Persuasion, but I did like her.

    See, I think AFv2 had it right when they introduced new characters. New characters are never a bad thing... I wasn't a long-time fan of the series, so I read it with no expectations or preconceived notions of what it SHOULD be. And I really, really loved it. Especially Murmur.

  13. #13


    Northstar is a ****? I think not.........
    If Aurora is French-Canadian, he is too

  14. #14
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Kansas City, Missouri


    1. How long have you been collecting Alpha Flight?

    Since the early 90's.

    2.What is your first memory of Alpha Flight?

    I'm not sure, but I remember being excited that there was a Canadian super team in the Marvel U.

    3. Who is your favourite Alpha Flight character?

    Shaman... or Sasquatch... or Windshear... do I really have to choose?

    4. Who is your least favourite Alpha Flight character?

    The whole Vol. 2 team!

    5. Who is your favourite Alpha Flight villain?

    The Master Of The World.

    6. Who is your least favourite Alpha Flight villain?

    Deadly Ernest, even the name was stupid.

    7. What do you think is the best issue/story-arc from Alpha Flight?

    My favourite issue/arc was #125 & 126. It was a great story centered around Shaman, but with Box and Wyre and Diamond Lil as well who are all characters I like.

    8. What do you consider the Alpha Flight "Dream Team"?

    Mac as Guardian, Puck, Box, Sasquatch, Shaman, Marrina, Talisman, Wyre and Windshear.

    9. If you were stuck on a desert island with one member of Alpha Flight, who would it be? (powers can not get you off the island)

    Aurora. heh heh heh

    10. Who was/is/could be the best leader of Alpha Flight?


    11. Who is your favourite Alpha Flight writer?

    Simon Furman.

    12. Who is your least favourite Alpha Flight writer?

    Mantlo, for bringing us Razor, Bedlam and the Derangers.

    13. Who is your favourite Alpha Flight artist?

    John Byrne, no one can draw Sasquatch like him.

    14. Who is your least favourite Alpha Flight artist?

    John Calimee.

    15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be?

    The cancellation of Vol. 1!

  15. #15


    =that arc (Vol.1 #125 and #126) were weird

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