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Thread: Alpha Flight Movie possible actual news

  1. #1
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Default Alpha Flight Movie possible actual news

    I've just found this online:

    It's a month old, but I don't remember us discussing it before.

    ~ Le Messor
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  2. #2

  3. #3
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I hate when I do that.

  4. #4


    A movie would be great. Fingers crossed.

  5. #5
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Assuming the movie gets made who do you think the antagonist(s) should be? Would you want a traditional AF villain like the Master, the Wendigo, or the Great Beasts? Would you be okay with a non-AF villain that Fox would have the rights to like the Hand, Dr. Doom, or the Skrulls? What about a combination like the Hellfire Club led by the Master, or the Hand seeking to free their ancient master Black Raazer, or an Omega Flight created by the Mad Thinker?

    Also, seeing how all the characters in the X-men movies are mutants -- even if they're not (such as Juggernaut) -- do you think Fox will make all the members of AF (or X-Flight) into mutants as well, or could the Flight film be the connector between the FF and the X-Men Cinematic Universes?

  6. #6
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    If this were MCU, it'd definitely be Omega Flight - they're the counterparts to our heroes. In the XCU? Probably The Master, as the most recogniseable.

    Of course, that's what it's likely to be; what would I want it to be?
    I don't know. Maybe DreamQueen.

    Quote Originally Posted by legerd
    seeing how all the characters in the X-men movies are mutants -- even if they're not (such as Juggernaut)
    Technically, they never said either way on Juggernaut, and left us to assume he was a mutant (which I do). But they definitely did that with Lady Deathstrike.

    However, with Logan, maybe even with Days Of Future Past, they brought in non-mutant super characters. (The Sentinels in DofP; do we count them?; a cyborg in Logan, I count him.) So there's hope after all!

    ~ Le Messor
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  7. #7
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Juggernaut was supposed to be a mutant as Leech's powers worked on him, and Magneto calls him a "brother"during the rescue. More than likely they didn't want to waste screen time explaining that Juggy's powers came from an other-dimensional god, or how he came to be granted them.
    The Sentinels may have been robots, but they gained their powers (somehow) from a mutant (Mystique), while in Logan they couldn't very well say no new mutants had been born in a while, and then have mutants hunting the heroes. Besides, it would negate the whole need for chasing down the escaped mutant children if they already had mutants working for them.

    I'm hoping an AF movie will expand to include other means for the heroes to have powers (i.e.: magic, science, divinity) so as to maybe connect to the FFCU where there seemed to be no mutants. That way Fox could maybe have characters crossover between films like in the MCU.

  8. #8
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
    Juggernaut was supposed to be a mutant as Leech's powers worked on him, and Magneto calls him a "brother"during the rescue.
    Oh, yeah. Very good points - it's been a while since I watched that movie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
    I'm hoping an AF movie will expand to include other means for the heroes to have powers
    Me, too. For variety alone.

    ~ Le Messor
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    ~ Tibetan proverb

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