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Thread: Marvel sucking in the comic department.

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    civil war 2 is one of the highest selling issues? Wow. That issue was terrible
    Peter Parker coming out to the mainstream media as Spider-Man. Pretty big deal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sypes View Post
    made me discover the AMAZING world of Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye! OMG!!! Best comic I've ever ever ever read! I want James Roberts to come and write Alpha Flight now!
    Aha! Now I know who you are on Twitter!

  2. #17


    Also, the reason DC's Rebirth #1's are selling so well is because they made them returnable for free, meaning retailers could over-order safely.
    Expect #2's onwards to shrink drastically, especially with double shipping.
    Last edited by Phil; 09-27-2016 at 11:07 AM.

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Peter Parker coming out to the mainstream media as Spider-Man. Pretty big deal.

    Aha! Now I know who you are on Twitter!
    that was civil war 1 #2. I'm talking about civil war 2 #1. Which was ranked 8. Bendis civil war story
    Last edited by -K-M-; 09-27-2016 at 03:30 PM.

  4. #19


    The link is talking about the Millar one.

  5. #20
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    The link talks about both.

  6. #21


    My bad.
    I saw the 2 as #2 rather than II #1.
    KM is correct.

    Though CWII #1 is due to the amount of Store Exclusive Variants.

    To be fair, I liked #1. And #4.
    #0, 2,3 & 5 have been terrible though. IMO obvs.

  7. #22
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    It's an easy mistake to make. When I first saw Civil War 1 #2 was on there, I thought it meant the second CW mini; then I realised it meant issue 2 of the first. It might not've been 'til I saw Civil War 2 #1 on the list that I realised the mistake.

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  8. #23

  9. #24
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    I liked civil war II issues 1-4 pretty well (again I must be the black sheep on this forum) 5 jumped off the rails.....especially when you taken in the events of Steven rogers cap 5 and cap sam wilson number 12. Nick Spencer turn steve Rogers back to normal all ready!
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  10. #25


    Well, Vivaldi was considered mediocre in his time, Salieri (sp?) was a hit, yet time shows who actually did a great job, and sales don't tell much of the real story.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

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  11. #26


    Going to throw it out there - I had been a "Marvel Zombie" for over 30 years. I began collecting when I was like 8 years old, when I was introduced to Uncanny X-Men (121) and Avengers (159). While I had heard of DC, and watched the "Superfriends" cartoons religiously in my youth; in regards to comics, DC never, ever, ever caught my attention. I picked up the random issue of Aquaman, from time to time (and by random, maybe one issue ever 2 or 3 years). Around 2000, Marvel began to seriously tank in quality. (It was probably a little before that, but the year 2000 is an easy land mark). I began dropping titles left and right. And got to a point I was barely even collecting anything, except for Uncanny X-Men (even though that was so horrid, I just had such a full run of it).

    Then came The New 52. I decided, "It's a fresh start? Let's see how this goes." And found myself actually loving the New 52, because it went back to "basics" of comics. There was no "overly talking bubbles" where it drowns the art. There was no "oh my god, rolling my eyes and the stupid angst." It was back to what I enjoyed about comics - good vs evil. Plain and simple, with a good story flowing between it, without being overly complicated. Just what my simple mind needed. Something to enjoy that didn't tax my brain after a long day of working on computers, 8 hours a day for work. Soon, even Uncanny X-Men fell off my list (a day I never thought would come), while I consumed more and more of the New 52.

    Now we have Rebirth - and I have been loving it. I don't see the confusion of multiple universes, that others stated. It's, much like New 52, back to basics of comics. What made comics enjoyable. So far, I collect EVERY SINGLE Rebirth title. Every. Single One. The only one I plan on dropping is Harley Quinn.

    Meanwhile for Marvel? I collect Uncanny X-Men again (with Bunn writing it), Spider-Man 2099 (loved the character, and love Peter David's writing), and Nova (because it tied - loosely - to the New Warriors, and turned out to be a rather enjoyable read - for the most part).

    Other that the stated above, I can't stand what Marvel has done with their Universe. I keep trying to read more, but I can't. It's not worth the money it costs to be constantly disappointed.

    Meanwhile, I admit, Marvel is killing it with movies and Netflix.

  12. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I don't see the confusion of multiple universes, that others stated.
    There are multiple Supermen, with multiple histories.
    There's Kid Flash from one timeline and Flash from another etc.
    The Universe is neither pre-52 nor new-52; it's a mash-up of both, and without having read New-52 it's inaccessible to me.

    I can't stand what Marvel has done with their Universe. I keep trying to read more, but I can't.

    But just because neither you or I are reading/enjoying Marvel titles anymore; it doesn't mean that they're sucking (not your words, just tying back into the original post).

    Marvel are absolutely hitting the younger demographic and gaining new non-traditional comics readers.
    That's their aim right now.
    Us 30+ year old males aren't the focus, and I'm all for that.

  13. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    There are multiple Supermen, with multiple histories.
    There's Kid Flash from one timeline and Flash from another etc.
    The Universe is neither pre-52 nor new-52; it's a mash-up of both, and without having read New-52 it's inaccessible to me.
    But I've not really read _any_ DC other than Aquaman and Teen Titans/Titans (whatever they were called any given month) prior to New 52 (and even Aquaman and Teen Titans was before the new series before the - not the new 52, but where they did 52 issues - one a month - and changed everything - can't even remember what that was called). Anyway - so what I am saying is, I am only "familiar" with the New 52 stuff for DC. But they've done a great job merging New 52 and pre-New 52 to appease the fans that disliked New 52, and to me, have done a good job catching me up and explaining everything without going super into detail and over doing it.

    (Not to say you're wrong, mind you, for not being able to enjoy it - merely pointing out, that I am only really familiar with the New 52, and still enjoy the pre New 52 that's been kept in Rebirth).

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    But just because neither you or I are reading/enjoying Marvel titles anymore; it doesn't mean that they're sucking (not your words, just tying back into the original post). Marvel are absolutely hitting the younger demographic and gaining new non-traditional comics readers. That's their aim right now.
    Us 30+ year old males aren't the focus, and I'm all for that.
    Other than the incessant need to "make a diverse universe" of making every hero a female and/or of a non-white ethnic background - what I don't understand is, how do you target a lower age audience (other than with books like "Deadpool" and "Squirrel Girl", which are silly books, without much in regards to story, no matter what anyone says!) I mean, it's basic super heroes. How do you make it so that one audience can't enjoy it? (Answer: Bad writing).

  14. #29
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    how do you target a lower age audience (other than with books like "Deadpool"
    You'd let a kid read Deadpool?!?

  15. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    You'd let a kid read Deadpool?!?
    The comic? Sure.

    The amount of violence shown in Deadpool may be more "bloody" - but certainly no more violent than the Saturday morning cartoons of Road Runner and Will E. Coyote and all the cuss words are "#$%!" - which is what I remember reading as a kid. And look how I turned out.

    Okay, well, I am a bad example... but still...

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