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Thread: Article: Axel Alonso On The Other Members Of Alpha Flight

  1. #1

    Default Article: Axel Alonso On The Missing Alpha Flight Members

  2. #2


    The last part is intersting

  3. #3


    I think it could easily be solved with a throwaway line that everyone else is back home guarding Canada, though.
    Maybe have Puck 'phone' Talisman.

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Sasquatch phone home.

    ... So, basic'ly, no answer because they don't know.

    It'll be cool to find out, eventually, I hope.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?"
    ~ John Mendoza

  5. #5


    Maybe, (Optimistically) they are waiting for the new creative team behind ANAD Alpha Flight #1 to answer that question...

  6. #6


    I agree, they really don't have a plan and don't know what they're going to do, if anything, with Alpha Flight. They're finding that a well-written Puck is a popular and great character, that Sasquatch and Aurora are easy to use when you want them to be heroes, so maybe they don't want to ruin what they've got or don't know how to expand it.

  7. #7


    Shaman made a brief appearance in Dr. Strange recently so I could see other AF characters turning up in other Marvel titles, Snowbird in Thor, Guardian/Vindicator or both in Old Man Logan, Marrina in A-Force or Squirrel Girl, etc.

    One can only hope...

  8. #8


    Yeah, future Hudsons in OML is a good shout.

  9. #9
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    I really like that Marvel isn't rushing into anything with AF. For the most part reaction to the team being Earth's "first line of defence in space" has ranged from cautious wait-and-see attitudes to confused head scratching, but that is far better than outright panning of the concept. As long as they build up AF's connection to other heroes (i.e.: Puck's friendship with Carol), and exploring the characters so readers who have only seen them as being punching bags can get to know them, then future projects involving the team will have some chance of lasting beyond a few months.
    So, hopefully the writers will take their time, come up with stories that allow the characters the opportunity to explore and expand their abilities, and give readers a chance to see what makes the team great.

  10. #10


    Know I’m going against the gain here, but maybe in this new Universe there is no Alpha Flight and Captain Marvel’s team is the first version of it? Maybe there is only a Department H headed by Mac? Maybe the Registration Act actually worked in a country like Canada and Hudson had enough political power to keep the department away from the military and turn it to something like “The Department of Superpower Research and Training” It grows to become a well-respected elite force of superheroes that help out wherever needed. Basically if you belong to Department H you have a high level of credibility and access with SHIELD and the Avengers. That would be cool with me?

  11. #11
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    There was a quote on another thread that says that Alpha Flight were superheroes in the new universe. ie: I don't think their continuity has been ignored.

  12. #12


    Yeah, Brevoort has explicitly said they're still Canadian and that nothing that happened in the past pre-Secret Wars has changed.

    The way I see it, there was an Avengers and an Avengers West Coast.
    (and to many Alpha Flight were always thought of as Avengers Canada or FF Canada, or X-Canada)

    We now have Alpha Flight (Mac, Heather, Shaman, Snowbird, Marrina) in Canada, AND an Alpha Flight:Space (Or Alpha Flight:America) in Puck, Aurora and Sasquatch.

    Puck, Aurora and Sas have never had Maple Leafs on their individual uniforms, so nothing's been taken away from them; they've just been conscripted to fight a war that doesn't take place on Canadian soil.
    Last edited by Phil; 02-04-2016 at 01:07 PM.

  13. #13


    I’m just thrilled just to see these characters exposed to bigger audience.
    But to me it feels more like the Alpha Flight name has been co-opted to serve a bigger role in the Marvel U. “Join the Might that is Alpha Flight” suggests our Alphans are just 3 elite members of what seems like a huge organization now. I’m not even saying that’s a bad thing maybe just confusing if they ever want to launch a team book called Alpha Flight with the original cast.

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    It's not as bad as it sounds, though. They could just call it "Mighty Alpha Flight", or "X-Alpha Flight", or "Alpha Flight Academy" or something...

  15. #15


    As a back-story to explain how they got there they should have Captain Marvel come up to the help Alpha Flight when some menace created by Department H threatens the world. After the battle The Canadian public is outraged and asks Mac to head the Department. Puck, Aurora are asked to join the space station crew by Marvel...Sas offers his expertise because he clearly still has a thing for his ex. Mac calls his Department H field team Omega Flight in honour of the team that got killed in Avengers. And Puck is the one that suggests Alpha Flight as the name because ..."he busted his ass to be on Alpha Flight and thats what they should call it".

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