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Thread: Original Alpha Flight

  1. #106
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Lightbulb Wish list

    Here's my wish list of illustrators worth the price of admission (IMO):1) Richard Corben*; 2) Rafa Sandoval; 3) Leanne Huynh; 4) Jim Sherman; 5) Greg Titus; 6) Chris Bachalo; 7) Jim Calafiore; 8 ) Clayton Henry; 9) Terry Shoemaker; 10) Walter Simonson; 11) Art Adams; 12) Neal Adams*; 13) John Byrne; 14) Tom Grummett, and; 15) Adam Warren.

    * Unfortunately, no longer with us. (as of 7/5/2023)
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:25 PM.

  2. #107
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Middle page of my page layout for THE INCREDIBLE ALPHA FLIGHT

    The INCREDIBLE ALPHA FLIGHT/page layout 2

    Page 14 - SNOWBIRD (Narya), “travel(ling) between dimensions.” (words of JIM McCANN from CHAOS WAR: ALPHA FLIGHT)

    Page 15 - “The government is in turmoil____” meeting.

    Page 16 - LAWTON (re-envisioned)

    Page 17 - DANNON, Lawton’s political foil

    Page 18 - Others at the meeting express their concerns regarding the issues
    facing the nation.

    Page 19 - GENERAL BRIAN WINSLOW explains the non-conventional threats to
    national security; the interim PRIME MINISTER reluctantly agrees that meta-human threats should be countered with meta-human deterrence.

    Page 20 - The NEXUS of ALL REALITIES (aka THE CROSSROADS), as seen from
    Roger’s laboratory.

    Page 21 - Northstar talks with Aurora about her injury (“three cracked ribs”
    sustained in AF# 26)…

    Page 22 - …and gets into a brief argument with LANGKOWSKI/BOX until ROGER
    homes in on their intended target.

    Page 23 - Judd, dazed, starts to remember bits-and-pieces of what’s going on;
    ROGER and WALTER/BOX get seriously focused on securing the target.

    Page 24 - Meanwhile, HEATHER records her thoughts as she tries to relax; a
    power-surge plunges the entire room into complete darkness.

    Page 25 - Mephisto watching ALPHA FLIGHT with interest…and malice.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-08-2023 at 05:18 PM.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  3. #108
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    This is all building to something!

  4. #109
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Meat-and-potatoes

    That page is the "meat-and-potatoes" part of the story because it should spell out why a meta-human deterrence like ALPHA FLIGHT is needed against non-conventional threats such as: RANARK (circa MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE); WENDIGO (a super-strong cannibal); The Super-Skrull (I believe Walter would've told his teammates about this); original OMEGA FLIGHT; AIM; HYDRA; and, of course, THE MASTER and THE GREAT BEASTS.

    Not everybody at that meeting is going to be for ALPHA FLIGHT, though (*cough* LAWTON *cough*).

    That's as much as I can say.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:24 PM.

  5. #110
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Not quite ready to be a comic book...yet

    I put the layouts together to see how long it would run. A veteran illustrator would probably pace it/lay it out differently, maybe less pages. Anyhow, the mock-proof of the double-gate fold cover is just about what I hoped it would be.

    It's not ready to be a comic book...yet.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:35 PM.

  6. #111
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default "The New Age of Heroes"?

    If "The New Age of Heroes" is the Distinguished Competition cribbing MARVEL's characters/MARVEL's style/MARVEL's intellectual property, than this is indeed a new age of heroes.

    Beyond a shadowy cabal chasing someone/something, there isn't much of a concept for The Immortal Men, The New Challengers, and The Unexpected. While issue # 1 of The Immortal Men was intriguing, the thin plot and less-than-impressive characters quickly peter out in issue # 2. Immortal Men who are easily killed off en mass and who are really capable of saving anybody are not awesome, heroic, or entertaining.

    The New Challengers at least realized that its concept and plot are best suited for a mini-series, and truth be told, it would have been a very good one if the 1st issue was told in a more coherent, straightforward manner. Trina is interesting, and could have started the book with her or the big guy, who doesn't get a chance to shine until issue # 3. And it's probably best that this is a mini-series because V Ken Marion is no Andy Kubert.

    In The Unexpected, the character NEON is neither heroic, effective or interesting. There really is no reason for this book to exist because it isn't much different than The Immortal Men, NEON is pathetically ineffective at dealing with the bad-guys, and the bad-guys seem like more than a match for NEON.

    The good news: the two New Age of Heroes books that are interesting and well-executed are the two that I initially didn't expect much from (initially) - The Terrifics and The Silencer.

    The bad news: I stopped reading Curse of Brimstone in the middle of # 1 and have no interest or reason to finish reading it. As for Damage and Sideways (which I don't have), if I want to read the Hulk or Spiderman, I'll buy the Hulk or Spiderman. The on-line articles "BETWEEN THE PANELS: THE NEW AGE OF DC HEROES IS FAILING" by Jesse Schedeen and "Is DC's New Age of Heroes just Marvel trolling?" on Reddit go into detail with the comparisons between the Distinguished Competition's characters and MARVEL's.

    If The New Age of Heroes is saying that it can do MARVEL characters better than MARVEL itself (and in a rather in-your-face manner), the proof isn't in the pudding of what I've read (except for The Terrifics). With the Warner Brothers characters, the Charleton characters, plus their own extensive catalog of characters, the Distinguished Competition may have bitten off more than it can chew.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:23 PM.

  7. #112
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That sounds like pretty much what I expected from The Immortal Men, The New Challengers, and The Unexpected.

    ~ Le Messor
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  8. #113
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    I sure hope the "edit" function can be restored so I can correct "en masse", correct "Charlton" (that must have been where the 'e' went), fix the sentence "...who are not capable of saving anybody..."/"who are incapable of saving anybody...", and add Joe Bennett to the "wish list."

    Immortal Hulk # 4 is good. Real good.

  9. #114


    Glad you liked IH4 Garry!

    Any thoughts on where #5 will go?

  10. #115
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default My 2 Cents

    I read the review on Bleeding Cool where the reviewer thinks that IH4 is the weakest issue of the new series. Although I've only gotten IH2 and IH3 (as a result of reading IH4), I'm not sure how anyone could jump to that conclusion so early in a series.

    Not only does IH4 feature a guest-star who has a connection to Bruce Banner that is drawing them both toward each other, Walter is a man who is trying to convince himself as well as reporter Jacqueline McGee that TANARAQ is dead. The panel shows Walter doesn't quite believe it and something is very wrong.

    Personally, I rate this comic book a solid 9 out of 10; I don't know if it can get much better than this, but I look forward to IH5 to find out.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:23 PM.

  11. #116


    Yeah, I reckon it’s just because it had no actual Hulk in the issue.

  12. #117


    Meh! And I have read a bunch of other reviews that say it’s the best issue so far

  13. #118
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Well, I can understand if you're looking for Hulk in a Hulk comic and don't find one, you could be a little disappointed.

    Me, I'd be looking for Sasquatch, so I probably wouldn't be.

    ~ Le Messor
    "At some point there are going to be dinosaurs on this dinosaur tour, aren't there?"
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  14. #119
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Meh! And I have read a bunch of other reviews that say it’s the best issue so far
    I'd like to read the positive reviews, if you'd share where they are.

    I actually think IH4 is as much about Bruce/Hulk as it is about Walt/Sasquatch/Tanaraq. This is the most effective use of a guest star I've seen since...ever.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:24 PM.

  15. #120

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