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Thread: TV Shows

  1. #1

    Default TV Shows

    What fall shows are you ready to se back on the TV/Netflix? any suggestions

    Gotham and Agents of SHIELD are on my list to watch.
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  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I only just finished Gotham Season 1 a couple of weeks ago.
    Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., of course, and all the MCU series I can arrange to see.

    Dreamworks Dragons is supposed to be getting a new season. Once Upon A Time.
    Sleepy Hollow is fun, but dumb.

    I watch Arrow and Flash with a friend. (The first is okay, I've really liked what I've seen of the second so far.) Star Wars: Rebels with another friend.
    Community has its six seasons (I've only seen five), but not its movie yet.

    I can't think of much else. Nothing else I make sure to watch. I'll do a shout-out to Doctor Who, but I only watch samples of that.

    ~ Le Messor
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  3. #3


    I tried to get into watching Arrow but just couldn't stand it. Flash is okay to watch but I don't think I will jump on that train every week. I will be catching Hero's Reborn. Of course, Agents of Shield will be taking up my time during the week.
    “God made only one of each of us. It's up to us to make the most of our individuality.” Kevin Max

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Arrow tends to keep me going, but I won't be buying the BluRays.
    Flash - I'll have to see the rest of season 1. I thought I was going to buy Gotham, but things happened that downgraded it to just 'watch regularly'.

    I've watched all the existing Heroes series, so I'll look at getting my hands (eyes) on the new one. Same with The X-Files.

    ~ Le Messor
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  5. #5


    First, how can you not get into FLASH? It's currently, hands down, the BEST "comic" show on television!
    Arrow is good - but there's entirely TOO much angst. They need to taper that off and make the characters more emotionally stable. How many people can Oliver sleep with and everyone still remain friends?
    Agents of SHIELD has gotten boring. But I will keep watching it.
    Looking forward to Legends of Tomorrow.
    Also looking forward to the second season of Daredevil.

  6. #6
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    First, how can you not get into FLASH? It's currently, hands down, the BEST "comic" show on television!
    Uh... Answering for myself (though that was prob'ly directed at Mekko), simply because I can't get into it. I have to watch with a friend because he has access to it and I don't.
    And he lives in Sydney.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Arrow is good - but there's entirely TOO much angst.
    Much as I'm willing to keep watching it, it kind of lost me when one of the episodes' conflict was all about 'This young billionaire took some drugs and crashed the luxury car she was just given as an eighteenth birthday present. But it's not her fault, really! She was mad at her brother! How will she get off scot-free? HOW?!?'
    Not on your side on this one, show.

    ~ Le Messor
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  7. #7


    Flash is just a show that I have not been able to keep up and when I do watch, it has been good and it has been boring. Unlike Arrow, which I found to be boring quite a bit. I did however enjoy the crossover between the two.
    I am looking forward to the Legend of Tomorrow show tho. So I hope that is a good show. Looking forward to Daredevil Season 2 and the Jessica Jones series.
    “God made only one of each of us. It's up to us to make the most of our individuality.” Kevin Max

  8. #8


    I don't like Gotham at all, Agents of SHIELD is OK but we don't watch that regular either, don't care for Arrow or the Flash (Flash is OK but overall a little too dumb).
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  9. #9


    I found the first half of Flash too cheesy and simple but it really came into it's own towards the end, although Iris still bugs the heck out of me.

    The third Season of Arrow was nowhere near as good as the first two and I agree about the angst quota. The flashbacks didn't work in it this year either, apart from the Felicity one. I still enjoy it though.

    I'll give Legends Of Tomorrow a bash based on those two.

    Daredevil was the best 'TV' I've seen in years so eagerly awaiting S2 and will give JJ a chance based solely on it.

    AoS was up and down in quality but do think S2 was stronger than S1. A slight issue with it for me is having to watch it out of sync with the movies, due to my location, but it's not a major sticking point.

    I really enjoy The Walking Dead on the whole, so looking forward to it's return. We aren't getting the spin-off over here so that will have to wait till it's on Netflix.

    iZombie was a lot better than I thought it would be. Very much 'baddie of the week' but it had a lot of charm, almost like a less action-y Buffy.

    Constantine was watchable, and nowhere near as bad as the film, but I can see why it wasn't picked up.

    I might give Lucifer a try, I'm sure I'll Heroes Reborn out of habit and I'm very much looking forward to X-Files returning.
    I also think I'm one of the few British people who just cannot get into Doctor Who as an adult, so none for me.

    And then plenty of other non-comic-y stuff (The League, IASIP, Person Of Interest...).
    In short: I'm watching FAR too much TV at the moment, although none of it live...

    EDIT: forgot to mention Gotham, which pretty much says a lot...
    I liked it on the whole, mainly for Penguin, but wouldn't be bothered if I missed it. The children annoyed me SO much, as did Barbara Gordon.
    The earlier episodes were too bright tonally, ala the Dick Tracy film, but it got better as it went on.
    Although I'm still confused by the era; there are no computers or flatscreen TV's, yet they have cellphones...
    Last edited by Phil; 09-04-2015 at 06:35 AM.

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