I'll play. I skipped a lot but here we go:
Favorite moment:
Aurora - when she takes off her bra in Dark X-Men: The Beginning #3 (and dons the new red costume)
Box (Madison Jeffries) - the time he ripped apart a Sentinel with his mind and made a giant harpoon out of it which he used to stab and thus completely destroy another Sentinel. Awesome. Issue was Alpha Flight #43
Guardian (Heather) - In issue #28 when she's the clear leader of Alpha Flight and just completely in charge. Then she takes a bath. Great scene.
Marrina - when she eats the live goldfish at the party in Avengers #291
Northstar - when he challenges the impromptu "court" in the opening of Alpha Flight #25
Puck - when he kicks his evil doppleganger's butt in Uncanny X-Force #11
Sasquatch - the wordless terraforming sequence in Alpha Flight #20
Shaman - scrambled egg monster. You know the issue.
Snowbird - the defeat of Herateq and Tiamaq in Marvel Heartbreakers #1

OK those are the ones that popped into my head.