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Thread: Guardians of the Galaxy Movie (Will Aim For Spoilery Freeness!)

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  1. #1
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    It's just a shame that the support never translates into sales.
    Well... not enough sales, at any rate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Yes, it was mentioned in Agents of SHIELD and everyone went bat nuts.
    Yeah, it was so cool when that mention happened! I just thought it was something we on this list loved, and nobody else noticed.

    ~ Le Messor
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  2. #2


    It's just a shame that the support never translates into sales.

  3. #3
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    Linkara did a v-log review of GotG (he and his brother didn't love it, but liked it).

    This is from the comments:
    "I'm guessing I'm the only one who'd want to see an Alpha Flight movie..."

  4. #4


    I'm with FP on this one; I was underwhelmed by the film.
    Possibly because I'd left it so long to see and had heard the passing hype of it being the best Marvel film ever.

    It was a decent film, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't a great film.

    I think my main issue was that while the other films have been 80% action, 20% humour this was a straight 50/50 split and it was almost as if it didn't quite know what it was - if it had just tipped an extra 10% in one direction it would probably have been more solid for me, which is where I was hoping Ant-Man would go.
    And there was just so much pointless swearing for the sake of it; I get that the A-holes thing is a riff on the Avengers but it didn't constantly need repeating.
    I'm glad I saw it in 2D as it was very dark, as Mik said.
    I can't quite work out if the 'Star Wars' scene was a homage or just a coincidence.
    I hated Yondu.
    Rocket I could have cared less about, but Groot absolutely stole the show for me; easily the best part and worth viewing for alone.
    Plus the soundtrack was awesome and chosen excellently.

    In terms of Marvel Studios Films I'd say it's my third favourite after Iron Man 3 and Avengers (I haven't seen Cap2 yet though).

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I'm with FP on this one
    And I didn't have to pay him to say that, honest! (I did, however, take a screenshot of it, to remember it by)

    Phil, for that one line alone, you are now my hero.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I was underwhelmed by the film.
    Possibly because I'd left it so long to see and had heard the passing hype of it being the best Marvel film ever.

    It was a decent film, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't a great film.

    I think my main issue was that while the other films have been 80% action, 20% humour this was a straight 50/50 split and it was almost as if it didn't quite know what it was - if it had just tipped an extra 10% in one direction it would probably have been more solid for me, which is where I was hoping Ant-Man would go.
    And there was just so much pointless swearing for the sake of it; I get that the A-holes thing is a riff on the Avengers but it didn't constantly need repeating.
    I'm glad I saw it in 2D as it was very dark, as Mik said.
    I can't quite work out if the 'Star Wars' scene was a homage or just a coincidence.
    I hated Yondu.
    Rocket I could have cared less about, but Groot absolutely stole the show for me; easily the best part and worth viewing for alone.
    Plus the soundtrack was awesome and chosen excellently.

    In terms of Marvel Studios Films I'd say it's my third favourite after Iron Man 3 and Avengers (I haven't seen Cap2 yet though).
    I agree, Groot was the show-stealer, absolutely. RR was...actually, he was TOO tough for me to like him. I wanted to like him, I THOUGHT i would like him...but it just didn't work for me. It's almost like they tried TOO hard with him.

    Really, the rest of the cast? They had no redeeming characteristics. They saved the universe, yes, but really by a fluke. They are not good peoples, other than Groot maybe. Its like cheering for a whole cast of Wolverines! Plenty of people may like that, but I don't. I want my heroes to be heroic.

    Still, it was a great film, just not the best film, not Marvel's best film, and not even Marvel's best film this year. I would rate it behind Cap 2, Avengers, and Iron Man 1.

    My favourite line (even though it was so obvious, i practically quoted it at the same time it was being said): "That was my favourite knife..."
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  6. #6
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I'm with FP on this one; I was underwhelmed by the film.
    Possibly because I'd left it so long to see and had heard the passing hype of it being the best Marvel film ever.
    Like I said to FP, I'm sorry to hear that. I'd love it if people loved it, but we're not all the same.

    It's probably my favourite Marvel movie, but I don't think I've heard anybody else say that (which makes me kind of glad you have - or was it me who over-hyped it to you?)
    Most people seem to rank it below Cap 2 and The Avengers. While I like the former, it's a little to dark to be a favourite for me; I love the latter, but love GotG more.

    For me, it's about the humour (largely). The balance worked for me; if it didn't work for you, so be it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I'm glad I saw it in 2D as it was very dark, as Mik said.
    I got something right?
    Don't worry, I won't let it go to my head.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I can't quite work out if the 'Star Wars' scene was a homage or just a coincidence.
    I only remember one:
    (this isn't a spoiler) A spaceship flies through tunnels just like in Jedi. All things considered, I'm assuming homage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I hated Yondu.
    I hated him as Yondu. As a generic character, he was fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Rocket I could have cared less about
    How much less?

    Like FP, I'm sick of Wolverine-type 'I'm-so-tough' characters; but I didn't get that vibe from this movie.
    Probably because the characters are trying for that vibe, but failing (well, Star Lord is, and he's the main focus).

    In fact, I've hated some recent appearances by Rocket in the comics, because he comes across that way (and is doing that thing that so many writers do for some reason, where the thing that used to be his identity is now a berserk button. In this case, you can't use the word 'raccoon' around him. Ugh. I don't know why people think that's good.) Maybe part of why I liked him so much in the movie is because he wasn't really like that there. At least, not to that degree.

    ~ Le Messor
    Member of Parliament to Disraeli: "Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease."
    "That depends, Sir," said Disraeli, "whether I embrace your policies or your mistress."
    Last edited by Le Messor; 08-13-2014 at 05:16 PM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Possibly because I'd left it so long to see and had heard the passing hype of it being the best Marvel film ever.
    Uh, cuz it is the best Marvel film. Ever. Even in the future.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I think my main issue was that while the other films have been 80% action, 20% humour this was a straight 50/50 split and it was almost as if it didn't quite know what it was - if it had just tipped an extra 10% in one direction it would probably have been more solid for me
    See, for me, I thought it excelled, because yes - we got a lot of fun action. We got a lot of great comedy. But that wasn't all the movie was.
    There's the scene with Peter and his mother (remaining spoiler free) at the beginning.
    There's the scene where Rocket, Groot and Drax fight in the Casino and Rocket discusses how he never asked for what happened to him.
    There's the scene, just before the ship crashes with Groot (near the end, again, remaining spoil free), with what he said, and that brief dialogue between him and Groot.

    These were, to me, powerful scenes that showed that Star Lord wasn't just a lady's man. It showed that Rocket wasn't just a crass, non stop, joke a minute Raccoon. It showed that, someone who speaks so little, can speak volumes, when Groot does what he did. These scenes showed depth and caring for each of these characters. (Gamora and Drax didn't really get these type of scenes; although we see a tender side to Gamora near the end, with the music).

    So it wasn't 50% action, 50% comedy to me. There was definitely a nice dose of caring and compassion, and depth to be reflected in these characters.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    And there was just so much pointless swearing for the sake of it; I get that the A-holes thing is a riff on the Avengers but it didn't constantly need repeating.
    Pointless swearing? Perhaps we have different definitions? The only word that gets repeated with any regularity is "damn."
    He does say $#!+ - once, from what I remember, when he says something like, "It's given us a chance to give a $#!+." (bad word for poop)
    He almost says the f-word, but only says, "Fu" (which sounds like the Asian food of pho).

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I'm glad I saw it in 2D as it was very dark, as Mik said.
    I've seen it four times now (yes, four times). There are dark scenes. But I feel like it was 50/50. Because you get the opening planet, which is pretty dark and Knowhere. Then you get the time in Ronan's ship. But Xandar, which I felt like was in 50% of the movie (whether inside the building, showing the battle, or showing the city - EVERY time, it was day time - and it was bright.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I hated Yondu.
    The only Guardians stuff I've ever read are the MPC 24 & 26 collections so Yondu's the only character I actually know from the pages, which is probably why I disliked what he became.
    He was pretty generic, I will give you that. As for comparing it to the Yondu from the comics, two different characters. It's like comparing the Pyro from the X-Men movies to the Pyro in the comics. Or Rogue. Or Iceman. Or...

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Rocket I could have cared less about, but Groot absolutely stole the show for me; easily the best part and worth viewing for alone. Nothing would have been lost for me if Rocket wasn't in the film at all.
    I feel, without Rocket, there is no way Groot would have been as funny as he was as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Plus the soundtrack was awesome and chosen excellently.
    I agree. I have had it on repeat for days now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    In terms of Marvel Studios Films I'd say it's my third favourite after Iron Man 3 and Avengers (I haven't seen Cap2 yet though).

    I forgot, you liked Iron Man 3...! :-/

    All of that said, I am not trying to change your mind or anything (before anyone takes offense!), just sharing my thoughts on your thoughts! I do NOT expect everyone to enjoy the movie - even fellow comic book fans! I just love discussing it.

  8. #8


    It was underwhelming but decent and was still your third favourite Marvel Studios film? Tough crowd. XD

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by MistressMerr View Post
    It was underwhelming but decent
    Underwhelming because it's been touted as a cinematic masterpiece and the greatest film of all time and perfect and so on and so on.
    It's none of the above.
    But that's what I get for seeing a film after the majority of the interwebz.

    and was still your third favourite Marvel Studios film?
    That probably says more of my opinion of the other Marvel Studios films, to be fair...

    Tough crowd. XD
    That's me!

  10. #10
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    The only Guardians stuff I've ever read are the MPC 24 & 26 collections so Yondu's the only character I actually know from the pages, which is probably why I disliked what he became.
    How many of the MPCs do you have? I thought I was the only one who collected them.
    I have those (of course), but I already had most of the floppies, plus various appearances and titles, and about half the 90s series.

    And, yeah, I definitely disliked what Yondu became.

    The fact that the rest of the characters mean nothing to me ('cept Rocket, who I have in a couple of Alpha-related Hulk appearances, though only in flashback (Bereet, too; blink and you'll miss her in the movie) and his MPC collection) actually makes me like the movie more -
    because they took a version of the team I didn't care in the slightest about, and made a movie I love about them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Underwhelming because it's been touted as a cinematic masterpiece and the greatest film of all time and perfect and so on and so on.
    I haven't heard much of that. There's the stuff Tawmis said (and I'm glad he loves it so much!), but I haven't heard it that hyped anywhere else.
    No wonder you were disappointed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    That probably says more of my opinion of the other Marvel Studios films, to be fair...
    Hence, 'tough crowd'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    That's me!

    ~ Le Messor
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  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I haven't heard much of that. There's the stuff Tawmis said (and I'm glad he loves it so much!)
    Can you really blame me? Because really, no one here really gives a flying ▓▓▓▓ about my opinions. Ever.

  12. #12


    The only Guardians stuff I've ever read are the MPC 24 & 26 collections so Yondu's the only character I actually know from the pages, which is probably why I disliked what he became.

    I know of Starlord, Rocket & Groot from all the hype over the last few years but never actually read anything with them in, but yeah, nothing would have been lost for me if Rocket wasn't in the film at all.

  13. #13


    I don't agree with them personally on this occasion but I fully support them and your right to have them.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I don't agree with them personally on this occasion but I fully support them and your right to have them.
    That's all right, Phil. I think we may be the only two people that actually like Wyre.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    I haven't seen it but will, Tawmis, and I do appreciate your opinion. After all, it's how I learn about such things, from enthusiastic people like you on this topic. I'm one of those people who has to be in the 'right frame of mind' to enjoy a film usually (though yes, some films really suck no matter what and some are good no matter what). When I went to Mars Attacks! years ago with my brother he hated it but I loved it; he expected another Independence Day, I expected fun. Few people I know saw GotG but really liked it. They liked the humour, action, and character development and that it had a story, an actual story (unlike Amazing SM 2, Spiderman 2 or 3, Batman with Heath….).
    Hah! "enthusiastic people" - you're too kind, Mokole. You can call me what I am. Fanatic. It's all right. I have accepted it!

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Can you really blame me?
    For having an opinion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Because really, no one here really gives a flying ▓▓▓▓ about my opinions. Ever.
    Sorry you feel that way; but I've seen enough to know why you do.

    Mokole, I hope you see the movie and enjoy it. I don't know how to get you in the right frame of mind, though.
    I know! Go to the library at dawn, with the candlestick. That'll frame you.

    ~ Le Messor
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